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Industrial Revolution

Inventions Galore (Industrial)

1733: John Kay invented the flying shuttle that enabled one
worker to double his output (to weave thread faster).
1760s: James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny which
enabled a weaver to work with 6-8 different threads at a time
1769: Richard Arkwright invented a water frame that used
water power to drive spinning machines
1779: Samuel Crompton created the spinning mule that
made thread that was stronger and finer than earlier machines
1785: Edmund Cartwright invented a power loom that used
waterpower to speed production
In the 1700s, the Englishman Thomas Newcomen built the first
usable steam engine
James Watt (1736-1819) Steam Engine was first used to drive
pumps in coal mines but, after 1800, propelled boats and trains
(the American Robert Fulton was the first to use a steam
engine to sail a boat in 1807).

Lets get this over with

1) Richard Trevithicksorry dude.
2) George Stephensonreally? A Rocket?

3) Matthew Murray???? Who the hell is that?

An Introduction: Pre 1800

1) Agriculture
2) Small-scale trade
3) Limited manufacturing
First phase
1) Intensification of forms of production
2) Before 1850 ________________manufacturing
remained the most important way of producing
goods; _________________________continue in
order to avoid the restrictive and high costs
associated with

Interregnum Phase: C & C Change Everything

Influx of cash crops (Not those), such

as.fueled the Industrial Revolution.
Cotton was the last of those crops and led
directly to large-scale textile manufacturing.
When combined with the discovery of coal the
Industrial Revolution had all its raw materials.

Phase Two: Growth of

After 1850, more and more manufacturing
moved to factories in cities and the
production and manufacturing of steel
drove industrial economies.
What powered the earliest factories???
Consolidated workforces grew and by 1900
more than 50% of all workers in Britain
and Germany worked in firms with more
than 20 workers.
As opposed to the smaller firms of the

Why the Growth??? Political


Governments sought to pay greater attention to

cleanliness, sewage disposal, and
The 19th century was a relatively peaceful one with
only a few brief and limited wars such as the
Crimean War (_________) and the FrancoPrussian War (_________)
In England the stable oligarchy helped expansion
In France turmoil hurt expansion
In German States the Zollverein tariff free area
that incorporated 80% of the territory of the
German states allowed for magnates like Alfred
Krupp (1812-87).

Crimean War (1853-56)

Economic Ingredients
Improved Agricultural Production caused by
Crop rotation
End of Little Ice age and warmer climates
England was the leader in all of these
England took advantage of these combined
advances and better climate
Potatoes a prime example
Living standards rose and workers had better
diets meat was no longer a luxury
This all leads to.

The Social Ingredients: POPULATION EXPLOSION

Europe: 1700 1850: 146 million added to

1700: 120 million 1850: 266 million
France: 19 million in 1700 to 36.5 million by 1850
England: 9 million in 1700 to 21 million by 1850
The population of the German states: 24.5 to 32
million from 1800 to 1850
Spain: 6 million in 1700 to 15.5 million by 1850.
Medical personnel also began to use
vaccinations against diseases such as smallpox.

Is it all Good????
Thomas Malthus (17661834)
Argued in his Essay on the
Principle of Population
(1798) that population
growth would outstrip
agricultural output.

Social: Middle (MC) and Lower Class

1) Perhaps 15-20% of the population (MC). At the
top were bankers and industrialists, followed
by small business owners, lawyers and
government workers. At the bottom of the MC
were small shop owners, caf owners, school
teachers, and some craftsmen. (Still in
2) Loss of skills as machines replaced their (MC
craftsmen) work, new skills were needed, such
as engineering skills to oversee, design, and
repair machinery. Enormous growth in the size
of the lower middle class clerks,
accountants, government workers, and more

Social: Middle Class Cont

3) Proud of its status and compared itself to the
lazy, landed nobles who did little work. The MC
was the useful class. And it was based on a
set of values such as hard work, industry, thrift,
and sobriety! (This leads to social moves in?)
4) Luxuries, including separate dining rooms and
kitchens and flush toilets. Pianos, other musical
instruments became more common. Travel for
leisure became more common. The MC also
sought to segregate itself away from the
working class areas. (Look at urban area

Middle Cont
5) Separate spheres for men and women. Marriage
traditionally designed to increase the wealth of a
family but love increasingly played a role.
Childhood, at least for MC families, began to be an
accepted concept the idea that children had distinct
needs and needed to be treated differently than
6) Men viewed women as virtuous and as angels
whose role was to provide comfort and happiness to
all, prepare or supervise meals, and oversee servants.
Most middle class women accepted and encouraged
these ideas but some women did not. Feminist
movements began to take root in many European
nations. (What did this lead to?)

Man of

Henry Bessemer (18131898)

Found a way to make a less
brittle, stronger iron which he
eventually called Bessemer
Bessemer Converters
The two main ingredients for
steel were coke (derived
from coal) and iron ore.
Second Industrial

More Industry
1) Trains imperative for infrastructure and
) by
) by
) by
) by


Britain had 400 miles of RR track.

RR construction employed 200,000 men
Britain had 6,600 miles of RR track
RRs employed 600,000 people

2) Cars Karl Benz (1886); internal combustion

3) Zeppelins???? Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin
4) Planes The Wright Brothers (1903)

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