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Take A Deep Breath

and Write
Hannah Leslie

Big Idea/ Summary

Big Idea



Students will to VTS with an image of Nick Caves sound

suit and describe what story it is telling. Students will be
given a science lesson about the lung inside the human
body. They will then take the organ and create a story
using image of the organ. They will have to color an
image of that organ to go along with that story.

Key Concepts

1. Visual Art: Elaborate on an imaginative idea,

create personal satisfactory art work

2. Literacy: conduct short research projects that

builds knowledge about a topic, demonstrate

command of the conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when
3. Science: Science related to the human anatomy

?Essential Questions?

How does your story relate to the idea of story

telling through sound suits?

How are the functions of the lung represented in

your story?

Lesson Objectives/Goals
Visual Art: The students will be able to . . .

Explain detail and how to create it

Identify that art/story telling comes in many forms

Literacy: The students will be able to . . .

Create a story based on the organ of the lung

Create a story using proper punctuation, grammar,

and use transition words correctly

3. Science: The students will be able to . . .

Discuss the functions of the lung

Have an understanding of how the lung affects the

human body

Content Areas Integrated

Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: Nick Cave)

Look at sound suits created by Nick Cave and analyze the story they are

Different media used for students to see visuals on how different lungs


Having students be able to tell stories about anything. Realizing they are
authors and anything can be made to be a story


Taking a look at the human organ of the lung and explaining the


Do VTS with Nick Cave sound suit. I will show an image

of an actual lung and see if the students can identify
what organ it is.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment will be a rubric given to student

and teacher explaining what is expected from students
final story.

What I Learned

Not everything will go the way you want

Time will always be an issue
Always have a backup plan in case your first idea

falls through


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