Isee Standrads Project

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ISTE Standards

Richard Tipton
EDU 214
Secondary Education/Theatre

Creativity and Inovation

Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals,
informed by the learning sciences.

Articulate andset personal learning goals, develop strategies

leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on
thelearning processitself to improve learning outcomes.

Before allowing my students to use

the technologies that I fit into my
plans, I plan on having them
complete a quick worksheet, this
worksheet will gauge their
personal knowledge and
technological literacy.

Once we have gauged their level, we will then start with using the
different technologies. Those that struggled with the worksheet will
be paired with those that scored high, to allow peer to peer assistance
and growth.

Studentsbuild networksandcustomizetheirlearning
environments in ways that support the learning process.

Edmodo is an education
oriented social media
platform where students
can participate in groups,
ask questions to peers and
teachers, and allow them
and their parents to have
complete open
communication with their

Google Classroom is an
interactive classroom that is
ran through the google
suite. This is immensely
useful for student and
teacher ineractivity in and
out of the classroom as
students can complete
assignments together via
video chat, and group
google docs.

Studentsuse technologyto seek feedback that

informs and improves their practice and
todemonstrate their learningin a variety of ways.

Wufoo is a program that

allows you to create
forms that can analyze
data and create
immediate feedback. As
an educator you can use
this to ask questions and
gauge feedback on the
software you are using
and how effective it is in
conveying your content.

Padlet is a program that

allows students to
collaborate on projects
where they can process
ideas and provide
feedback on each others
contributions. This allows
students to work together
to create a project with
teamwork even outside
of the classroom.

Students understand thefundamental conceptsof technology operations,

demonstrate the ability to choose, use andtroubleshoot current
technologies and are able totransfertheir knowledge to
exploreemerging technologies.

Once students have had a chance

to explore more technologies and
display that they know how to use
technology proficiently I will allow
them to choose whatever programs
they choose to use as long as it is
useful for the lesson it is being
applied to.

Focusing specifically on Technical Theatre, I will teach the students

how to program and troubleshoot the light and sound boards, as well
as the stage designing software, and assist them in any way I could
until they are comfortable with troubleshooting it themselves.

Digital Citizen
Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of
living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they
act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

Students cultivate and manage theirdigital

identityand reputation and are aware of
thepermanenceof their actions in the digital world.

First thing I would

want to show to my
students to show the
impact of what words
on the internet can
do to someone is this

After viewing and conversing about the video, I would gauge their
understanding with a quiz. This would allow me to see if they
understand that bullying on the internet can have even more severe
consequences on them then just bullying someone in real life.

Students engage inpositive,safe,legalandethicalbehavior

when using technology, including social interactionsonlineor
when using networked devices.

Learning.coms Digitalcitizen app

gauges students understanding of
digital laws, as well as provides the
educator tools for adequate BYOD
lessons, while keeping the lessons
on track, and prevent students
from using devices for unintended

Common sense Educators offers a course that can get you certified to
teach a series of lessons that can certify a student with digital

Students demonstrate an understanding of and

respect for the rights and obligations ofusing and

Easybib is a tool students can use

when writing papers in any format,
that will assist them in citing the
sources that they used so they can
remain aware of how to give credit for
other peoples intellectual property.

Writing house is another program that helps analyze your reports and
papers and can assist you in detecting parts that you may want to cite
other sources for, as well as other ways to help you protect yourself
from plagiarism.

Students manage theirpersonal datato maintaindigital

privacy and securityand are aware ofdata-collection
technologyused to track their navigation online .

Google drive allows students to safely

store personal data without it being
tracked, that they can use to move
assignments from school to home
safely without exposing themselves or
their schools to viruses and other
possible security breaches.

Google Chrome is a browser that has many

security features, including a way to
privately browse called incognito mode.
By demonstrating the security features to
students you give them the ability to
protect themselves when searching the

Knowledge Constructor
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce
creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Students plan and employ effectiveresearch

strategiesto locateinformation and other
resourcesfor their intellectual or creative pursuits.

Google is the premier searching

engine, and overall web tool suite that
students can use when doing research
to find relative content for any report.
It also makes it easy to create other
content for research projects through
tools such as Docs, and sheets.

Bing is a web search enigine with a

variety of useful features such as
quick content bookmarking, where
you can actually create a list of
websites to visit in order that you
find in a search, meaning I can que up
several websites on a topic that I
found in a search for me to look over.
This is a greatly useful tool for topic
research projects.

Students evaluate
of information, media, data or other resources.

