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Everyday Rhetoric

Samuel Faries

Clock Tower
Clock tower says to
College students that they
should be timely and
on schedule.

Fraternities / sororities
Fraternities or sororities
signs say we are the best
come join something that
will last a lifetime.

Pedestrian Sign
Pedestrian sign says to
motorists caution watch
for crossing pedestrians.

American Flag
The American flag - The union encasing 50
stars represents the 50 states coming
together to make one great nation.
The red reminds us of the blood sacrificed
by soldiers fighting for our freedoms.
The white represents purity of a clean and honorable nation.

Passing campus this is the tallest building that you see.
The Library is also open 24/7 and at night the building is lit well
so it can be seen . This represents the unccs determination
for accademic exelence.

Speed bump
Speed bump painted yellow
represents caution to
remind speeders to
slow down in parking lots or
places where pedestrians
might cross.

Compass on a college campus
represents to students that
they must choose a direction for
their life here at college.

Charlotte Shirt
This shirt displays determination
of the person to do well in college
and pursue their dreams.

Wedding Bands
Wedding Bands symbolizes
the vow that two people make
to one another.

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