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Safe way to use Social


Connect only with people you trust.

Keep your connections to people you trust. Facebook,
Google+, share little bit more about a person than other
social media apps.

Change your privacy settings

Once you sign up for an app go under privacy settings
so that specific people can see your account.

Dont broadcast your location

Dont activate your locator service, you are just telling a
stalker exactly where you are and how they can get to

Keep certain things private from

Certain things should be kept private for example your
date of birth or your full name or even address can give
a thief all they need for identity thief

Remember there is no delete button

on the internet
As I always tell my kids when they are on social media
always think before you post . Even though you delete a
post or picture chances are someone has already seen it
and sent to all of their contacts. What happens on the
net never leaves the net.

Dont click on links unless you know

where they lead you.
While some links are safe others can lead to viruses of
phishing schemes. Only visit trusted sites.

Types of technology used most for

social media.
Types of technology used for social media





smart phone


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