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CHAPTER 35, A Picture Is Worth a Gazillion Words We have a sub. This is bad news. Thea it gets even worse. We bein with an assignment to-write about «person that we know whois brave I start to come up with reasons to get out of the a5- Sgnment. Go tothe murse? Lhaven't yet met a sub who S595 n0 to trp to the nurse when you tell them you're foing to throw up on thee shoes {pat on my ‘sick look Jus as I'm about to raise my and the sub tuns to the class “Whereis Ally Nickerson” Hi Frey, Tein ny hand “Ob, Thave a note here that says that you don't have to write, so you can just draw a picture of your person” My face gets hot “Well, that Figures” Shay says. "She can practice her coloring. And then there will be Play-Doh and nap Soon Lam keeping Mes. Silver's chair warm, “So, Miss Nickerson. must admit chat Ihave enjoyed ot seeing you lately Things seem to be better with Mr Daniels as your teacher He's keeping you in ine?” "Yeah, He's a pach," Tsay with cut in my voice, “Are My toes cu in my sneakers and I slide down into sy chale The sub looks at Shay and shakes her head, Dut hid are already laughing, so what's the difference? The sub gives everyone else a piece of lined paper and she gives me a plain one 1 sit, stunned. Wondering why Mr. Daniels would do ‘this—betray me. Now I feel like I really am going to thoow up I stand and have to concent toward the door "Where ar you going?” the sub as. Ou you going to cll my mom?” No, don't thinks ‘want you to call her. Peat call her’ Siar “Pease? I ask. I don't even Know sehy I'm asking exo She looks surprised but is silent. She dls the phone tnd talks fora bit. Tells her that I've had a tough day Then she hands the phone to me, “She would lke to speak with yo take the phone from her “All; What in the world i going on™ ery not to cry I ely do but the teas leak fom my eyes Everything is so tight inside and I'm so tired of Teng this way: I's not ike [wake up every day planning tober face And I chought had Sally found someone toelp me. And then Mr. Daniel pulls this “Ally? Did you hear me?* “Mom? is all can get out, but i's squeaky and filled ten walking to move ‘You come back here and do your picture. Now 1 “Vm finshed.” *What are you taking about? It's blank: No it's not blank. I drew a ghost in ablizzar ‘As the door slams behind me, | hear kid laughing at sy answer this I bet Mr. Daniels didn’t mean for this to happen Give him a chance, okay?” nod. I hope she's ight, because I want to think that ‘with longing to pull her through the phone wires to si with me T hear it in her voice. She feels as upset as Ido. “Put Mrs Silver back on the phone Mrs Silver listens fr a bit and finally says, "Oh, Okay, Mrs. Nickerson, We'll be in touch then Mz Daniels doing something mean to anyone is ike a fish swimming upside down and backward [head tothe bathroom and sit in stall ong enough for the evidence of crying to go away. When I get back to class, I ask Keisha to help me write a note so I'm sure it’s all correct Teave it on Mi Daniel's desk "'m never reading afterschool or playing chess with you ever again. Not ever: “That afternoon, I drop onto my usual spot at Petersen's ‘wonder what my mom will say about the call from schoo When she comes over, she kises the top of my head. Which says it all ‘Soa ghost in blizzard, huh?" She smiles a me half smile. “Yeah, Prety funny, I think” She leans over and puts her hhand on my check, and it's everything I can do not 0 ry right therein front of everyone. 1 trusted him,” I tell her, “He was the first teacher who..." And I stop because I can't say the words "You nov, honey, I bet there's an explanation for

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