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DPS Quiz Club
Session 5
Anshul Roy

20 Questions 25 minutes
The team besides you has written the wrong
answer. So, please dont copy.
No negative markings.
Answers are easier than they appear
Top 8 teams would qualify for the next round.
Some questions are star-marked and
would be used to resolve tie-breakers. Please
note them down in your answer sheets.
Kindly refrain from Cybernetic investigations.
Hints on special request. (Valid only if the QM
is in a good mood)

The more you

stare at the
the more the
ANSWER stares

Hey Ho, Lets Go!

- The Ramones

X is a genus of rhizostome jellyfish with only
one known species, X rieki, found off the central
eastern coast of Australia.
The specific epithet refers to Denis Riek, who
photographed a specimen in northern New
South Wales, leading to the discovery.
The genus name, X, has two cultural references:
firstly, as a word meaning "fooled you", as the
small size of the jellyfish resulted in the species
to be mistaken as a juvenile of other species,
such as the similar Catostylus mosaicus. The
term X is also the name given to a seven-string
harp. The straight radial canals of this new
species are reminiscent of such strings.
Identify X.

During the Christmas season, the man of the
house would go into the woods and search for a
really thick log. He would take it home, put it
towards the back of the fireplace, build a goodsized fire, and let the fire burn. Since it was an
extremely large log called a yule log in
honor of the season it took a very long time to
burn. The custom was that, as long as the yule
log was burning, the man could blow off work
and most of the daily tasks. Of course, that
meant the work piled up. But so what? He would
drink another bottle of whisky and forget about
This is the origin of an English word. What word?

During the Mughal period, X was used like
a cloth to wipe off the excess oil off the
hands after the completion of an oil-rich
food, laden with meat and fat.
X was specifically prepared by the cooks
of the Mughal emperors for this purpose.
Nowadays, X is a very popular food item.
Identify X.

In the 1984-1985 season, India and
Pakistan were playing an ODI match at
Sialkot. India was in a fairly strong position
with the scorecard reading at 210 runs for
3 wickets. Dilip Vengasarkar was batting at
But the match was suddenly abandoned
because something happened while the
match was going on.
Why was the match stopped suddenly?

*Q 5*
Here are some theories why X chose Y as Z

Y in binary representation is 101010, which is cool.

In base thirteen, 6 times 9 is Y, thus answering Z.
A rainbow is created when light refracts off water by Y degrees.
Y is the average number of lines on an average page of an
average paperback.
Lewis Carroll loved Y and used it extensively.

However when X was asked in an interview why

he chose Y as Z, he was annoyed and replied
It was a joke. It had to be a _______, an ordinary, smallish _______,
and I chose that one. I wanted a nice, ordinary ______, one that you
wouldnt mind taking home and introducing to your parents.
Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all
complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and
thought to myself Y will do'. I typed it out. End of story.

Identify X, Y and Z.

*Q 6*
Mark Spitz, the American swimmer and 9
time Olympic gold medal winner once
replied to an interview question No. It
helps me in streamlining and swim
What was he being asked about?

Which famous companys CEO once said
I have done more than anyone else
to change the face of mankind.?

The lady in the picture is Tipper Gore. In
1980s, after she heard her son saying
foul words after listening to a music
album, she started a movement which led
to a major change in the music industry.
What change?

Incas performed Capacocha during or after
important events such as the death of the
Emperor or during a famine. Children were
selected for Capacocha as they were
considered to be the purest of beings.
These children were also physically perfect
and healthy, because they were the best
the people could present to their gods. The
children may be as young as 6 and as old
as 15.
What is Capacocha?

Q 10
While working at the Dept. of interior design
at Budapest in Hungary, Erno X, in order to
explain 3D objects to his students invented
Soon, it became a rage in Europe and was
nicknamed Hungarian Horror. They soon
started marketing it and it was to be called
Gordion Knot.
But, due to inherent complexity, they named
it after the inventor.
What popular past-time am I talking about?

Q 11
X is an American rock band formed in Palm
Springs, California in the year 1998. It was formed
by Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme. The origin of the
bands name X has a very interesting story behind
it. Jesse Hughes once stated that he was once in a
bar where a man was dancing to the song Winds
Of Change by the Scorpions. When he asked the
man what he was doing, the man yelled - This is Y
dude.; to which Jesse Hughes replied back No
its not. This is like the X.. This comment made
reference to a famous rock band Z.
Currently, the members of the band X are suffering
from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Identify X.