Survey monkey is an online survey

engine that is publicly available,
where you can design surveys to
gauge the effectiveness of your
software by creating your own survey
inquiring the students on how useful
certain software, and their
technologies they are using are for

Jot form is a form building software that

we as educators can use to collect
suggestions for improvement regarding
the technology being used in the
classroom, and possibly recommend
software that they believe would be
more useful to them in their learning

Studentscurateinformation from digital resources using avariety of

toolsand methods to createcollections of artifactsthat
demonstratemeaningful connections or conclusions.

Powerpoint is a tool that is

wonderful for presentations and
is perfect for displaying all you
have learned from a research
project. This allows you to display
all you have learned and create a
presentation showing the
conclusion of your research.

Live Binders is a tool that allows you

to store any information you have
found or created into a virtual binder
for you to easily organize your
thoughts and research into one
convenient place.

Studentsbuild knowledgeby activelyexploringrealworld issues and problems, developing ideas and

theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Now this is a news app that fits

current events and news into a
way that young adults and
teens can better understand
and presents it in a way that
can keep readers of that
demographic and age more
invested in the news.

Buzzfeed is another web news

platform designed specifically
at targeting students and
young adults, they create
videos and articles that hit on
current hot topics and events
and encourage feedback on
these videos and articles, this
is where students can provide
their thoughts and opinions

Innovative Designer
Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to
identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative

Students know and use adeliberate design processfor

generating ideas, testing theories, creatinginnovative
artifactsor solvingauthenticproblems. is a web platform that

allows you to brainstorm and create a
bubble chart such as this that you can
use to organize your ideas and
thoughts for any type of assignment.

Sketchbook express is a tool students can use for

designing anything from drawings to blueprints to
stage designs, it has dozens of in app editing
features as well as several different formatting
features to go with it.

Students select and usedigital toolsto plan and

manage a design process that considersdesign
constraintsandcalculated risks.

Adobe Photoshop allows

students to be able to design
and create their own logos,
photo edits, and more. This can
be effective for arts students,
especially theatre students
interested in costume design.

Paint tool Sai is design and digital

drawing tool that students,
specifically all creative visual arts
students can use to draw pictures,
blueprints, and designs for any
type of project, sai is best used
with a drawing tablet,

Students develop, test and refineprototypesas part

of acyclicaldesign process.

Blender is a tool that is used for

creating 3D models and
blueprints. With the use of
blender students can set the size
of a project by making a scaled
design, that can even be
translated over to a 3D Printer to
create a small model for
completing larger projects, in my
subject matter it can be useful for
a model of a stage.

3D Printers are a newer technology that can create full 3D objects

based off of a design that can be created using software such as
Blender X. This can be immensely useful for creating early stage and
even costume design ideas, and especially useful for creating exact
props for a stage production.

Students exhibit a tolerance

forambiguity,perseveranceand the capacity to work
withopen-ended problems.

Using the tools I had previously

stated in the last few slides, I
would assign students a task to
work in a group to make a multi
layered set design for a show of
the groups choice, along with a set
design I would want a full costume
line up for at least three
characters, and one functional

By giving students some creative freedom, with access to the proper

tools, they can blossom into future masters of theatrical design. It
doesn't just stop at theatre though, these skills can be later translated
into numerous other fields such as architecture, business design, and
Graphical Design.

Computational Thinker
Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving
problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to
develop and test solutions.

Studentsformulate problemdefinitions suited fortechnology-assisted

methods such as data analysis,abstract modelsandalgorithmic
thinkingin exploring and finding solutions.

Microsoft Excel is a software that

is included in the Office suite.
With this application you can
create spreadsheets, and add in
all different types of analytical
data using different equations.
This is especially useful for
sorting data to find specific

Google Sheets is a web application

in the Google Suite. This
application has tools similar to that
of Excel, but uses much simpler
algorithms, and is much easier to
navigate for a beginner.

Studentscollect dataoridentifyrelevant data sets, use

digital tools toanalyzethem, andrepresentdata in various
ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.

Again, this is another field where

both Excel and sheets are the
premiere tools for the job, they
allow you to create numerous
graphs, sort data, and create
automatic data collection spread

Students break problems into component parts, extract key

information, and develop descriptive models to understand
complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.

This if anything is the one part of the standard where Sheets and Excel are most useful. Though both are easily accessible they both have their own
individual challenges that make them greatly complex. By using equations you can isolate individual information, and use it to create different
graphs ad tables.

