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dr. Syahruddin Saragih Sp.


Cellular Growth Control

Balance proliferation cell differentiationcell
Proliferation determined trough cell cycle
Cellular growth control by genetic :

supressor gen,
apoptosis and
DNA repair in cell cycle

Abnormal Growth
Atrophy : size of the cells decreased
Disuse atrophy immobilitation
Denervation atrophy : poliomyelitis
Loss of Trophic hormon : Breast, endometrium
Lack of nutrition : Kwashiorkhor
Senile atrophy : Brain atrophy
Pressor atrophy

Abnormal Growth
Hypertrophy : size of the cells increased
Physiologic hypertrophy

Hyperplasia : number of cells increased

Endometrial hyperplasia
Thyroid hyperplasia (Graves disease)
Prostat hyperplasia

Metaplasia :
Squamous metaplasia
Glandular metaplasia

: cervix, bronchus
: esophagus

Abnormal Growth
Dysplasia : Abnormal differentiation and maturation

Cervix dysplasia
Bronchial dysplasia
Esophagus dysplasia
Gastric dysplasia

dysplasia is potential to be a Cancer Precancer !!!

thank you
terima kasih

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