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By: Leeroy Magaramiri

For the questionnaire I

created, I asked 10 people
different questions about my
magazine and the following
are the results I received.

The results from this questionnaire are

telling me that more people expect to see a
male model than a female model on the
front cover of my magazine probably
because it is typical thing for R&B artists to
be male. This then tells me that I need to
find a male model that will go on my front

It looks like people are saying that a male

audience are more likely to buy my
magazine than a female audience. This
tells me that I need to have a gender
balance of my audience.

Half of the people I asked chose 3 followed

buy a majority who chose 2 and a small
number of people who would buy at any
price. This is telling me that my magazine
would need to be at a fair price of 3 in order
for my audience to be able to purchase it.

From this question I got fairly mixed results

but most people thought that Drake would
not be classed as a R&B artist. This tells me
that I should exclude a sub-genre of hip-hop
from my magazine for it might not appeal to
my target audience.

A majority of people seem to think that red

and black would look good for an R&B genre
and so I might use these as theme colours
for my magazine.

From this question, a big number of people

thought that it was important that to have
fonts that would represent the genre. I
thought that the answers I got were really
helpful because they are telling me that I
need to choose fonts that will reflect my

For this question, I asked people why they said

yes and the answers combined said that R&B
music is mostly associated with black people
and it is rare to see white R&B artists therefore,
I know what sort of person I will need for my
magazine front cover.

Half of the people are saying that low key

lighting would be appropriate for my genre
although there is a fair number of people who
said that I would need balanced lighting. I
think that low key would be nice for my
magazine for it will set the perfect mood and
atmosphere that I will need.

In this question, a big number of people though

that it would depend on what pose the model
makes in order to appeal to the audience. This
tells me that I will need my model to be doing a
certain pose that will be appropriate for my
target audience so that they can feel satisfied.

From this question, I got a positive response from

people. Their results are telling me that my
audience would be able to recommend my
magazine to others which then challenges me to
make my magazine as appealing as possible in
order for it to be made popular and to be

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