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The Open ERP effect...


Richard is a
brilliant manager...

he founded his manufacturing

company in 1985...

In 2000 he reached
45 employees

In 2000 he reached
45 employees fulfill 4500 orders a day

= 100 orders / employee

This is George,

Richard's CFO

George likes his


But he wastes hours each day on...

But he wastes hours each day on...

Creating invoices based on data
from their logistics application

But he wastes hours each day on...

Synchronizing timesheets with
his analytic accounting

But he wastes hours each day on...

Encoding Refund Invoices based
on emails from after-sales services

But he wastes hours each day on...

Preparing consolidated reporting
for Richard

But he wastes hours each day on...

Pushing documents to their internal
Document Management System

But he wastes hours each day on...

Processing payments through bank interfaces...

So it is for all other employees

on their respective applications.

Richard's IT infrastructure exploded

in a few years...

In 2006 they reached

90 employees

...but they fulfill only 5000 orders a day

= 55 orders per employee

The overhead makes them fulfill 45%

fewer orders per employee than they did
6 years ago !
That growth makes Richard's margins
decrease !

Tina is the
HR Manager
Her business life
became difficult when
the company grew
to 90 people in 2007.

So she asked Richard for

new software to manage
employees' leave and holidays.

Richard was afraid of this request because,

to be efficient this new software should:
Process data from employees' timesheets
Integrate with the project management
Integrate with the payroll software
Display holidays in the enterprise shared

Richard thought it was time to go for a

completely new strategy for their IT structure.
So, he integrated :

They activated the holidays module only

for an easy and quick integration.

His motivation was due to:

License : 0$
Starting costs for On Demand: 0$
One software to fit all business needs
350+ integrated modules
Fully Open Source

The new infrastructure looked like this...

Annual Maintenance: 45.000 $
Annual Licenses: 39.000 $

Tina was so happy with her

HR management system that
Richard decided to use
other modules from Open ERP.

They first activated the CRM modules

to replace Ms. Dynamics CRM
Annual Maintenance: 45.000 $
Annual Licenses: 39.000 $

They first activated the CRM modules

to replace Ms. Dynamics CRM
Annual Maintenance: 40.000 $
Annual Licenses: 33.000 $

Then, they activated modules for

manufacturing, sales, BI and projects
Annual Maintenance: 20.000 $
Annual Licenses: 13.000 $

Then, they activated modules for

accounting and human resources mgt.
Annual Maintenance: 12.000 $
Annual Licenses: 7.000 $

And they did the same for all

other services in 2008.

Their new infrastructure

looks like......

A fully integrated management system:

Annual Maintenance: 10.000 $
Annual Licenses: 0 $

Now Richard is a
happy manager...

He reduced licenses and

maintenance costs to 1/8
of their previous cost !

... he has a system that can evolve

with his company's needs...

And employees'
recurring tasks have
been reduced by
40% due to
integration and

And all of this while keeping and

improving his visibility and control
of all the enterprise processes

And Tina likes his new way of working...

She has a unique and integrated
system for the shared calendar,
the vacation management, the
planning, ...

This allowed the company to grow quickly,

while keeping and controlling its efficiency

And Richard was able to launch new

off-shored organizations in only 2 weeks.
He controls all offices from one system.

And to extend their new way of working to

suppliers and customers,
Richard activated Open ERP's portals

... all customer and supplier processes

are fully integrated with the Company.

There are thousands of companies

like Richard's ...

If you want to be one of them, check:
To discover Richard's customers, check:
Customers in Action

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