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An Analysis

on the
Sector of
Budget 20162017

Introduction- What is a National Budget







policy instrument that allocates insufficient

resources among competing sectors, and
economic and social needs.

managerial or administrative instrument

that lays down and means of providing public







Objectives of National Budget


maintain macro-economy stability,


reduce Poverty,


sustainable growth,

on economic and structural

reforms, economic liberalization, human
resource development and good

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5 Criteria of My Analysis
Clarity and credibility

Alignment with medium-term priorities


of development budget

framework Justifying

the allocations

of prospective management
and monitoring plan

Overview of the Education System in the

National Budget

The Aim is to develop well educated and efficient human

resources imbued with the moral values by imparting education
and training in combination of general, vocational, science and
technology-based education system.

Major Functions:
Policy and project formulation, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation, with focus on improving the quality of secondary,
higher secondary, technical and tertiary education;
Reforming and formulating the administrative policy related to
secondary, higher secondary, vocational and tertiary education
and registration of non-government school teachers and
providing financial assistance;

Overview of the Education System in the

National Budget (Continued)

Establishment of specialized university and creation

of open educational resources ;
Preparation and development of the curriculum for
secondary and higher secondary, technical and
university education;
Preparation and printing of text books for primary,
secondary and higher secondary levels;
Distribution of free text books for primary and
secondary level;
Providing broad-band connection, multi-media books

a) The share of the education sector budget has declined
over the recent years, both as percentage of gross
domestic product (GDP) and as a share of total budget.
b) Budgetary allocation for education-related social
safety net programmes (SSNPs) remains inadequate.
c) MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) in the budget
are focused more on quantity, but not on quality.
d) Allocations under education head, going to a number
of government entities, are often not well-documented.

Findings (Continued)

Lack of resources is a major reason for governments

inability to provide adequate allocation for education.


In Bangladesh the students are more focused on

private tutoring rather than school teaching & the
National budget is yet to solve the issue.


The teacher-student ratio particularly in science and

mathematics and inadequate quality-enhancing
training facilities for teachers affect the quality of
education. The national budget is yet to solve this

Findings (Continued)
h) The growth rate of the students enrolled in
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and
Training) has increased but it is volatile and still
remains low.
i) In the national budget there are inadequate
physical infrastructure acts that may be
considered as a barrier to participation for skills
development training.
j) Access to education in hard-to-reach areas is

Findings (Continued)
k) The national budget should have included the
procedure of eliminating the deficiency in basic
facilities, teaching-learning materials and aids and
basic amenities, ineffective teaching-learning
practices and style. The following three obstacles in
the budget may be considered as damaging for the
sustainability of providing quality primary education
for all:
a) Inadequate resources,
b) Management capacity and

Findings (Continued)
L) The following issues that were included in the 7FYP (The 7th
Five Year Plan) of the government are not clear that how these
targets will be achieved in the national budget:
1) All primary schools to have at least 1 and all secondary
schools to have at least 3 multimedia classrooms;
2) 30% of primary schools and 100% of all secondary schools
to have an ICT laboratory
3) To provide leadership training to head teachers
4) Increase higher education rate from 12% to 20%
5) Establish at least one primary school in the villages that
have none

Findings (Continued)
M) Current level of budgetary allocation for education is, by any
standard, well below than what is required

Findings (Continued)
Allocation for education as % of total budget, in Bangladesh
is also not significant:

1. The Budget Allocation for the Education Sector should be Enhanced
2. Align 7FYP (The 7th Five Year Plan) and sectoral education-related
targets with the SDG4 (Sustainable Development Goals)
3. Improvement of Teaching Quality through Budgetary Measures
4. Fund non-formal alternatives for out-of-school children more effectively
5. Invest in TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) on a
priority basis
6. Provide adequate allocation for the education-related SSNP (Social
Safety Net Programmes)
7. Put concerted efforts towards generating resources
8. Redesign foreign aid strategy for education


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