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English III

Assembly of a control
Leonardo Wandame
Paulo da Silva
Roberta dos Santos

The company
ThyssenKrupp is a multinational company whose
main focus is the elevator industry, but has
expanded its product to other markets, Such as
escalators auto parts.

Assembly of a control panel

The process involves all electro-electronic

equipment, such as: Buttons, contacts, counters,
circuit breakers, wirings, modules, capacitors and
even the board itself.

Stages of the process

1.The separation of the material;

1. Separation of the
Through the LEAN methodology, the process
begins with the separation of the material that will
be used in that work, which is grouped in Work

2. Pre-assembly
The purpose is to put initial points in the
process, such as placing the Control, fixing of
gutters, plating and fixation instruments.

3. The assembly
This the stage where the work is connected,
contacts, breakers, wirings and modules are
interconnected for the operation of the control

4. Finishing
This is the moment which the frame is
finished, organizing its interior, wiring and placing
the last modules, in addition to the material that
will not be assembled, but will be used to test the
control panel.

Thank you for your attention!

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