Q 12
Operation Polo, the code name of the "Police
Action" in state of X was a military operation
in September 1948 in which the Indian Armed
Forces invaded the State and overthrew its
ruler, annexing the state into the Indian
Union.The operation led to massive violence
on communal lines. The Indian prime minister
Jawaharlal Nehru appointed a commission
known as the Sunderlal Committee. Its report,
which was not released until 2013, concluded
that "as a conservative estimate...27,000 to
40,000 people had lost their lives during and
after the police action."
Which state was X?

*Q 13*
Put funda and connect (Exhaustive list)
Turing Award
Fields Medal
Abel Prize
Pritzker Prize
Right Livelihood Prize
Holberg Prize
Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science
Polar Music Prize
Vautrin Lud Prize
W. Wallace McDowell Prize
Ernst von Siemens Music Prize

Q 14
The American Farm Bureau Federation
(AFBF), commonly referred to as the Farm
Bureau, is a non-profit organization and
describes itself as the largest general farm
organization in the USA.
In November 2010, X acquired the domain
name from the American Farm
Bureau Federation for a price of $8.5
Identify X and Y.

Q 15
This substance is made primarily from
Cinnabar which is the natural ore of Mercury.
The chemical structure of the substance is
HgS, that is Mercuric Sulphide. Like most
Mercury compounds it is toxic. It also has
concentrations of Lead Tetraoxide which led
the US FDA to recall this product.
However, its use continued to flourish in
India, and probably will never diminish. This
product is mostly used in India as a beauty
product and also is an important part of the
Indian tradition.
Which product?

*Q 16*
X was built in the 16th Century. It is one of
the major arteries connecting India and
Pakistan. Rudyard Kipling, in his Nobel
Prize winning book Kim describes X as
Such a river of life as nowhere else exists
in this world.
Y is an educational institution, built in the
year 1959. Y is situated on the banks of
this River Of Life.
Identify X and Y.

*Q 17*
Mohammed Awad ______ was a Saudi Businessman working
primarily in the construction business. He was born in Yemen. Poor
and uneducated, during WW1 he started working as a labourer in a
sea port in Jeddah. In 1930, he started his own construction
business and eventually became the 5th richest man in Saudi
Arabia. His company eventually was worth $7 Billion. He had 77
children from 22 wives. Despite being very rich and having royal
connections, he lived a relatively simple and devout life. He forced
his children to observe a strict religious and moral code. This kind
of upbringing had a significant impact on one of his sons, X.
Mohammed Awad ______ divorced Xs mother, just after X was
born. Hence, X had to relentlessly fight for his share in his fathers
fortune. Finally, X inherited $30 million.
After graduating from college, with a degree in Economics and
Business administration, X left Saudi Arabia and he used his
inherited money to finance some of his activities which had a
significant impact on World History. Identify X.

Q 18
This word was first coined during World
War 2 to describe a powerful bomb which
could destroy large parts of the city.
However, its most popular usage, is in an
entirely different field.
Which word?

Q 19
Bart to the future is an episode from the 11th
Season of the TV show The Simpsons.
Released back in 2000, it predicts an American
future where Barts sister, Lisa, is the first
female president of USA, trying to rebuild a
broken nation whose economy is in the gutter.
In 2015, the episode has gone viral. However,
the cause is not due to Hillarys candidacy and
the fact that she might, indeed, become the
1st female president of the USA, but due to
another aspect of the episode.
What aspect am I talking about?

Q 20
Valentina Tereshkova was the 1st woman to
have flown in space, having been selected
from more than 400 applicants and 5 finalists
to pilot Vostok 6 on 16th June 1963. In order to
join the Cosmonaut Corps, Tereshkova was
honorarily inducted into the Soviet Air Force
and thus she also became the 1st civilian to fly
in space. At the opening ceremony of the 2014
Winter Olympics, she was a carrier of the
Olympic flag and torch.
In 2013, she offered to do something if the
opportunity arose.
What did she offer to do?

