Deep Web

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Deep Web

Under the guidance of

Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Presented by Jayanta Das
Souvik Pal

What is Deep Web

Introduction: What is Deep

Modern Internet: Most effective
source of information.
Most popular search engine: Google
In 2008, Google added Trillionth (1012)
web link to their index database!
Stores several billion documents!
Despite many a times we are not
satisfied with the search results.
43 % users reports dissatisfaction about the

Real Life Example

Motivation: Why Deep Web

Then why Google fails?
Most of the Web's information is buried far
down on dynamically generated sites.
Traditional web crawler cannot reach there.
Large portion of data are literally un-explored
Quest for exploration of unknown a human instinct

Need for more specific information stored in

Can only be obtained if we have access to the
database containing the information.

Evolution of Deep Web

Early Days: static html pages, crawlers
can easily reach
In mid-90s: Introduction of dynamic
pages, that are generated as a result of a
In 1994: Jill Ellsworth used the term
Invisible Web to refer to these websites.
In 2001, Bergman coined it as Deep

Measuring the Deep Web (1)

when you can measure what you
are speaking about, and express it in
numbers, you know something about
it Lord Kelvin
First Attempt: Bergman (2000 )
Size of surface web is around 19 TB
Size of Deep Web is around 7500 TB
Deep Web is nearly 400 times larger than
the Surface Web

Measuring the Deep Web (2)

In 2004 Mitesh classified the deep
web more acurately
Most of the html
forms are found
either on the fist
hop or 2nd hop from
the home page

Measuring the Deep Web (3)

Unstructured: Data objects as
unstructured media (text, images,
audio, video)

Structured: data objects

as structured relational
records with
attribute-value pairs.

Deep Resources
Dynamic Web Pages
returned in response to a submitted query or accessed only
through a form

Unlinked Contents
Pages without any backlinks

Private Web
sites requiring registration and login (password-protected

Limited Access web

Sites with captchas, no-cache pragma http headers

Scripted Pages
Page produced by javascrips, Flash, AJAX etc

Non HTML contents

Multimedia files e.g. images o videos

Approach towards
Deep Web

Timeline: How it all started!

2001: Raghavan et al -> Hidden Web
domain specific human assisted crawler

2002: Stumbleupon used Human Crawler

human crawlers can find relevant links that
algorithmic crawlers miss.

2003: Bergman introduced LexiBot

used for quantifying the deep web

2004: Yahoo! Content Acquisition

paid inclusion for webmasters

Time line contd

2005: Yahoo! Subscriptions
Yahoo started searching subcription only sites
eg WSJ

2005: Notulas et. al. -> Hidden Web

automatically generated meaningful queries
to issue against search form

2005: Google site map

Allows webmasters to inform search engines
about urls on their websites that are
available for crawling.

Present Deep Web Search

Federated Search
Googles surfacing

Federated Search
Federated search is the process of
performing a real-time search of multiple
diverse and distributed sources from a
single search page, with the federated
search engine acting as intermediary.
Why federated?
Content from different sources are combined
instead of searching the sources one at a

Federated Search:
Properties (1)
Real Time
Fed search occurs live and results are

Diverse and Distributed Sources

Multiple sources present in different
locations in the web are serached.
Sources are diverse in nature containing
text, documents, pdfs, ppts etc.

Federated Search:
Properties (2)
Single Search page
Fed search engines provide a single point of

Fed Search engine acts as intermediary

User does not communicate directly with the
content sources when performing searches.
The search engine does it on the users

Federated Search Method

Works by filling out forms on web pages.
The search engine is programmed with
the knowledge of each form that it has
to search.
It knows how to fill out the form, press
the submit button and retrieve the

Web Form example

A web form that a normal search engine cannot crawl . This involv
in the textbox, clicking search and retreiving the results.

Federated search example : Searches science content from all over the w

government agencies, research and academic organizations.

Fed Search In Ac

Incremental search : Federated search engines do not wait for results fr

To improve response time results are displayed in chunks while the sea
in the background. When a new result set is available the user is promp

Metasearch vs Fed Search

Metasearch is similar to federated search.
Here the search engine searches other
search engines in real time.
Even though they search the underlying
search engine in real time, the
underlying search engines may not have
the most current information as they
themselves are crawlers.
It is NOT a Deep Web Seach!
People often confuse between Meta Search
and Fed Search

Metasearch example

Federated Search
Efficiency, Time Savings
Instead of querying many search engines
one at a time , the federated search
engine does it on the users behalf
Quality of results
searches only authoritative sources since
it has been programmed to do so.
Most Current content
Searches in real time.

Federated Search
The process of combining search results
from different sources in some helpful
eg: sorting by date,title,author

Displaying results relevant to search

A federated search engine may retreive
the same result from multiple resources

Googles reasons to move

away from Fed Search
Federated search works quite well
when it is restricted to one domain.
In case of general search involving
multiple domains it is not as effective.
Number of domains is extremely large
Defining boundary of domain difficult.
Mapping a query to a domain difficult
Dependent on latency of deep web

Case Study:
Googles Crawling

Case Study: Googles

crawling (1)
Two approaches for Deep Web
Virtual Integration

Case Study: Googles

crawling (2)
Virtual Integration (Domain
A mediator form is created for
each domain
semantic mapping between
individual data sources and
mediator form.
Performed in real time.
Cost of building mediator form
and mapping.
Identifying relevant queries for a
particular domain.

mediated form
semantic mappings

deep-web sources

Case Study: Googles

crawling (3)
Precomputes most relevant form values for
interesting html forms
Resulting urls are generated offline and
Helps in retaining exsiting infrustructure
while inclusion of Deep Web
Covers maximum web pages while bounding
the total number of web form submissions
GET vs POST method

Case Study: Googles

crawling (4)
Which form inputs to fill
Appropiate values to those inputs

Googles approach:
Selecting wild card for form submission
Some fields are mandetory

Query template
Testing with all possible values in select
Predicting form values from datatypes

Subconcious Mind and Deep

Inspiration behind exploration of
deep web
Iceberg example
Real life example

1. Wikipedia,
2. Bergman, Michael K , "The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value". The
Journal of Electronic Publishing , August 2001
3. Alex Wright, "Exploring a 'Deep Web' That Google Cant Grasp". The
New York Times. Sept 23, 2009.
4. Jesse Alpert & Nissan Hajaj, We knew the web was big, 2008
5. He, Bin; Patel, Mitesh; Zhang, Zhen; Chang, Kevin ChenChuan ,"Accessing the Deep Web: A Survey". Communications of the
ACM (CACM), May 2007

6. Madhavan, Jayant; David Ko, ucja Kot, Vignesh Ganapathy, Alex
Rasmussen, Alon Halevy, Googles Deep-Web Crawl, 2008
7. Maureen Flynn-Burhoe, "Timeline of events related to the Deep Web"
8. Darcy Pedersen, "Federated Search Finds Content that Google Cant
Reach Part I of III" , 2009,
9. Darcy Pedersen, "A Federated Search Primer Part II of III" , 2009,
10. Darcy Pedersen, "A Federated Search Primer Part IIIof III" , 2009,


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