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Emoto Crystal images of NES Health Infoceuticals

NES Infoceutical:
Source Driver ED 1 Bulk sample without NES imprinting
Emoto Crystal images of NES Health
Emoto Crystal images of NES
Health Infoceuticals
• Date of Study: Sept 2008
• Aim: To determine whether or not imprinted
information can be visualised using the Emoto Crystal
• Testing laboratory: Hado Life Europe, Lichtenstein
• Method: Crystal imagery
Emoto Crystal images of
NES Health Infoceuticals
Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru Emoto has

achieved a break through
within water research. What
sensitive people always have
sensed and what homeopaths
have been using, and what
Dr Emoto's technique utilises a very powerful microscope
NES Health call the imprinting in a very cold room along with high-speed photography, to
process, is the capacity of photograph newly formed crystals of frozen water
matter (water and minerals in samples to show how they have been imprinted by
this case) to react to and store focused intention, through words, sounds or images being
information. directed at the samples, or this case by the NES HEALTH
imprinting process.
Emoto Crystal images of NES
Health Infoceuticals
The images below were generated in a Hado laboratory
when NES Health Infoceuticals were sent for analysis. One
of the solutions was an Infoceutical - in this case Source
Driver ED1, and the other solution was a 'blank', that is it
consisted of the colloidal mineral suspension with the
alcohol but did not undergo the NES HEALTH imprinting
process. Neither the testing laboratory nor the researcher
where aware which solution was which until the images
had been printed
Emoto Crystal images of NES Health Infoceuticals
NES Infoceutical:
Source Driver ED 1 Bulk sample without NES imprinting
Emoto Crystal images of NES Health Infoceuticals
NES Infoceutical:
Source Driver ED 1 Bulk sample without NES imprinting
Emoto Crystal images of NES Health
The results obtained are very interesting as they suggest that
the crystal structure of the water has been changed by the
Information imprinted on it. The imprinted samples
demonstrate a more coherent and aesthetically pleasing
crystalline structure. These findings are in line with those of
Emoto, as they confirm that information can be transferred to
aqueous solutions by the power of focused intention, or in this
case, using the NES Imprinting process.
Emoto Crystal images of NES Health Infoceuticals
Resources: Dr Emoto
Emoto Crystal images of NES Health Infoceuticals
• D. Radin, G. Hayssen, M. Emoto, T. Kizu, Double-Blind Test of the Effects of Distant
Intention on Water Crystal Formation: The Journal of Science and Healing, Volume
2, Issue 5, Pages 408-411
• Masaru Emoto, Healing with Water, Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine. February 2004, 10(1): 19-21.
• M Emoto, The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves, 2005 -
• M Emoto, The Secret Life of Water, 2005 – Atria
• M Emoto, The Healing Power of Water, 2008 - Hay House
• Lionel Milgrom, Is this evidence for memory of water? Newscientist14 June 200
Emoto Crystal images of NES Health
For more details on this study and other
studies into the use of NES Health please see:

or mail:

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