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Unit Plan
Tim Kearney

Part 2:
Research Questions
How can I incorporate all four of the
learning styles with this topic?
How is Language Arts related to this topic?
What objects connect to this topic that
students are aware of?
How long do I teach about this topic?
How much about this topic do my students
already know?

Part 3:


Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation
Language Arts:

1.5: Quality of Writing

A: Write with a focus, with an understanding of topic,
task, and audience.
The students will formulate a paragraph by describing and
explaining why magnets stick to other objects.

Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation
Language Arts:
1.5: Quality of Writing
F: Use grade appropriate conventions of language
when writing and editing.
Spell common, frequently used words correctly.
Use capital letters correctly.
Punctuate correctly.
Use correct grammar and sentence formation.

The students will brainstorm and compose sentences by

discussing what object is behind magnetic letters.

Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation

2.9: Geometry
A: Name, describe and draw/build 2- and 3-dimensional

The students will construct two dimensional shapes by

using magnetic manipulatives.

Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation

2.9: Geometry
A: Name, describe and draw/build 2- and 3-dimensional

The students will build three dimensional shapes by using

magnetic manipulatives.

Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation
Social Studies:
Basic Geographic Literacy
A: Identify how basic geographic tools are used to
organize and interpret information about people, places
and environment.

Students will compare and contrast the four different

cardinal directions by describing their characteristics.

Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation
Social Studies:
Basic Geographic Literacy
A: Identify how basic geographic tools are used to
organize and interpret information about people, places
and environment.

Students will experiment with direction by creating their

own compass and using magnets.

Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation

3.2: Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics

3.2.B: Physics
B4: Identify and classify objects and materials as magnetic
or non-magnetic.

Students will classify and differentiate north and south

poles characteristics by experimenting with different

Part 4: Standard &

Performance Expectation

3.2: Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics

3.2.B: Physics
B4: Identify and classify objects and materials as magnetic
or non-magnetic.

Students will identify and differentiate the various

properties of magnetism by experimenting with objects that
are both magnetic and non magnetic by charting each
objects magnetic properties.

Part 5:
Why are you teaching this Unit?
I am teaching this unit because I want to ensure that
my students have an understanding of what Magnetism
is. This unit will give them the knowledge of a common
object that is seen all around them, from the magnets
on their trains to the magnets on their refrigerator, the
students seen magnets on a daily basis.

Part 5:
Why is this topic important?
I believe this topic is extremely important for
students to understand. Having the opportunity to
connect magnetism to other content areas was an
interesting and difficult experience. Overall, this
topic is important because I believe it is not
stressed enough.

Part 5:
Why are you going to teach it the way you are?

I am going to teach this lesson in different content

areas to show students the importance of
magnetism in their daily lives. Focusing on such a
common object could help students build
connections to the lessons, like I have a magnet
on my fridge! or I have one on my train!

Part 6:
Magnets. (2012). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from


How to Make Three Dimensional Shapes With Magnetix.

(n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from
How to make a compass - Gift of Curiosity. (2014, October
7). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from

Part 6:
Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015,
Close reading magnetism writing assignment. (2014,
February 10). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from
Huldie, J. (2015). Circumference and Area of a Circle: A
Middle School Math Hands-On Lesson. Retrieved April
17, 2015, from

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