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The Evolution of


ollection of integrated circuits and other coponenetes that can run quickly and accurately according to what indicated by the user or automatically by another pr

What is a computer?

It is an electronic machine that receives and processes

data into useful information.

It is a collection of integrated circuits and other

components that can run quickly and accuratey
according to what indicated by the user or
actumatically by another program.

The First Analytical Machine

The first analytical engine created by Charles

Babbage, his idea was born because the preparation
of mathematical tables was an error-prone process


First Generation

Second Generation

Third Generation

Quarter Generation

Fifth Generation

First Generation.

This generation spans from the 50s

These were built using vacuum tubes

They were programed in machine language

Large and expensive

The first 1000 words available central memory and

could read magnetic tapes

Second Generation

Near the decade of 60s computers were reducing its

size and increasing its porcessing capacity

They are build with circuits and transistors

High-leve lenguaje programimming on new languajes


They are less expensive and many companies appear

Third Generation

The electronic manufacturing is based on integrated


The handling is throuhg control lenguages operating


It was inaugurated with the IBM 360 in 1964

The IBM 360 series 20, 22, 30, 40, 50, 65, 67, 75, 85,
90, 195, use specials techniques in the processor with
tape drives nine channels and packages of magnetic

Quarter Generation

Here they appear microprocessors that are a

breakthrough in microelectronics

They are high-density integrated circuits with a

impressive speed

Microcomputers based on these circuits are extremely

small and cheap, so their use extends to the industrial

Information revolution

Fifth Generation

The international competition for market dominance of

the computation

Parallel processing by special designs and

architectures and high speed circuits

Management of natural language and intelligence

systems atificial

The Future of Computers

Holographic computers


Covery emotions and feelings

We would need only speak and no more tapping

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