X is a genus of rhizostome jellyfish with only
one known species, X rieki, found off the central
eastern coast of Australia.
The specific epithet refers to Denis Riek, who
photographed a specimen in northern New
South Wales, leading to the discovery.
The genus name, X, has two cultural references:
firstly, as a word meaning "fooled you", as the
small size of the jellyfish resulted in the species
to be mistaken as a juvenile of other species,
such as the similar Catostylus mosaicus. The
term X is also the name given to a seven-string
harp. The straight radial canals of this new
species are reminiscent of such strings.
Identify X.

During the Christmas season, the man of the
house would go into the woods and search for a
really thick log. He would take it home, put it
towards the back of the fireplace, build a goodsized fire, and let the fire burn. Since it was an
extremely large log called a yule log in
honor of the season it took a very long time to
burn. The custom was that, as long as the yule
log was burning, the man could blow off work
and most of the daily tasks. Of course, that
meant the work piled up. But so what? He would
drink another bottle of whisky and forget about
This is the origin of an English word. What word?

During the Mughal period, X was used like
a cloth to wipe off the excess oil off the
hands after the completion of an oil-rich
food, laden with meat and fat.
X was specifically prepared by the cooks
of the Mughal emperors for this purpose.
Nowadays, X is a very popular food item.
Identify X.

In the 1984-1985 season, India and
Pakistan were playing an ODI match at
Sialkot. India was in a fairly strong position
with the scorecard reading at 210 runs for
3 wickets. Dilip Vengasarkar was batting at
But the match was suddenly abandoned
because something happened while the
match was going on.
Why was the match stopped suddenly?

*Q 5*
Here are some theories why X chose Y as Z

Y in binary representation is 101010, which is cool.

In base thirteen, 6 times 9 is Y, thus answering Z.
A rainbow is created when light refracts off water by Y degrees.
Y is the average number of lines on an average page of an
average paperback.
Lewis Carroll loved Y and used it extensively.

However when X was asked in an interview why

he chose Y as Z, he was annoyed and replied
It was a joke. It had to be a _______, an ordinary, smallish _______,
and I chose that one. I wanted a nice, ordinary ______, one that you
wouldnt mind taking home and introducing to your parents.
Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all
complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and
thought to myself Y will do'. I typed it out. End of story.

Identify X, Y and Z.

*Q 6*
Mark Spitz, the American swimmer and 9
time Olympic gold medal winner once
replied to an interview question No. It
helps me in streamlining and swim
What was he being asked about?

Which famous companys CEO once said
I have done more than anyone else
to change the face of mankind.?

The lady in the picture is Tipper Gore. In
1980s, after she heard her son saying
foul words after listening to a music
album, she started a movement which led
to a major change in the music industry.
What change?

Incas performed Capacocha during or after
important events such as the death of the
Emperor or during a famine. Children were
selected for Capacocha as they were
considered to be the purest of beings.
These children were also physically perfect
and healthy, because they were the best
the people could present to their gods. The
children may be as young as 6 and as old
as 15.
What is Capacocha?

Q 10
While working at the Dept. of interior design
at Budapest in Hungary, Erno X, in order to
explain 3D objects to his students invented
Soon, it became a rage in Europe and was
nicknamed Hungarian Horror. They soon
started marketing it and it was to be called
Gordion Knot.
But, due to inherent complexity, they named
it after the inventor.
What popular past-time am I talking about?

Q 11
X is an American rock band formed in Palm
Springs, California in the year 1998. It was formed
by Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme. The origin of the
bands name X has a very interesting story behind
it. Jesse Hughes once stated that he was once in a
bar where a man was dancing to the song Winds
Of Change by the Scorpions. When he asked the
man what he was doing, the man yelled - This is Y
dude.; to which Jesse Hughes replied back No
its not. This is like the X.. This comment made
reference to a famous rock band Z.
Currently, the members of the band X are suffering
from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Identify X.

Q 12
Operation Polo, the code name of the "Police
Action" in state of X was a military operation
in September 1948 in which the Indian Armed
Forces invaded the State and overthrew its
ruler, annexing the state into the Indian
Union.The operation led to massive violence
on communal lines. The Indian prime minister
Jawaharlal Nehru appointed a commission
known as the Sunderlal Committee. Its report,
which was not released until 2013, concluded
that "as a conservative estimate...27,000 to
40,000 people had lost their lives during and
after the police action."
Which state was X?

