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Get Better Faster:

Observation and
Paul Bambrick-Santoyo
December 6, 2016
HCS Assistant Principal Meeting

Learning Intentions
I can identify the key components to Planning the Pitch to staff as I
begin to work with the Leverage Leadership Walkthroughs and

I can begin to see how I can realistically make this model fit for my

Planning the Pitch

Machens Behind the Scenes:
Summer 2016- Leadership Academy/Read the Get Better Faster Book
August 2016- Meet to discuss Roll Out to Staff
August 2016- SLT was trained in the See It, Name It, Do It- 25 minute Data Meeting. Staff PD
in September
Late Sept- Met to Plan the Pitch- PD Presentation
October 5th- PD Shared with Staff
Observations began the week of October 5th- The first week all observations and feedback
meetings were conducted with both Humble/Johnson

Contenders practice until they get it right.

practice until they cant get it wrong.

Research says.
The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, it is not is the effectiveness of the teacher. - Harry Wong is clear that effective teachers have a profound impact on student
achievement and ineffective teachers do not. In fact, ineffective
teachers might actually impede learning of their students. Marzano (2003), p. 75
An analysis of research conducted over a thirty-five year period
demonstrates that schools that are highly effective produce
results that almost entirely overcome the effects of the
student backgrounds. - Marzano (2003)

Renee Fleming:
Observation and Feedback

Observation and Feedback

Not for the purpose of evaluation
but for improvement.
Observation & Feedback is not to evaluate a teacher; but to
find the most effective way to coach them to improve
student learning.

What it will look like?

Regular Observations with Follow-up: Frequent observations
with time sensitive feedback
Right Action Steps: Determine 1-2 action steps for growth.
Effective Feedback: Give face-to-face feedback that practices the
action step.
Accountability: Developed systems to ensure action step
translates to practice (follow-up).

The SEE it
See the Success
See the Model (the exemplar)
See the Gap

The NAME it
State concrete action step
Name the what and how
Staff writes it in their spiral notebook

The DO it
Design/revise upcoming lesson plans to implement action
Role play or simulate what it will look like
Takes place in the classroom
Set timeline (week of)

Watch it!
SEE it

DO it

Scheduled Observations (15 minutes)
Action Steps (1-2)
Face-to-Face Feedback with Action Steps IdentificatedPractice/Role Play (15 minutes)
Times in lesson plans (small group, whole group, writing...etc)

Before you leave.
Take two post-its
Label - Takeaways and Wonders
On the takeaway post-it: write one positive you can take away from
On the wonders post-it: write one question that remains from today.

The Management

Teachers are tiered (utilizing data, PBIS discipline reports, # of years


Administration meets on a weekly basis to discuss observations and


Administration exchanges teachers so that each administrator sees every

teacher (for example: If Ms. Humble observes Ms. Jones on week 1, then
Ms. Johnson will observe Ms. Jones on week 2)
- Ms. Johnson observes on Tuesdays, Ms. Humble observes on Wednesdays
- Stick to 15 minute feedback (2 teachers per planning)

The Machen

The Management

The Commitment
ALL hands on deck support- Office, FES, Counselor- Shared schedules and
Office given a script for answering parent calls
PBIS Flowchart revisited- staff calling for MAJOR behaviors
Fidelity to the model and the schedules
Administration Meeting EVERY Friday is a MUST
To date- 91 Walkthroughs and 91 Feedback Meetings Conducted in
two months!

The Rewards
Staff has given great feedback on the feedback!
Often they want the immediate feedback
They KNOW their own action steps!
Sharing and collaboration among staff
Overall collaboration in GROWTH!
The process has drastically changed the way we give feedback to

Takeaways and Wonders
Share one positive you can take away from today.
Share one question that remains from today. (I wonder how???)

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