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How to Analyze Arguments

KU 1021 English Academic Reading and



Stages in Writing Summary-Analysis Essay

Read the article carefully; jot down the authors main
ideas and supporting arguments.
Analyze the authors arguments. What is his/her
claim? Are his/her claims supported by strong evident?
Do you agree with the claims?
Note some parts of the arguments that you will quote,
paraphrase, or summarize.
Plan your essay by outlining the authors arguments
you will include in your essay and your own responses.
Support your arguments with facts, experiences,
current events, statistics, etc.

Keep in mind:
In summary analysis, the analysis should be longer than the summary.
Include phrases to summarize, paraphrase, and quote parts from the original
text in each paragraph on your analysis if possible.
Support your arguments/opinions/analysis with statistics, personal experience,
current events, research, facts, etc. It is not enough to refute/criticize the
authors claim with your opinions.
E.g., Klines statement that people can donate their kidney because
people are born with two of them, but only need one to survive cannot
be refuted by opinions such as people who live with only one kidney will
become weak in the long run except if you have enough medical
Please also analyze the supports that the author uses to defend his/her claim.
E.g., What proof does Kline have when stating that people can survive with
one kidney? You can argue, for example, I assert that Klines statement
that people can survive with only one kidney is not supported by a strong
evidence. A research conducted in claims that people still need two
kidneys in order to function normally (of course you also need to have a
strong backup when saying that).

Summary-Analysis Review
First paragraph:
Use your own words as much as possible.
Summarize and paraphrase well. Dont just copy paste sentences.
Your opinion should be stated.
I agree with Lisa that creativity is important. I will discuss my arguments
as follows.
Lisa said that, as a society, we are preoccupied with the idea that the
arts are reserved only for those with talent. I agree with this statement.
We have to change the assumption that arts education only produces
In general, I agree with the author that creativity is important, but I think
there are a lot of flaws in her arguments.
Basically, I agree with the author; even though I found that her views are
rather cynical.
We cannot ignore the importance of creativity in professional job markets,
but I doubt that it is the only skill that the companies are looking for.

Paraphrase =
Retelling an idea using your own words

Original text:

There seems to be major disconnect between how creativity is valued in society

and the career advice we give our children. We all know that the arts are a
valuable means of expression, a means to share stories across cultures and an
uplifting and moving source of entertainment. We reverse our cultural icons,
whether they are movie stars, literary authors or artists, but we seem to limit the
possibility of careers in the arts to only a talented few.


We all know that arts is important. We cant live without arts. We listen to music,
we love to go watch movies, we like to talk about singers, actors, and celebrities.
However, when it comes to professional careers, nobody would take artistic jobs
seriously. Parents would advice children to take serious jobs like scientists,
lecturers, or bankers. There are some successful artists who make a great deal of
fortune, but people say it just come out of a good luck. Whats wrong with our

Summarizing =
Retelling the main idea only
Original text:

There seems to be major disconnect between how creativity is valued in

society and the career advice we give our children. We all know that the
arts are a valuable means of expression, a means to share stories
across cultures and an uplifting and moving source of entertainment.
We reverse our cultural icons, whether they are movie stars, literary
authors or artists, but we seem to limit the possibility of careers in the
arts to only a talented few.


Even though arts is considered as something important in the society, it

is never regarded as a serious profession that should be gained through
a professional training or education. Thus, we can say that arts is
inferior in the field of education.

Quoting = Copying as it is
Original text:

There seems to be major disconnect between how creativity is valued in

society and the career advice we give our children. We all know that the arts
are a valuable means of expression, a means to share stories across cultures
and an uplifting and moving source of entertainment. We reverse our
cultural icons, whether they are movie stars, literary authors or artists, but
we seem to limit the possibility of careers in the arts to only a talented few.


Nobody can ignore the importance of creativity in education, but when it

comes to a career, people tend to disregard it, as Lisa said, We reverse our
cultural icons, whether they are movie stars, literary authors or artists, but
we seem to limit the possibility of careers in the arts to only a talented few.