*Q 13*
Put funda and connect (Exhaustive list)
Turing Award
Fields Medal
Abel Prize
Pritzker Prize
Right Livelihood Prize
Holberg Prize
Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science
Polar Music Prize
Vautrin Lud Prize
W. Wallace McDowell Prize
Ernst von Siemens Music Prize

Q 14
The American Farm Bureau Federation
(AFBF), commonly referred to as the Farm
Bureau, is a non-profit organization and
describes itself as the largest general farm
organization in the USA.
In November 2010, X acquired the domain
name from the American Farm
Bureau Federation for a price of $8.5
Identify X and Y.

Q 15
This substance is made primarily from
Cinnabar which is the natural ore of Mercury.
The chemical structure of the substance is
HgS, that is Mercuric Sulphide. Like most
Mercury compounds it is toxic. It also has
concentrations of Lead Tetraoxide which led
the US FDA to recall this product.
However, its use continued to flourish in
India, and probably will never diminish. This
product is mostly used in India as a beauty
product and also is an important part of the
Indian tradition.
Which product?

*Q 16*
X was built in the 16th Century. It is one of
the major arteries connecting India and
Pakistan. Rudyard Kipling, in his Nobel
Prize winning book Kim describes X as
Such a river of life as nowhere else exists
in this world.
Y is an educational institution, built in the
year 1959. Y is situated on the banks of
this River Of Life.
Identify X and Y.

*Q 17*
Mohammed Awad ______ was a Saudi Businessman working
primarily in the construction business. He was born in Yemen. Poor
and uneducated, during WW1 he started working as a labourer in a
sea port in Jeddah. In 1930, he started his own construction
business and eventually became the 5th richest man in Saudi
Arabia. His company eventually was worth $7 Billion. He had 77
children from 22 wives. Despite being very rich and having royal
connections, he lived a relatively simple and devout life. He forced
his children to observe a strict religious and moral code. This kind
of upbringing had a significant impact on one of his sons, X.
Mohammed Awad ______ divorced Xs mother, just after X was
born. Hence, X had to relentlessly fight for his share in his fathers
fortune. Finally, X inherited $30 million.
After graduating from college, with a degree in Economics and
Business administration, X left Saudi Arabia and he used his
inherited money to finance some of his activities which had a
significant impact on World History. Identify X.

Q 18
This word was first coined during World
War 2 to describe a powerful bomb which
could destroy large parts of the city.
However, its most popular usage, is in an
entirely different field.
Which word?

Q 19
Bart to the future is an episode from the 11th
Season of the TV show The Simpsons.
Released back in 2000, it predicts an American
future where Barts sister, Lisa, is the first
female president of USA, trying to rebuild a
broken nation whose economy is in the gutter.
In 2015, the episode has gone viral. However,
the cause is not due to Hillarys candidacy and
the fact that she might, indeed, become the
1st female president of the USA, but due to
another aspect of the episode.
What aspect am I talking about?

Q 20
Valentina Tereshkova was the 1st woman to
have flown in space, having been selected
from more than 400 applicants and 5 finalists
to pilot Vostok 6 on 16th June 1963. In order to
join the Cosmonaut Corps, Tereshkova was
honorarily inducted into the Soviet Air Force
and thus she also became the 1st civilian to fly
in space. At the opening ceremony of the 2014
Winter Olympics, she was a carrier of the
Olympic flag and torch.
In 2013, she offered to do something if the
opportunity arose.
What did she offer to do?

Hand over your answer


X is a genus of rhizostome jellyfish with only
one known species, X rieki, found off the central
eastern coast of Australia.
The specific epithet refers to Denis Riek, who
photographed a specimen in northern New
South Wales, leading to the discovery.
The genus name, X, has two cultural references:
firstly, as a word meaning "fooled you", as the
small size of the jellyfish resulted in the species
to be mistaken as a juvenile of other species,
such as the similar Catostylus mosaicus. The
term X is also the name given to a seven-string
harp. The straight radial canals of this new
species are reminiscent of such strings.
Identify X.


During the Christmas season, the man of the
house would go into the woods and search for a
really thick log. He would take it home, put it
towards the back of the fireplace, build a goodsized fire, and let the fire burn. Since it was an
extremely large log called a yule log in
honor of the season it took a very long time to
burn. The custom was that, as long as the yule
log was burning, the man could blow off work
and most of the daily tasks. Of course, that
meant the work piled up. But so what? He would
drink another bottle of whisky and forget about
This is the origin of an English word. What word?


