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The Psychology behind it
and unlocking full potential.

How do they relate?

Achievement and accomplishment are both positive indicators
of progression.
The outcomes are results of expended effort, self-relevance to
the person, and other party recognition.
Both are use interchangeably to describe a type of successful
act or thing.


What is Achievement?
Achievement is something done successfully that principally
benefits the person doing it
From an educational stand point, an achievement could be
getting an A on test or passing class.

What is Accomplishment?
Accomplishment is something that has been done successful
and benefits the person, other parties, and its surroundings.
From a educational standpoint, a students accomplishment can
be earning a doctorates' and working as a doctor to help others

Psychology of Achievement
and Accomplishment

6 scientifically-proven
requirements for
achievement &
Peace of Mind

7 mental laws that lead

you on path of
achievement &

Good health and energy

Having loving relationships with
other people
Financial freedom
Commitment to worthy goals and
Personal fulfillment

Law of Control
Law of Cause & Effect
Law of Belief
Law of Expectations
Law of Attraction
Law of Correspondence
Law of Mental Equivalency

6 scientifically-proven requirements
for achievement
Having a Peace of Mind would allow a person to focus and
concentrate instead of being burdened by other things. High
levels of energy and good health are key to staying
motivated to keep going. Relationships that involves,
respect, intimacy and support inspires the person to do better.
Lack of money or financial resources would only hinder
progression. Commitment makes the path clearer. Personal
fulfillment is the feeling of self-actualization. You have to
feel that you are achieving what you set out to achieve, and
that you are becoming everything that you are capable of

7 mental laws that leads you on path of

achievement (continued)

What does Oprah have to say

about it ?

Chris McCandles Story

How can you reach

achievement/accomplishment and unlock
your full potential?

Thanks For
Created by : Kemoya Riley
Uwrit 1102-026
Professor Intuwait

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