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RP570 communication protocol is implemented to interface ABB
RTUs to the Operation Control Centre (OCC) computers and
Subhash Nagar and Dwarka control centre computers.
The PLC/RTU communicates with the ECC(OCC) via a serial
communication link using the RP570 protocol. RP570 is a high
level communication Protocol based on the low level protocol with
the Communication front end of the OCC as the master and the
PLC/RTUs as slaves. The OCC sends a message to the RTU
through the communication front end and the PLC/RTU answers.
The RP 570 protocol operates in half duplex mode. This means
that only one message is transmitted at a time from the master
or slave or vice-versa. This is independent of the communication
line configuration. The communication line can be configured half
duplex or full duplex mode.
Baud Rate : 9600 bits per second.

All the RTUs shall communicate to the Control Centre on RP570 protocol based on
IEC 60870-5 over fiber optic media.
There are 03 control centres thereby a need of 03 communication circuits. As
already explained RTU is having 03 Communication ports.
Port A is used for OCC(Main)
Port B is used for Subhash Nagar control centre(Secondary)
Port NFK is used for Dwarka control centre.
Now, The problem is to transmit the data to telecom room having the OFC ie
Optical Fibre Communication link facility.
Generally, the distance between Sub-station room and telecom room(having OFC
link) is about 0.5 KM .But the RS232 signal is having the distance limitation of
100m. so RS232/485 convertors is used in the RTU ,which converts RS232 signal
to RS485. Total 03 nos. of interface convertors are used one for each of the
control centre. For RS 485 the cable can be up to 1200 meters (4000 feet) long.
Copper cable is used between the RTU (Substation room) and telecom room.
Further the data is transmitted over fibre optic media.
This data is taken from the telecom room of the control centre through
RS232/485 convertors. RS232 output of the convertor is terminated in to multi
port controller of the server.
Total 08 communication circuit lines are provided for each of the control centre.
Normally 05 to 08 stations are multidropped in one communication line. For ex
:sub-stations from BRK to KB are multidropped in the communication line named
as line 1, sub-stations from RN to TN are multidropped in the communication line
named as line 3, etc.


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