During the Mughal period, X was used like
a cloth to wipe off the excess oil off the
hands after the completion of an oil-rich
food, laden with meat and fat.
X was specifically prepared by the cooks
of the Mughal emperors for this purpose.
Nowadays, X is a very popular food item.
Identify X.

Rumali Roti

In the 1984-1985 season, India and
Pakistan were playing an ODI match at
Sialkot. India was in a fairly strong position
with the scorecard reading at 210 runs for
3 wickets. Dilip Vengasarkar was batting at
But the match was suddenly abandoned
because something happened while the
match was going on.
Why was the match stopped suddenly?

Indira Gandhi was assassinated

*Q 5*
Here are some theories why X chose Y as Z

Y in binary representation is 101010, which is cool.

In base thirteen, 6 times 9 is Y, thus answering Z.
A rainbow is created when light refracts off water by Y degrees.
Y is the average number of lines on an average page of an
average paperback.
Lewis Carroll loved Y and used it extensively.

However when X was asked in an interview why

he chose Y as Z, he was annoyed and replied
It was a joke. It had to be a _______, an ordinary, smallish _______,
and I chose that one. I wanted a nice, ordinary ______, one that you
wouldnt mind taking home and introducing to your parents.
Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all
complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and
thought to myself Y will do'. I typed it out. End of story.

Identify X, Y and Z.

X = Douglas Adams
Y = 42
Z = The Answer to the ultimate question
of life, the universe and everything

*Q 6*
Mark Spitz, the American swimmer and 9
time Olympic gold medal winner once
replied to an interview question No. It
helps me in streamlining and swim
What was he being asked about?

His moustache

Which famous companys CEO once said
I have done more than anyone else
to change the face of mankind.?


The lady in the picture is Tipper Gore. In
1980s, after she heard her son saying
foul words after listening to a music
album, she started a movement which led
to a major change in the music industry.
What change?


Incas performed Capacocha during or after
important events such as the death of the
Emperor or during a famine. Children were
selected for Capacocha as they were
considered to be the purest of beings.
These children were also physically perfect
and healthy, because they were the best
the people could present to their gods. The
children may be as young as 6 and as old
as 15.
What is Capacocha?

Human sacrifice

Q 10
While working at the Dept. of interior design
at Budapest in Hungary, Erno X, in order to
explain 3D objects to his students invented
Soon, it became a rage in Europe and was
nicknamed Hungarian Horror. They soon
started marketing it and it was to be called
Gordion Knot.
But, due to inherent complexity, they named
it after the inventor.
What popular past-time am I talking about?

Rubiks Cube

Q 11
X is an American rock band formed in Palm
Springs, California in the year 1998. It was formed
by Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme. The origin of the
bands name X has a very interesting story behind
it. Jesse Hughes once stated that he was once in a
bar where a man was dancing to the song Winds
Of Change by the Scorpions. When he asked the
man what he was doing, the man yelled - This is Y
dude.; to which Jesse Hughes replied back No
its not. This is like the X.. This comment made
reference to a famous rock band Z.
Currently, the members of the band X are suffering
from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Identify X.

Eagles of Death Metal

Q 12
Operation Polo, the code name of the "Police
Action" in state of X was a military operation
in September 1948 in which the Indian Armed
Forces invaded the State and overthrew its
ruler, annexing the state into the Indian
Union.The operation led to massive violence
on communal lines. The Indian prime minister
Jawaharlal Nehru appointed a commission
known as the Sunderlal Committee. Its report,
which was not released until 2013, concluded
that "as a conservative estimate...27,000 to
40,000 people had lost their lives during and
after the police action."
Which state was X?


*Q 13*
Put funda and connect (Exhaustive list)
Turing Award
Fields Medal
Abel Prize
Pritzker Prize
Right Livelihood Prize
Holberg Prize
Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science
Polar Music Prize
Vautrin Lud Prize
W. Wallace McDowell Prize
Ernst von Siemens Music Prize

All these prizes have been nicknamed as
the Nobel Prizes of their respective fields.
For example
1. Fields Medal is called The Nobel Prize
of Mathematics
2. Turing Award is called The Nobel Prize
of Computing

Q 14
The American Farm Bureau Federation
(AFBF), commonly referred to as the Farm
Bureau, is a non-profit organization and
describes itself as the largest general farm
organization in the USA.
In November 2010, X acquired the domain
name from the American Farm
Bureau Federation for a price of $8.5
Identify X and Y.

