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Inti investiga, he, lho to demonstrat, nt he pamiciousefec ofhisior on design norte need ical to separate he to, tutrather tint coluion tht pervades all modern achitetual dgcours, a oluson tha has givn rise to same cf te moe inerestng rchtctral experiments ofthe Poster period neudng Johnson's las House, Strin's Salsa Arhiga’ Ling Ciy, Rosi! Cita Analog, and, more recent, Koolhaas’ Rterdam Kunstal, o give nlyavery ew examples mom Antony Vide, Historian :”Build a fact within various context “ Architects:”Build a fact within certain context “ “Inthe search for an authoritative modernity following the heterogeneous experiments of the avant-gardes in the first quarter of the 20th century, historians played a decisive role in the definition of programs, form and styles, that might be seen to unity an apparently fragmented and linguistically fractured field, and, equally importantly to provide authority in history for an architecture increasingly seen as detached from its past.” onAnthony Vidlet [Existing fact (pasni(history) | —F2m2isse_y | Contemporary (dentiy) i social background history of art technology shape desire { Style ideology cism) = —________ to built a new reality ! (vision) spatial concept phenomena tediscover ox reinvent fundamental nature mess’ Obata Vision : new way of reading past ‘Siedion: “One must have the courage to take small things and raise them to large dimension” “History isnot simply the eposony of unchanging facts buta proces. pata of living and changing atitudes and interpretation” “To backward look transforms its own nature.” “Already the demand for @ universal outlook upon the world has made itself felt in the college; intellectual oconnections between the variousfaculties are consciously being developed” historian ---- architects Bast fact) present Future (vision) K.Frampton: “The sole hope for a significant discourse in the immediate future lies,in my view ,in a creative contact between these two extreme points of view.” (optimizing production itself,invisibly open v.s. mansory enclosure,resonably open) T.lto; “Architecture is something which can connect our past , present and future. ”

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