Building Good Arguments

Analyze the title: Does is reflect the content of the article? Is there
something you dont understand, something unclear, something you
It is not clear to me what the author means by Arts Education. Is
it a formal education with a specific degree, or is it an arts
curriculum, like, a lesson? The author does not give any examples.
The article is titled Why We Love Artists but Not Arts Education,
but there is no discussion about why people dont love arts
education. I found the authors view is confusing.
Be honest about your feeling to the reading. Dont pretend you
understand. However, please be specific about the part that you dont
I dont understand about
The author doesnt give a clear explanation about...

Building Good Arguments

Compare the authors argument with:
Your own knowledge:
As far as I know, arts education is not the only tool to develop creative

Your own experience:

Well, I think I have an artistic talent. When I was in high school, I wanted
to apply for the arts and design faculty here in ITB. But the admission is
tough. The faculty only admits the highly talented people. Currently, as I
am involved in students organization, my creativity is challenged. For
example, I have to think of ways to raise money to run the organizations.
So I think you dont have to pursue a serious arts education to nurture
your creativity. There are a lot of ways.

The local situation:

In my culture, Indonesia, arts education is still highly valued. This is
demonstrated by the competitive admissions in visual design
communication in many universities. Designers are paid highly too. So I
think the situation is different between America, where Lisa lives, and

Ground Your Arguments with:

Examples from facts
A lot of companies survive the competitive business
nowadays because of their creative innovations. For
example, Gojek gains its popularity today, followed by
other online public transportations and services such as
I agree that creativity is good, but I dont think arts
education is the only thing to nurture it. We still need
scientific knowledge or hard skills not only to increase our
competence, but also to make us think out of the box. For
example, when I had to answer Math questions in a limited
time, I always think of strategies to how to answer the
questions quickly. That is part of creativity too, I think.

Conclude Your Examples to highlight your points

Dont let your examples hanging.
I think the author is wrong. Nowadays, in the field of business, people
are getting more creative. For example, people in Yogyakarta make
many t-shirts and accessories and thus make a good fortunes because
these attract a lot of tourists. This shows that many forms of
creativity exist, especially in a country like Indonesia, in which
a lot of people are financially struggling.
I agree with the author because I have the same experience. When I
was in high school, I had to study math and science in order to pass
the exam. I pass the exam but I feel like something missing because I
didnt have much time for developing my soft skills. Now in college I
have met a lot of friends whose exam grades are not as high as mine
but I think they have better experience, better communication skills,
and wider knowledge about everything.

Strengthen Your Summary-Analysis Essay

Pick an article with flaws. Keep in mind that it is
easier to disagree than to agree
Add more points to your arguments
Organize your arguments
Avoid jargons
Put on a critical lens. For example, find
inconsistency in the authors sequence of logic (Is
the example supporting the argument? Is there
consistency among arguments?)
Be honest, avoid normative statements

Organize your arguments

Overall, I agree with the authors, but I see
there are some flaws in her supporting
First, she mentions that but I am not
convinced with her examples ...
Second, she points out that ... But she
does not explain it further ...

Lisa Phillips mentions that Further, she goes on to say that ... ...
[all copy and paste] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
I agree with her that creativity is important and it helps us to gain
an access to job market. For example, we have to keep in mind
that many jobseekers might have good GPA. Nowadays, it is easy
for college students to get good GPA compared to how it was in the
past. GPA standards might also be different as lecturers in some
private universities are known to be linient. If the GPA becomes the
single of determinant of someones competence, the job search
may be invalid because a lot of candidates may be eligible.
Therefore, in order to show a competitive advantage, creativity
should be a candidates valuable asset, and this can be obtained
through a proof of his or her experiences in students
organizations, participations in competitions, etc.

Find inconsistency in the authors sequence of logic

Generally I agree that trans humanism is

unavoidable; however, I found the authors
explanations are not satisfying. First, she said that
but then she mentions that ... Further, she points
out that ... Then she argues that ... I found these
Note: when you explain inconsistency of arguments,
explain it in details so that the reader would
understand by reading it without referring to/looking
for what exactly the author is saying.

Write Your Own Argumentative

English Academic Writing

Features of Good Argumentative Essays

A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement
that occurs in the first paragraph of essay.
Clear and logical transitions between the
introduction, body, and conclusion.
Body paragraphs that include evidential supports.
Evidential support (factual, examples, statistical,
personal experiences).
A conclusion that does not simply restate the
thesis, but readdresses it in the light of evidence

Five paragraph essay:

Introductory paragraph.
Three evidentiary paragraphs including:

Supporting paragraph (pro-view).