X = Facebook
Y = FB

Q 15
This substance is made primarily from
Cinnabar which is the natural ore of Mercury.
The chemical structure of the substance is
HgS, that is Mercuric Sulphide. Like most
Mercury compounds it is toxic. It also has
concentrations of Lead Tetraoxide which led
the US FDA to recall this product.
However, its use continued to flourish in
India, and probably will never diminish. This
product is mostly used in India as a beauty
product and also is an important part of the
Indian tradition.
Which product?


*Q 16*
X was built in the 16th Century. It is one of
the major arteries connecting India and
Pakistan. Rudyard Kipling, in his Nobel
Prize winning book Kim describes X as
Such a river of life as nowhere else exists
in this world.
Y is an educational institution, built in the
year 1959. Y is situated on the banks of
this River Of Life.
Identify X and Y.

X = Grand Trunk Road
Y = IIT Kanpur

*Q 17*
Mohammed Awad ______ was a Saudi Businessman working
primarily in the construction business. He was born in Yemen. Poor
and uneducated, during WW1 he started working as a labourer in a
sea port in Jeddah. In 1930, he started his own construction
business and eventually became the 5th richest man in Saudi
Arabia. His company eventually was worth $7 Billion. He had 77
children from 22 wives. Despite being very rich and having royal
connections, he lived a relatively simple and devout life. He forced
his children to observe a strict religious and moral code. This kind
of upbringing had a significant impact on one of his sons, X.
Mohammed Awad ______ divorced Xs mother, just after X was
born. Hence, X had to relentlessly fight for his share in his fathers
fortune. Finally, X inherited $30 million.
After graduating from college, with a degree in Economics and
Business administration, X left Saudi Arabia and he used his
inherited money to finance some of his activities which had a
significant impact on World History. Identify X.

X = Osama Bin Laden
He used the inherited money to start AlQaida

Q 18
This word was first coined during World
War 2 to describe a powerful bomb which
could destroy large parts of the city.
However, its most popular usage, is in an
entirely different field.
Which word?


Q 19
Bart to the future is an episode from the 11th
Season of the TV show The Simpsons.
Released back in 2000, it predicts an American
future where Barts sister, Lisa, is the first
female president of USA, trying to rebuild a
broken nation whose economy is in the gutter.
In 2015, the episode has gone viral. However,
the cause is not due to Hillarys candidacy and
the fact that she might, indeed, become the
1st female president of the USA, but due to
another aspect of the episode.
What aspect am I talking about?

Predicted that Donald Trump would run for
the President of USA

Q 20
Valentina Tereshkova was the 1st woman to
have flown in space, having been selected
from more than 400 applicants and 5 finalists
to pilot Vostok 6 on 16th June 1963. In order to
join the Cosmonaut Corps, Tereshkova was
honorarily inducted into the Soviet Air Force
and thus she also became the 1st civilian to fly
in space. At the opening ceremony of the 2014
Winter Olympics, she was a carrier of the
Olympic flag and torch.
In 2013, she offered to do something if the
opportunity arose.
What did she offer to do?

Go on a One-way trip to Mars

Round 1 Infinite

8 questions. 1 direct question for each

Teams can pounce on their own
Scoring for direct question = +10/0
Scoring for pounced question = +20/-10
Questions are passable.

Initially, X wrote it as a short story titled
The Fireman. He retitled it after the
publishers asked him to write a longer
version for publication as a novel, and he
did so in the basement of the local library.
He came up with an idea about the new
title, but initially he couldnt find answers
about the temperature at which book
paper catches fire and burns, so he finally
decided to call the fire department, and
the guy who answered left the phone for a
moment, and then came back with Y.
Identify Y.

