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and Managing


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Learning Objectives

LO 12-1Explain how companies manage

existing products through line extensions
product modifications
LO 12-2Describe how businesses
develop a
product idea into a
commercial product
LO 12-3Discuss the importance of
product differentiation and the elements
differentiate one product from

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Learning Objectives

LO 12-4Explain how businesses position

LO 12-5Discuss how product deletion is
used to improve product mixes
LO 12-6Describe organizational
structures used for managing products

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Managing Existing Products


OOrganizations must be able to

adjust their products features

in response to changes in
customers needs
O A marketer must develop, alter and

maintain an effective product mix

O By assessing the current product mix, a
marketer can identify weaknesses and
gaps which can lead to improving the
product mix through
O Line Extensions


O Product Modifications
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Line Extensions

OA line extension is the

development of a product
closely related to existing
products in the line but
designed specifically to meet
different customer needs
O Less risky and less costly than

introducing a new product

OLine extensions may

O Increase sales

O Take market share from competitors

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Product Modifications

OA product modification means

changing one or more

characteristics of a product
O Differs from a line extension because

the original product drops from the

product line
O Certain conditions must exist for the
modification to work
O The product must be modifiable
O Customers must recognize the modification
O The modification should make the product


more consistent with customers desires

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Product Modifications

OThree major types of product

O Quality modifications are changes to

a products dependability and durability

O Functional modifications are
changes that affect a products
versatility, effectiveness, convenience
or safety
O Aesthetic modifications are changes
to the sensory appeal of a product

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Point Product

A few years ago, Apple released a

Look at the

following examples
of product
changes. Identify
the type of product


new model of the iPhone equipped

with the intelligent personal
assistant Siri.
Gap introduces a popular summer
T-shirt in a new color.
Kraft begins changing the
packaging of its snack foods to
make them easier for elderly
customers to open.
Prada decided to change the
design of one of its more
expensive handbags.
Smartphones are being made
waterproof in case of accidents.
A coffee shop decides to offer its
coffees made with organic milk.

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Developing New Products


ODeveloping new products

enhances a product mix and

adds depth to a product line
O Introducing new products can be

expensive and risky

O New product failures often occur and can

create major financial problems for an


O Failing to introduce new products is also

O Companies can lose market share with failure


to innovate and keep up with competitive

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Developing New Products


OThe term new product may

have more than one meaning

O A new product can be an innovative


product that has never been sold by

any organization
O A new product can be a modified
product that existed previously
O A new product may be a product a
specific company has not marketed
previously but similar products have
been available from other companies
O A product can be viewed as new when it
is brought to one or more markets from

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Figure 12.1 Phases of NewProduct Development



nt process
is a sevenphase
process for

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Idea Generation

OIdea generation is the activity

of seeking product ideas to

achieve organizational
O There is a relationship between the

amount of market research gathered

and the number of ideas generated by
work groups
O One trend is engaging customers online

OIdeas can come from several


O Internally through departments or

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OScreening means selecting the

ideas with the greatest potential

for further review
O Ideas are analyzed to determine whether


they match the organizations objectives

and resources
O Keeping the product idea in focus and on
track by understanding consumer needs
and wants is the key to success
O A checklist is often used encouraging
evaluators to be systematic
O Most new products are rejected during
this phase

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Concept Testing

OConcept testing is seeking a

sample of potential buyers

responses to a product idea
O Often necessary in order to evaluate


ideas properly
O A low-cost procedure allowing the
company to determine customers initial
reactions before investing resources in
research and development
O The result of concept testing can help
marketers understand which attributes
and benefits are most important to
potential customers

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Business Analysis

OBusiness analysis involves

evaluating the potential impact

of a product idea on the firms
sales, costs and profits
O Marketers ask a series of questions and


attempt to answer them through market

O Results of customer surveys and
secondary data supply the specifics
needed to estimate potential sales,
costs and profits
O Analysis based on estimates is useful
but not precise

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Product Development

OProduct development is

determining if producing a
product is technically feasible
and cost effective
O To test acceptability, the idea is


converted into a prototype or working

O The prototype is tested for overall
functioning both in the lab and in the
O Crucial questions during this phase
include how much quality to build into
the product

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For the following
examples, identify the
stage of the productdevelopment process
that applies:

Samsung determines whether developing

a smartwatch would contribute

significantly to sales and profits.
Tide released a smaller, more basic

version of its detergent in the Southeast

to see how it would sell.
A team at 3M gets together to brainstorm

on new product introductions.

