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PrEPare for Change

Chris Harris
Personal Leadership Platform
November 2nd, 2016
University of Mount Union MAEL Program
Dr. Capel

Personal Leadership Goal
Desired Outcomes
Online Outreach
Health Communication and Messaging

Personal Leadership
My third personal leadership goal is the utilization and
optimization of technology to fulfill grant goals.
This can be done through the creation of an initiative
that I have named PrEPare for Change.
Through the use of technology (social media websites
and mobile applications) Equitas Health will spread
awareness and knowledge of prevention methods,
particularly that of the PrEP pill and its benefits.
Having virtual presences on these apps will help in
reaching our target population where they are at, in
environments that they are familiar and comfortable in.

Desired Outcomes
My goal through PrEPare for Change is to educate people
about the growing prominence of dating apps and the
importance of using them wisely. This includes safe sex
practices, and getting tested and knowing ones status.
More individuals will know about PrEP, and will seek out
the medication, especially if they are high risk
individuals. This will help lower the amount of individuals
infected with HIV.
Being present on social media also allows us to answer
questions that individuals might have, as well as
reaching an audience that may not otherwise know of
our existence.

Online Outreach
The virtual interaction
between a health
professional and
individuals at risk for
STIs/HIV for the purpose
of providing STI/HIV
related: health
information, education,
referrals and access to
services, recruitment for
testing and treatment,
and support for
reducing risk behaviors

Social Media
Mobile Apps
Chat Rooms


Mobile Apps

More Dynamic

Easy Access

Larger Networks

Location Services

Individuals who have sexual contact with partners found online are
at higher risk for the acquisition or transmission of HIV/STI
and are more likely to report high risk behaviors such as:
unprotected anal intercourse, anonymous sex, drug use, multiple
sex partners, group sex, and trading sex for drugs or money.
More than 1.2 million people in the United States are living
with HIV infection, and almost 1 in 8 (12.8%) are unaware
of their infection.
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM),
particularly young African American MSM, are most seriously
affected by HIV.
By race, African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV.


Health Communication
and Messaging

Health Communication
and Messaging Basics
Know the Population
Age, race, education level, popular hangouts, etc.
Leaders in the community
Health Literacy
Is your messaging understandable and at an
appropriate level?
Focus groups or outside opinions
Cultural Competence
Is your messaging getting across the way you
Is it culturally appropriate? Beware of unspoken

What to Avoid?
Fear Use of fear consistently proves to be ineffective.
Individuals will tend to ignore and avoid messaging that
attempts to use scare tactics.
Otherness Make sure your phrasing and responses feel
inclusive and positive. The feeling of otherness and
misunderstanding makes messaging ineffective.
Blame Even in regular conversations, it is too easy to say
things such as why did you do that that implies blame or
fault on the other individual.
Strong You Language Commanding phrasing like you need
or you have to is not motivating and in considered ineffective
at behavior change. Softer language such as it may be a good
idea if or I have heard other people like to do xyz... is
more positive.


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