Fahrenheit 451

When I was 14, my father was stationed in Japan. I went
rock climbing with a kid from school. He fell and got
injured and I had to bring him to the hospital. We came
in through the wrong entrance and passed a guy in the
hall. He was a janitor. My friend came down with an
infection. Doctors didnt know what to do. So they
brought in the janitor. He was a doctor. And a Buraku.
One of Japans untouchables. His ancestors had been
slaughterers and gravediggers. And this guy, he knew he
was not accepted by the staff, didnt even try. He didnt
dress well, he didnt pretend to be one of them. The
doctors in that place, they didnt think he had anything
they wanted, except when they needed him. Because he
was right. Which meant that nothing else mattered. And
they had to listen to him.
The above narrated incident had a significant impact on
the life and mentality of the narrator, who later went on
to become a very famous doctor. Identify the narrator.

Gregory House

Jerry Alan West is a retired American
basketball player who played his entire
professional career for the Los Angeles
Lakers. His NBA career was highly successful.
Playing the guard position as a professional,
he was voted 12 times into the All-NBA First
and Second teams and was elected into the
NBA All Star team 14 times. He holds the NBA
record for the highest points per game
average in a playoff series. West was
inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall Of
Fame in 1980 and was voted one of the 50
Greatest Players in NBA history in 1996.
How has he been immortalized?

His photo is used as the NBA logo

It is believed that in Medieval France, upon
gaining employment, a workman would
carry his implements in a bag made of
sheepskin or leather and carry it to work
on the first day. Upon completing the days
work, he would deposit this bag with his
employer for safe keeping as it would be
quite cumbersome to carry the heavy bag
to home and then to work everyday.
This practice has given rise to a phrase in
the English language. What phrase?

Getting sacked
(A bag was called a sac in French. When
the worker was fired, his sac was returned
to him. Hence the phrase, getting the sack
or getting sacked)

These are some tips released by X for users
of Y.
Explore the world around you.

Take advantage of Ys voice commands.

Ask for permission.
Use screen lock.
Be an active and vocal member of the Y community.

Wear it and expect to be ignored.
Be creepy or rude (aka, a Y-hole)

Identify X and Y.

X = Google
Y = Google Glass

X was the second city of Delhi. Alauddin
Khilji created X between 1297 and 1307 to
defend against the Mongol invasions of
India and Delhi. The X fort served as a
seat of his power. According to the legend
of Alauddin Khiljis war exploits, the name
X was given to the fort because the
foundation of the fort was built on the
severed heads of over 8000 Mongol
soldiers killed in the war.

Siri Fort
(Name derived from the Hindi word Sir
meaning head)

Earlier in the Indianapolis 500 car race, it
was a custom that all drivers should have
a mechanic along with them in the car
during the race for various reasons. In the
1911 Indianapolis race, Ray Harroun, a
racer, could not find a mechanic to ride
with him. So he did something which
changed the world of automotives forever.
What did he do?

Invented the Rear-view mirror.
(He tied a mirror to the car and thus the
rear view mirror came into existence. The
mechanics, apart from attending to any
problem in the car, used to alert the
drivers about the other approaching cars.)

The town was created in September 1930, on
Vijayadashami, an auspicious day to start new efforts.
The town was created with an impeccable historical
record, dating to the Ramayana days when it was
noted that Lord Rama passed through. It was also said
that Buddha visited this town during his travels. It
evolved with the changing political landscape of India.
In the 1980s, when the nationalist fervor in India
dictated the changing of British names of towns and
localities and removal of British landmarks, the mayor
and city council removed the long standing statue of
Frederick Lawley, one of the towns early residents.
However, when the Historical Societies showed proof
that Lawley was strongly in support of the Indian
independence movement, the council was forced to
undo all their earlier actions.
Identify this famous and evergreen town.


Round 2 Short

3 pictures will be shown. All connect to

No direct question. Only pounces allowed.
Marking scheme would be written in each

Otman Bakkal

Branslav Ivanovic

Giorgio Chiellini

Footballers who have been bitten by Luis

Round 3 Infinite

8 questions. 1 direct question for each

Teams can pounce on their own
Scoring for direct question = +10/0
Scoring for pounced question = +20/-10
Questions are passable.