Starbucks provides a small group of

customers with a written description of a

new drink to gauge their reaction.
A car company is in the process of

building a car that uses hydrogen for fuel.

Caterpillar just released a new model of

bulldozer across the United States.

New product ideas at McDonalds are

analyzed to determine whether they are

feasible and match the companys

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Test Marketing

OTest marketing is a limited

introduction of a product in
geographic areas chosen to
represent the intended market
O The aim is to determine if potential


customers will buy the product and used

to lessen the risk of product failure
O Selection of test areas is important to
provide accurate representation of the
intended market
O Test marketing is expensive and
competitors may try to interfere
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OCommercialization is refining

and finalizing plans and

budgets for full-scale
manufacturing and marketing
of a product
O Marketers analyze results of test


marketing and make needed changes to

the marketing mix
O During this stage, decisions are made
on services such as warranties, repairs
and replacement parts
O Product enters the market with

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Figure 12.3 Stages of Expansion

into a National Market during
A roll-out is introducing a product in
stages starting in one geographic area
and expanding

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Product Differentiation

OProduct differentiation is

creating and designing

products so customers perceive
them as different from
competing products
O Customer perception is critical

OThree aspects of product

differentiation companies must

O Product Quality

O Product Design and Features

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Product Quality

OProduct Quality
O The overall characteristics of a product

that allow it to perform as expected in

satisfying customer needs

OLevel of Quality
O The amount of quality a product


OConsistency of Quality
O The degree to which a product has the

same level of quality over time


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Product Design and Features


OProduct Design how a

product is conceived, planned

and produced
O Styling the physical appearance of a


OProduct Features specific

design characteristics that

allow a product to perform
certain tasks
O Marketers must determine the product

designs and features customers desire

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Product Support Services


OCustomer Services human

or mechanical efforts or
activities that add value to a
OExamples include:


Customer training



Layaway plans

Convenient hours

Adequate parking

Toll-free numbers


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Product Positioning

OProduct positioning refers to the

decisions and activities

intended to create and
maintain a certain concept of
the product in customers
O This projected image is crucial because


consumers tend to group, or position,

products in their minds to simplify
buying decisions
O Perceptual maps are created by
questioning a sample of consumers

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Bases for Positioning


OMarketers can use several

bases for product positioning

O Head-to head best when products are

equal and if price is lower

O Avoid competition critical when
introducing a brand into a market in
which the company already has one or
more brands
O Position can be based on specific
product attributes or features
O Other bases include price, quality level and


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OA brands market share and

profitability may be
strengthened by product
repositioning of existing
O Requires changes in perception and


usually changes in product features

O Repositioning can be accomplished by
changing any aspect of the marketing
O A marketer may reposition a product by
aiming it at a completely different

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Look at the following types of vehicle.

Based on the perceptual map, where

does each vehicle fit in terms of
performance, environmental
consciousness, and size.
Ford F-150
Mercedes S-Class
Ford Escape Hybrid
Ford Focus
Chevy Volt

Cadillac SUV


Environmental Consciousness


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Product Deletion

OProduct deletion means

eliminating a product from the

product mix when it no longer
satisfies a sufficient number of
O Declining products reduce profitability


and drain resources

O A dying product may lose favor with
customers and negative feelings may
transfer to a companys other products
O Product deletions may be met with
opposition by management, sales

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Product Deletion

OA systematic review allows an

organization to improve a
product or delete a product
OThree ways to delete a product
O Phase-out allows a product to decline

without a change in marketing strategy

O Run-out exploits any strengths left in
the product
O Immediate drop used when losses are
too great

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Figure 12.5 Product Deletion



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Organizing to Develop and

Manage Products

OProduct Manager the

person within an organization

who is responsible for a
product, a product line or
several distinct products that
make up a group
OBrand Manager the person

responsible for a single brand


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Organizing to Develop and

Manage Products

OMarket Manager the person

responsible for managing the

marketing activities that serve
a particular group of customers
OVenture team a cross-

functional group that creates

entirely new products that may
be aimed at new markets

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Point Zipcar

Zipcar is a car-sharing service that

promotes itself as an alternative

to the hassle of owning an
expensive car. Company members
can reserve and rent cars by the
hour or by the day, with gas and
insurance included for up to 180
miles. Zipcar claims it saves
people hundreds of dollars each
month. Zipcar has developed a
partnership with Ford, making
Ford Zipcars largest provider for
its University program.
How does Zipcar differentiate its

product from competitors?

Which stage of product
development is Zipcar in?

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