Students understand howautomationworks and use

algorithmic thinking to develop asequenceof steps
to create and testautomatedsolutions.

Again, these programs cover so much ground with this standard, they both allow you to use algorithmic equations in order
to create completely automatically updating graphs, and charts, along with spreadsheets that will collect and update data
with the proper equations.

Creative Communicator
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a
variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and
digital media appropriate to their goals.

Students choose the appropriateplatformsandtoolsfor

meeting the desired objectives of their creation or

With all of the tools earlier

mentioned, students will have
many options for tools that can be
used for almost any purpose in
their academic careers. From
communicating to designing, my
students will have every tool they
need, with several options at their

By giving my students a wide variety of choices it allows learners of all

levels and learning styles to find the different tools that give them the
opportunities they need to succeed.

Students create original works orresponsibly

repurposeor remix digital resources into new

iMovie is a video production tool

available on IOS that can be used to
take video clips, both pre recorded
and clips found online, and
repurpose them for any visual media

Audacity is similar to iMovie

except it is for audio editing
instead of video. Students can use
this for editing recorded audio
clips or songs. This can be
immensely useful in a multimedia

Studentscommunicate complex ideasclearly and effectively

by creating or using a variety ofdigital objectssuch

Blender specifically works well with

this standard as it is specifically for
creating 3D models that can be
used for multiple subjects and

Sai can be used for drawing out

any blue print or be used for
drawing out a detailed diagram,
all on a digital platform using a
drawing tablet.

Students publish or present content

thatcustomizesthe message and medium for their
intended audiences.

Powerpoint is the perfect vehicle

for this standard as it does allow
for students to create a
presentation in any format they
choose. Not only that, but it
allows for you to import media
from all other avenues.

Prezi is another presentation tool

that is more easily available, and
has most of the same tools and
benefits that you receive from

Global Collaborator
Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their
learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams
locally and globally.

Students usedigital toolsto connect with learners from a

variety of backgrounds and cultures,engagingwith them in
ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.

Skype is a wonderful tool with

connecting with others all around
the world. You can video and text
chat, and it is available on dozens of
platforms. It even allows for group
calls and chats.

Facebook is universally used by

millions of people all around the
world. It is a wonderful platform for
communicating with other students

Students usecollaborative technologiesto work with others,

including peers, experts or community members,
toexamineissues and problems from multiple viewpoints.

Edmodo is a perfect platform for this

standard as it can be used to create
several groups for students in order
for them to work together. As well as
have group discussions as a class at
the teachers discretion.

Tableau is a wonderful web forum full of

several communities all related to solving
public issues related to education. It
allows teachers, administrators, students,
and parents all a place to be a organized
community and work as a unit.

Studentscontribute constructivelyto project

teams,assuming various rolesand responsibilities to
work effectively toward a common goal.

Edmodo is perfect for group

projects as you can assign students
to small groups within the main
classroom. As well as assign rolls to
students and post specific topics
and assignments.

Virtual stage Manager is a web

service that as a theatre teacher
is useful for me and my students
during performance based
projects such as shows, as I can
assign rolls to all of the students
through the in site functions, I
can also organize rehearsal
schedules and make deadlines for
certain goals and expectations.

Studentsexplore local and global issuesand use

collaborative technologies to work with others
toinvestigate solutions.

Facebook is a useful outlet for this as

you can see stories and news shared by
people worldwide, as well as discuss
this with them via the comment

Twitter is another great outlet for

this as you can search trending topics
and see tweets from millions of
people about individual topics, as
well as respond to the tweet and
retweet it for others to see.


With technology constantly being a revolving door, things can be new one day
and completely obsolete the next, however, as long as you keep yourself
informed you will always be able to collect the proper tools to present to
your students to assist the with success. As a modern day educator it is one of
our primary goals to prepare students to function in the real world, and a
major part of this is helping them become proficient in using all avenues of
technology, and making sure that we do everything we can to gauge their
understanding of what it means to use technology responsibly. I believe that it
will be easy for me to integrate the creative communicator standard as it is
easy to find avenues for students to express themselves and participate in
open communication in theatre. I believe Digital Citizenship will be the
hardest as I do not have much time to completely monitor all computer and
internet activity for my students, especially when we are working on a show.


Here is an article posted by BBC

discussing the advancement of
technology in theatre.

Here is another article, this time by

teachhub discussing the technology
goals that students should be
following, and what we as educators
should be doing to assist.

Here is a wonderful ted talk explaining

the importance of artistic education and
its evolution into its current form
through technological advancement.

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