Ralph Alpher, then a Physics PhD student, and his advisor
George Gamov wrote a paper regarding physical cosmology.
The work which would become the subject of Alphers PhD
thesis, argued that the Big Bang would create hydrogen,
helium and heavier elements in the correct proportions to
explain their abundance in the early universe.
Gamov decided to add the name of his friend the Nobel
Prize winning physicist Hans Bethe, even though he had no
part in the paper. Alpher, at that time was only a Grad
student and he was dismayed by the inclusion of Bethes
name in the paper. He felt that the inclusion of another
eminent physicists name would overshadow his personal
contribution to this work and prevent him from receiving
proper recognition for such an important discovery.
However, Gamow said that he had a valid reason to include
Hans Bethes name in the paper. Explain the reason.

To create the whimsical author name list of
Alpher, Bethe, Gamov, a pun based on the
Greek letters Alpha, Beta, Gamma. This
paper is also known as the Alphabetical

Jeffery Reddick wrote a 14 page script for
an episode of the TV series The X- Files
titled Flight 180. This script was ignored
by the shows creator Chris Carter and his
team of writers and no episode was made
from this script.
However, this script caught the attention
of two writers on the team James Wong
and Glen Morgan.
What happened to the script Flight 180?

It got made into the Final Destination

Approximately 80 are randomly selected at
birth from thousands and are trained to handle
loud noises, flash photography and large
crowds. From these 80, 20 largest and the bestbehaved are chosen and eventually narrowed
down to two finalists. Because most of these
are bred and raised for their size, compromising
their life expectancy, they are prone to health
problems associated with obesity such as heart
disease, respiratory failure and joint damage.
The finalists for the year of 2015 were named
Honest and Abe.
What am I talking about?

National Thanksgiving Day Turkey

In 1882, Mr. Will Lake a Canadian
engineer saw elephants emerging out of
dense forests with oil stains on their feet.
So the story goes, that his shouts urging
his men to drill the area for crude oil gave
this Indian town its name.
Which town?

Digboi (from the phrase Dig boy, dig)

What does this world map depicts?

Countries marked with blue have right
hand side traffic system. Countries marked
with red have left hand side traffic system

The game X was popular in Ancient India by the name
Moksha Patam. It was associated with traditional Hindu
and Jain philosophy of Karma and Kama, or destiny and
desire. X has also been interpreted and used as a tool for
teaching the effects of good deeds versus bad deeds.
The Y denote virtues such as generosity, faith and
humility. While the Z denote vices such as lust, anger,
murder and theft. The morality lesson of the game was
that a person can attain Moksha (salvation) through
doing good deeds, whereas by doing evil deeds, one will
inherit rebirth to lower forms of life. The number of Y

was less than the number of Z as a reminder that the

path of good is much more difficult to tread than the
path of sins.
Identify X.

Snakes and Ladders

Members of the genus Malus are known to reduce
the risk of colon, prostate and lung cancers. They
contain Uroslic acid and _______ acid which
increases skeletal muscle, and decreases obesity,
glucose intolerance and fatty liver disease. A rich
source of dietary fibre and Vitamin C, they can
prevent oxidative damage and cognitive decline
by increasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Tribute was paid to these facts by some folks of
Pembrokeshire, and this appeared in print for the
first time in the Feb 1886 edition of Notes and
Queries magazine.
What was the tribute?


Tom Swift and his Electric rifle is a young adult
novel written by Stratemeyer Syndicate writers using
the pen name Victor Appleton. It is Volume 10 in the
original Tom Swift novel series published by Grosset
& Dunlap.
Jack Cover, a NASA researcher, began developing the
X in 1969. By 1974, Cover had completed the device,
which he named after his childhood hero Tom Swift.
The X used gunpowder as its propellant, which lead
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to
classify it as a firearm in 1976. But current models
make no such use of gunpowder, and are primarily
Identify X.

TASER (Acronym for Thomas A. Swifts
Electric Rifle)

Round 4 xkcd

8 questions. 1 direct question for each

All questions are based on the webcomic
Teams can pounce on their own
Scoring for direct question = +10/0
Scoring for pounced question = +20/-10
Questions are passable.

Identify the blacked out part -


Which short story is being parodied --

The Gift of the Magi by O Henry

Identify the blanked out part and hence
identify this controversial website -

Pirate Bay

Identify the blacked out part -


The name of this xkcd comic strip is X
protester. Identify X.


Identify the blacked out part.

May the force be with you

Identify the blacked out part.

John Nash

Identify the blacked out part.


Send in your feedbacks!


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