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Which parenting role is more

important in children life?

----- How the single family effect children?

Yani Zhang

What does the general cognitive of father and

mother and how they perceive themselves?
The role of father and mother.
According to the passage of Do Fathers and Mothers Have Different Roles In Parenting? , John Piper said that "Fath
ers, bring your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." A father have the responsibility to admonite and c
orrect the faults from the children. Almost dad does a role of stringency. Moreover, a father should lead, protect and prov
ide for the wife in their marriage. These three things offer man a challange and they should be a good example for childre
n. When they do their roles, children will watch and imitate them. And they know that is a special role from their dads. As
for mother, it is different from father. The wife is the most initiative one in each family. Wife always initiate to lead childre
n to do things. To advocate, to go to the churches, to do housework, to do homework etc. The father is the person always
respond to mother. Agree or disagree. Father and mother are both essential role in a family and operate well.

The History Of Family

Family plays an important role in human society. It is a legal, social and religious institution. People when fi
nd his satisfeid mate, and then they will get married to constitute a family. According to census bureau, the marri
age of people rose from each year. However, the rate of divorce as followed as increasing. Compare the divorce f
rom pass to now, the rate has increased because of some reasons. First, women's status has increased. They wou
ld not only have the title of housewife and can also get a high income from companies. And then, some marriage
s ends with faults. Augument and Betrayal is the most reason. However, some people will not divorce because th
ey have baby and they do not want their baby lose any of them.

How the family changed over time? An

d what caused it?
The social status of men and women under economic.

From mid to 18th century, people come to construct together to a family based on love, economy, children and some oth
er reasons. Started to 19th century, husband became the breadwinner in each household and wife was the popular housemaker
. When they had child, wife had the big responsibility to care about child. It was a ideal life in people's dream. However, the maj
ority family did not achieve it. After the World War II, the form and structure of family was changed. Women began to work oursi
de and also can get a high salary. The divorce rate rose because women's civil rights has risen. They do not need to rely on men
to be alive. The women's social status had increased.

Compare the single family which only

has a father or mother.
Which feather is stable?
The structure of family is stable. The most common componets are father, mother and children. Maybe also has a pet. Chil
dren play important parts in th family. Because of children, there is a forever and stable connection between father and mother.
And it will never been changed. According to statistics, there are 27% of children live with only one parent in 2010.

A family only has a father or mother.

Single family means a family has a child or children but only has a father or mother, however, he or she should contribute
more work and love to them.

1. Single Mother.
Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers occupied the majority. According to U.S. Census Bureau, 3 out of a
bout 12 million single parent families in 2015, more than 80% were headed by single mothers.
What is her parenting style?
The single mother always plays a role in detailing of the children's life. She may care about everything but will be more sp
oil her love. The single mother always contains all the fault of the children and will not correct them because she thinks it is not
a big problem. She almost not be supervising and harsh.
What is the result of his/her parenting style?
When the children receive the freedom, and they will be more Higher aggression and delinquency because there is no fat
her to lead them. Without restrain of father, children will easily to have bad habits and go to commit crimes.
What does the children think? What he think he was missed from mother/father?
The children will be lose more adolescent communication with parents.

2. Single Father
What are their parenting styles?
Single father always faces the problem that difficult to show their love to children. And then, they rarely take care of childr
en's daily life. They are busy making money and they want to use the best material conditions meet the requirements of childre
n. They stat positive and can not bear any lies from children.
What is the result of his parenting?
Children may establish a positive values and be a straight shooter. But they will be shy to express their thoughts and do no
t know how to care about themselve in daily life. Children miss the love with sexual education will easily commit crime.
What does the children think? What he think he was missed from mother/father?
Children need more love and attention from parents.

The result of different parenting role a

nd how to improve it in single family.
A. Father is the most important role of children character formation and will not care ab
out the life detail of children.
B. Mother will focus on how to teach her kids to love this world and most of specific thing
C. Children will more easier enter the crime and have psychological problems without a r
egular family.

Family in the society.

Family plays important role in society. It establishes a big part of society. It brings up people to contribute themsleves. Parents b
e the first educational teacher and help society to educate them. To conclude, family transmission the talents to the society.

Conflict Theory
The patriarchal societies and matriarchal societies still have the controversy. In society, people rather the status of men is higher
than women. The patriarchal societies is more popular than matriachal societies. That is why wife always stay at home to do house
work and husband is the breadwinner of the family. As the time went by, women civil rights rose, they frequently realized that they
will not rely on men. They do not need to advocate their husband and can do anything they like. Women self sense has increased.

Work Cited
Single Parent. Wikipedia. Web.

Marriage In The United States. Wikipedia. Web.

Etuk Lena. How Family Stucture Has Changed. Social Oregon State University Extension Service .2008. Web.

Piper John. Do Fathers And Mothers Have Different Roles In Parenting? 3, October. 2008. Web.

U.S. Census Bureau. Web.

Dawn. Single Mother Statistics. 17 September. 2016. Web.

Mayo. Single Parent? Tips for raising a children alone. Web.

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