CH 10 Imperialism

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Age of Imperialism

I. Growth of Imperialism
A. Imperialism:
1.Definition: A stronger nations attempt

to create empires by dominating weaker


B. Manifest Destiny (Later in notes):

1.Original idea: Expand across North

America and connect the continent

2.New Idea: Expand onto heavily
populated islands, adding new territories,
and possibly states.

II. Why Imperialism Grew?

A. Economic Factors
1. Increase need for natural resources
a.Increase in population, wealth, &
industrial production = more resources
b.Fear that US resources would dry up
c.Petroleum and rubber
d.Get resources from low economic areas.

II. Why Imperialism Grew?

A. Economic Factors
2. New markets to sell manufactured

a.Over production and Under consumption

hurt Am. Businesses

b. Foreign Trade important to US economy
c. US had shown that it can exert its control
over dependent people (Plains Indians)

II. Why Imperialism Grew?

B. Nationalistic Factors
1. Competition with European

Some wanted the US to be international

powers like European countries

2.Nationalism: Devotion to ones country
a. Economic Competition led to nationalistic
b. Nations believed their people, beliefs, and
government were superior to others.
c. Nations would protect their interests

II. Why Imperialism Grew?

C. Military Factors
1. Military Technology
a. Technology made Western militaries

superior to African, Asian, and South

American militaries.

2. Need for Naval Bases

a. Bases needed for fueling stations and

supplies around the world

II. Why Imperialism Grew?

D. Humanitarian Factors
1. Duty to spread the special
blessings of Western Civilizations.
a.Ex: Doctors/Missionaries

III. People in Favor of


A. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan

1. The Influence of Sea Power upon
History (1890)
a.Thesis: Control of sea was the key to world
dominance and empire.

2. US should build:
a. Large navy
b. Defensive bases
c. Refueling Stations
d. Strategically placed in the worlds oceans
Hawaii and Pacific Islands

III. People in Favor of


A. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan

3. Build a Canal across Central
a. Link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

4. Persuaded Yellow Journalists to

push for modern, steel navy.

a. Joseph Pulitzer
b. William Randolph Hearst

III. People in Favor of

B. Josiah Strong
1. Our Country (1885)

a. Superiority of the Anglo-Saxon civilizations

(white people)
b. Spread religion and democratic values to
backwards people (non-white)

C. Senator Alfred Beveridge

1. America is a part of a movement of a
superior race, ordained by God.
2. Mixture of Manifest Destiny and Social

III. People in Favor of


D. Theodore Roosevelt/Henry Cabot Lodge

1.Social Darwinism
a. Earth belonged to the strong and fit (United States)
b. Stronger nations dominate the weak ones

of the natural law

c. If the United States is to survive in modern
It must become an Imperial Power
2. Closing of the Frontier
a. American lost its pioneer spirit, which made it great
b. Needed to expand empire to regain that spirit.

IV. History of U.S. Foreign


A. George Washingtons Farewell

1. The US should:

b. Keep the United States out of Foreign

c. Concentrate on the growth of industry

and expansion into the West

IV. History of U.S. Foreign


B. Monroe Doctrine (1823)

1.US declared itself neutral in
European Wars.
2. Declared the American Continents
were free from further colonization by
European countries
3. Acts by Europeans in the Western
Hemisphere would be viewed as acts
of war.

IV. History of U.S. Foreign


C. Manifest Destiny (1830s-1850s)

1. John OSullivan
a. Undeniable fate of the United States expand

across North America.

b. It was the United States mission to spread the

virtues of God, by expanding the borders of the US.

c. Led to US expansion into
Purchase Florida & Alaska
Louisiana Purchase
Oregon Territory
Texas Independence

IV. History of U.S. Foreign


D. William H. Seward(1868)
1. Sewards Folley
2. Purchased Alaska from Russia($7.2
3. Public was outraged
A. Spending money on worthless land

during Reconstruction
4. Natural Resources
A. Gold discovered in 1898

IV. History of U.S. Foreign


E. Hawaii
1. American sugar planters wanted to annex
A. eliminate high tariffs
2. Queen Liliuokalani
A. Insisted Hawaiians should control Hawaii
3.Sanford Dole organized a successful revolt in
a. Assisted by American troops
b. Treaty tried to annex Hawaii
c. President Cleveland refused to sign any

annexation bill

IV. History of U.S. Foreign


E. Hawaii
4. First Imperialistic Debate in US
a. Cleveland was criticized for trying to stop

Manifest Destiny.
5. 1898- Hawaii annexed by the United


V. Spanish-American War

A. Reasons for going to war with

1) Rebellions in Cuba and the Philippines
2) Yellow Journalism
3) De Lome Letter
4) Revenge for the USS Maine