Opposing/refuting paragraph with
refutation (cons/against-view), or the
conflicting opinion regarding the topic.
Concluding paragraph.

Evidentiary Paragraphs
Solution (optional)
(+ solution ->

Solution (optional)
(+ solution ->

"Fixing" What Isn't Broken

Every pet owner knows that there are enormous responsibilities that
go along with having a cat or dog. It must be fed and exercised, and it
must be given love, attention, and protection. Theres another
responsibility that not all pet owners think about, however: spaying or
neutering, or fixing. What does fixing a pet mean? Simply put, it
means a quick, cheap surgery that will prevent a pet from ever
becoming a mother or father. This surgery solves problems that pet
owners know about, and some that they might not have considered
before. In fact, all pet owners should be required to have their pets
fixed because failure to do so overburdens shelters, causes pain and
suffering to unwanted pets, and increases the health risks of pets and
owners alike.
Everybody loves a cute new puppy or kitten. But those cute babies
soon get bigger, and right now, there simply arent enough homes for
them all. Some unwanted animals go to shelters, but these shelters
have limited funds and limited space, and they cannot keep all the
animals they collect. If a cat or dog is not adopted within a certain
time period, that animal is euthanized. Besides, not all unwanted
animals go to a shelter. What happens to a homeless animal left out
on the street? Pets arent wild animals. They cannot find fresh water
or hunt their own food, especially in a city. They cannot understand
traffic laws, so they often get struck by cars. They are susceptible to

Another thing to consider is the health of the pet itself.

Animals, especially those who eat processed foods, are
prone to the same illnesses as humans, like heart disease
and cancer. A spayed or neutered animal is at less risk from
certain kinds of cancer. Furthermore, animals who are not
fixed can sometimes behave aggressively when trying to
find mates. They can injure themselves trying to escape
from their homes, or they may fight with other animals.
Additionally, while running free, they are in danger from
cars. And finally, for females who become mothers, giving
birth is not a safe process. For the ordinary pet owner, all
these reasons should be strong enough to convince them to
fix their dear pet.
Of course, some people will not agree. I dont want to give
my animal an unnecessary surgery, they will say. Surgery
is risky, too, and its certainly expensive. That idea shows
ignorance. Spaying or neutering should be done as soon as
you get your petwhen he or she is young and healthy
and it is almost 100% safe. Your animal is in much more
danger if not for the urge to run away from home will put

Others might feel that this surgery will change their pets
personality. They might think that a fixed dog might not be
a good watchdog, for example. Or they may simply say I
like my pet the way he/she is (Rita_alabama). This shows a
basic misunderstanding of what the effects of spaying or
neutering are. A pets personality, like a humans
personality, is his or her
own, and it wont change after a fixing. Its true that some
behaviors will change. A pet wont want to mark objects with
urine as much, and females wont go into heat every few
months (I have an animal). A watchdog will still be vigilant,
but it probably wont want to fight with other dogs as much.
This simple surgery solves many behavior problems that can
frustrate pet owners. The best solution is simply to get your
pet fixed as soon as you get it home, as young as possible.
That way, fewer bad habits will form.
Theres really no valid reason not to spay or neuter your pet.
Whether considering the potential suffering of unborn
animals, the health and comfort of ones own pet, or the
convenience as a pet owner, the facts all show that spaying

Not all women are emotional thinkers, and not all men are
analytical thinkers.
Antithesis (anti-thesis):
All women are emotional thinkers.
Refutation paragraph:
Sure, I can admit that in certain cases women can be more
emotional thinkers who look at big picture concepts, and,
yes, men can be more item-by-item analyzers whose strengths
lie in focusing on one thing at a time, but that isnt always the
case. That kind of thinking is oversimplifying the human
existence. It prescribes general classifications to complex
creatures like human beings in such simplistic terms. We are
more complicated than that. We are so wonderfully diverse as
a people that it puts a pallor on our existence in this world, and
I would rather choose to seek out and celebrate the variances
in our existence rather than be limited by the sameness of it.
Avoid this kind of refutation: It is a narrow-minded and stupid
to think this way. Youre just not smart if you think that women

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