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PeopleSoft Web Services

via CI

What is a Web service ?
Overview on IB Meta Data
Overview on Component
Building CI based service
Steps to Create CI based Web service
Testing Web Service (Activity)

What is a Web service?

A web service is any piece of
software that makes itself available
over the internet and uses a
standardized XML messaging system.
XML is used to encode all
communications to a web service.
For example, a client invokes a web
service by sending an XML
message, then waits for a
corresponding XML response.

Overview on Metadata
IB Architecture
Message (Rowset/Non Rowset
Service Operation (Synch or Asynch)
Handler Code

Steps to Create a CI based


Provide Web Service Using a

Component Interface
Synchronous Service Operation for each
Component Interface methods
Automatically creates Nonrowset-based Messages
with Schemas based on the CI definition
Builds handler definition that points the CI
Any to Local routing is defined
Naming convention for Web Service is CI_<name>
Supports user defined methods

Step-1 Create CI

Step-2 Open Web service

CI-Based Services Wizard
Generates Messages and Schemas,
Services, Service Operations, SO
Handlers, and SO Routings via CIBased Services Page
Publish as Web Service by selecting
the above generated Service

Follow Wizard guide lines

CI Based Services

Select Actions

Created Service Operation

Provide Web Service

Service and WSDL

WSDL viewer

Publishing Web Service

Web Service URL

Web service from URL

Provide Web Service Using

Component Interfaces Limitations
The interaction between the Web
Service and Component Interface is
Generated and Can Not be Modified
State Management can be a problem
There is no support for level deletes

Testing Web service

SOAP Utility
PeopleSoft Service Utilities

Web services Types

SOAP (Simple Object Access
Representational state transfer
(REST) or RESTful web services

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