V. Spanish-American War
B. Cuba
1. Reconcentration:
a. Spanish military moved Cuban citizens into

areas of their control.

b. 100,000 Cubans died between 1896-1898.
2. Cleveland refused to intervene

3. McKinley stronger imperialistic views
4. American businesses wanted a free Cuba
5. Cubans started to rebel against Spain

V. Spanish-American War
C. Yellow Journalism
1. Emotional stories reported in gory details

without much concern for the facts.

You furnish me pictures, and Ill furnish the War -


2.Competition between newspapers lead to

sensational writing
3. Reported the cruelty of the Spanish army
4. William Randolph Hearst
5. Joseph Pulitzer

V. Spanish-American War
D. de Lome Letter(Feb. 9,1898)
1. Hearst published a letter from Spanish

minister in DC
2. deLome called McKinley corrupt and weak.
3. Caused an uproar in the American Public

V. Spanish-American War
E. USS Maine
1. Battleship sent to Havana, Cuba
a.Protect and evacuate Americans in
b. Friendly visit
2. Feb. 15 1898- USS Maine blew up
a.266 men died
b.Blamed on Spanish mine
c. Spain said that the ship exploded from
the inside

V. Spanish-American War
F. USS Maine
3. Yellow Journalists start the cry for
war against Spain.
a.Wanted the US to declare war on Spain
b. American public accepted that the

Spanish were to blame.

4.1976- Navy showed blast started


V. Spanish-American War
G. Cuba
1. Declaration of war against Spain

(Apr 25, 1898)

2. Teller Amendment
a. US would give Cuba their freedom

after removing the Spanish.

3. US setup blockade of Cuba
a. Kept supplies from getting to the

V. Spanish American War

H. Fighting
1. US troops fought in Cuba and the Philippines
2. War began after the USS Maine blew up in
the harbor of Havana, Cuba
3. Famous Battles:
a. Manila- Commodore Dewey and US warships

destroyed the Spanish fleet in the Philippines

b. San Juan Hill: Theodore Roosevelt led the
Rough Riders cavalry unit in a charge (Cuba).
4. US wins war easily

V. Spanish American War

5. Rough Riders Volunteer Cavalry Unit;

led by Theodore Roosevelt

6. Buffalo Soldiers African American unit;
led John Pershing
7. Spain gave up control of Cuba and sold
the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico to
the US
8. US was now a world power.

VII. Platt Amendment

A. Agreement between Cuba and

United States.
1. Cuba gains independence
a. US will keep other countries from dealing
with Cuba
2. United States gets Naval base
b. Guantanamo Bay

VIII. Open Door Policy

A. United States was worried that European

countries would harm their trade with

B. Sphere of Influence:
1. Areas of economic and political control

C. Open Door Policy:

1. Agreement to keep China open to all

countries for trade

IX. Panama Canal

A. Why the need for a canal?
B. Need- Shorter quicker route
connecting the Pacific and Atlantic
1.Spanish American War- opened eyes
to need.
a.Need for quicker movement by navy

during time of war

b. Make global shipping faster and cheaper

Short Cut

IX. Panama Canal

1. First US attempt Nicaragua; failed
2. France Failed to produce a canal through

3. Colombia controlled Panama
4. France tried to sell rights to Canal to US
5. Colombia disagreed, wanted more money.
6. US encouraged France and Panama to revolt
against Colombia.
7. Panama revolt; US ship placed along the
8. US recognized Panama independence.

IX. Panama Canal

C. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903)
1. US received a permanent grant of
10 miles in Panama.
2. Panama received $10 million
3. Construction 1904-1914
4. Finished 6 months early
5. William Gorgas brought in to fight
the Yellow Fever

Donde Esta Panama?

X. Anti-Imperialists
A.William Jennings Bryan, Jane Addams, Mark

1. Expansionists go against Liberty for all.
2. People controlled by the US should have

rights of a US citizen.
3. Large armies being used across the globe,
could be used against Americans too.
4. Maintaining the armed forces would require:
a. more taxes,
b. debt, or
c. required military service

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