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Improved nutrition is central

to improved income
generation , poverty reduction
and more rapid development .
The Indian National Food
Security Act was signed into
law 12th sep 2013.


Food Security Bill means that

all people at all time have
physical and economic
access to adequate amount
of nutritious , safe and
culturally appropriate foods


Seventy five percent of rural and 50 percent of the urban population entitled to five kg food
grains per month at Rs 3, Rs 2, Re 1 per kg for rice, wheat and coarse grains, respectively.
- The work of identification of eligible households has been left to the states.
- Pregnant women and lactating mothers entitled to nutritious meals and maternity benefit of at
least Rs 6,000 for six months.
- The central government will provide funds to states in case of short supply of food grain.
- The current food grain allocation of the states will be protected by the central government.
- The state governments will provide food security allowance to the beneficiaries in case of nonsupply of foodgrain.
- Public distribution system to be reformed.
- The eldest woman in the household, 18 years or above, will be the head of the household for
the issue of the ration card.
- There will be state and district level redress mechanisms.

Election Gimmick:

Food Security Bill - Need Of The

Hour Or An Election Gimmick ?

It has been 66 years of independence and the food security bill has passed now, on September 12, 2013,
just few months before the next election. Then, What is the main reason behind this? According to me, its
undoubtedly POWER, everyone loves to be in power and after enjoying two consequent ruling years of
rule, the Congress would surely not want to lose the same. Yes, in few aspects Food security bill was a
need but today's need for one has become advantage and a way of generating money for others.
According to the government, the law aims to provide food grains to approximately two thirds of India's
1.2. billion people i.e., roughly around 80 crores individuals. Then what does the Indian government
wants to portray? Does 80 crores individuals don't get meals in a day? Or, they strive of hunger ? Or,
they should become handicapped and also become dependent on government for food ? This should not
happen. The government is not worth trusting. The country where everyone is hungry in spite of being
fed in golden plates should not be trusted for providing food to the needy ones.
It may happen that the bill shows a positive reaction and the food reaches the house of the common
man. But again will it happen in a day? No, never. Seeing the present Indian scenario and the honesty of
the government employees, it will take approximately a decade to reach the one who is seriously in need
of this. Is this justice?
Thus, in the end I want to conclude that Food Security Bill is seriously an election gimmick which is a
game of Congress to remain in power and earn sympathy of the common man.


The state govt. is very p0or they dont

have enough money to spend

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