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What is Gender all about in corporates..

Most of companies, even if they

choose to address this, with a
desire but not essential world
view. If you come with this focus,
it can never be central to your
plans. On the other hand, many
companies have the best
intentions, because of
preoccupation with the here and
now, or lack of knowledge of how
to go about it ,get into an inertia
Gender Diversity in corporate world..

ã Gender diversity means the

proportion of males to females in
the workplace.

ã his can have an effect on how

people interact and behave with
one another in the workplace and
would impact culture and social

ã imilarly other demographics

such as population, racial
characteristics and such all
contribute to the work
Gender Diversity in corporate world..

Continuous process of men

working in manufacturing

Growing pattern of women in

service industries.
V Gender representation at the top of ° 
U.. companies, by contrast, is far more
equitable. Nearly 42% of management
positions are occupied by women.
Furthermore, 88 percent of tandard &
Poor's 500 companies have at least one
female board member, while 49 per cent
have two or more women directors.

V According to the results of a recent

study conducted by Prime Database, 6,560
individuals occupy a total of 11,391
directorship positions in 1,069 listed
companies in India. Only 311 of these
individuals are women. 

Diversity is important

ã Diversity is beneficial to both the organization and the members.

ã Diversity brings substantial potential benefits such as better decision making and
improved problem solving, greater creativity and innovation, which leads to enhanced
product development, and more successful marketing to different types of customers.

ã It provides organizations with the ability to compete in global markets.

ã Diverse organizations will be successful as long as

there is a sufficient amount of communication within
them. Because people from different cultures perceive
messages in different ways, communication is vital to
the performance of an organization. Miscommunication
within a diverse workplace will lead to a great deal of
he wage
he Gender wage gap in top corporate
Despite similar ambitions, the number of women at the top remains low compared to
the number of men. Although women make up 50.5 percent of the U.. workforce,
they hold only 15.7 percent of corporate officer positions in the Fortune 500 and 13.6
percent of board director seats. hey hold only 7.9 percent of Fortune 500 highest
titles, and represent only 5.2 percent of top earners. Furthermore, the majority of
women corporate officers are in staff positions rather than line positions, which have
profit-and-loss responsibility and more often lead to the top. Only 9.9 percent of line
corporate officer jobs are held by women.

Women corporate officers of top earners- U

Changing scenario

Diversity, a word
synonymous with change
and difference, is
necessary for success in
any business environment.
he Brain Game

ustaining operations in corporate Ɲs

is a brain game..

Employees with greater zeal of

attaining higher positions will
acquire greater heights..

Gender is not taken into

consideration while at work.
Women and Men experience many of the same barriers to success

hey also experience a number of similar

barriers along the way, such as lack of line
experience, displaying a style different from
the organizational norm, and lack of
understanding of organizational politics.

In reaching top, men and women have used

many of the same advancement strategies,
including exceeding performance
expectations, successfully managing others,
seeking high-visibility assignments, and
demonstrating expertise.
And how will the business benefit from a better mix?
tudies show that greater the diversity of a team in
an organization, greater is the possibility for
innovation and problem solving. tatistics also show
that companies with women on their board are more
successful than those without. Research indicates that
a higher percentage of women have what is referred
to by Daniel Goldman as Emotional Intelligence A set
of competencies that distinguishes how people
manage feelings, interact, and communicate. Analyses
done by dozens of experts in 500 corporations,
government agencies, and nonprofit organizations
worldwide conclude that emotional intelligence is the
barometer of excellence on virtually any job. With
increasing diversity, the workforce has an array of
leadership styles and can drive greater creativity and



Employees point of view

1. Equality at work

2. atisfaction at work place

3. Dignity at Work

4. Motivation
Equality at work

Men and women are also similar in their

desire for workplace flexibility, demonstrating
that balancing work and personal
responsibilities is not simply a womenƞs issue.

Although women face more challenges in

achieving work/life balance, women and men
equally desire a variety of informal and
formal flexible work arrangements. Clearly,
workplace flexibility is no longer just about
women and child care, but is more likely a
quality of life issue for all employees.
atisfaction at work place

he majority of both women and

men report comfort with their
choices. In terms of work
satisfaction ƛ 75 percent or more of
both genders are satisfied with
their current positions, their
employers, and the respect with
which they are treated by company
Dignity at Work -policy

Employees are viewed as big assets of the

company now a days which increases operational

Companies are committed to implementing and

promoting measures to protect the dignity of
employees and to encourage respect for others at

New policy of companies is to value the

contribution of all our people and aim to create a
work environment free from harassment, bullying
and disrespectful behavior and where any
complaints of such conduct that may arise are
dealt with as quickly and effectively as possible.

Motivation is an integral part of business strategy by

corporateƞs helping employees to sustain work pressure.

A few small and medium companies have also become

aware and put policies in place. Most companies in this
sector recognize the business imperative of having more
women in their organizations. While the larger ones
emphasize their diversity directives, resource constraints
in these recessionary times have constrained many from
formulating and putting in place gender inclusive policies
and practices.
›  °
Gender inclusion is a matter of survival

Gender is a very integral part of their

talent base and investment in gender
inclusion is a matter of survival. An
inclusive culture helps both in retention and
maximization of its human capital.

For small and young organizations,

inclusiveness initiatives will give them the
added advantage of embedding it more
easily into the culture of the organization.

his helps organization to grow global and

employees to be known globally.
Balancing Ratio of genders in corporateƞs

C, Wipro and Infosys, the top three I service

providers in India, alone employ over 1 lakh women,
but most of them crowd the entry level. he industry
as a whole employs over two million people, and
industry body Nasscom estimates that the average
male to female ratio has improved to 70:30 now from
76:24 in 2005.

Commenting on the state of gender empowerment in

the country, Mr Narayana Murthy said that though the
male-female ratio in the Indian I industry seems to
be encouraging (65:35), recently published global
gender gap survey by the World Economic Forum is
disappointing: India ranks 98th among 115 countries
surveyed, lower ri Lanka, Kenya and Algeria


Wiproƞs approach to gender inclusively and

equality reflects a holistic appreciation to the
myriad facets of differences and their impact
at the workplace, along with dedicated
commitment at all rungs of the organization
to facilitate a nurturing, learning environment
for all. At the same time, our employees have
not only appreciated but enthusiastically
participated in all Wow initiatives, which
reflects that we are moving in the desired
direction with enthusiasm

Every man should contain a woman inside to

do any business . Every woman should contain
a man inside to sustain the operations.

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