Analyzing and Improving Teaching

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Analyzing and Improving


Review and research of

Some educational researchers
maintain: we cannot distinguish good
teacher and poor teacher,
Other research: teaching behaviors can
be defined(and learned by teachers).
Its true that the infulence teachers has
on student performance because the
learning variables are numerous and
the teaching interaction are complex.

Teacher Styles
Teacher Styles is viewed asa
aboard dimension or personality type
that encompasses teacher stance,
pattern of behavior, mode of
performance, and attitude toward
self and others.
You can sense that each one has a
personal style of teaching, for
structuring the classroom, and for
delivering the lesson.

Research of teacher styles

Lippit and white :
The authoritarian teacher (direct teacher),
direct all the activities of the program
The democratic teacher (indirect teacher),
encourages group participant and it willing
to let students share in decision- making
The laissez-faire teacher, provides no goals
and directions for group or individual

Ned Flanders and his associate (1854 and 1970)

Focused on developing an instrument for
quantifying verbal communication in the
Finded find that students in the indirect
classroom learned more and exhibited more
constructive and independent attitudes than
students in direct classroom.
The flanders system can be used to examine
teacher- student verbal behaviors in any

Teacher Interaction
Verbal communication (Arno
Ballack) :
1. Structuring moves
2. Soliciting moves
3. Responding moves
4. Reacting moves
These pedagogical moves occur in
combnations he called Teaching

The investigator analysis of the classroom

producted several insights:
1. Teacher dominate verbal activities
2. Teacher and student moves are clearly defind
3. Teacher initiate about 85 percent of the cycles
4. In approximately two-thirds of the behaviors
and three-fourth of the verbal interplay
5. About 60 percent of the total discourse is fact

Nonverbal communication
Miles Petterson, nonverbal behavior in the
classroom serves five teacher function:
1. Providing information
2. Regulating interactions
3. Appresing intimacy or liking
4. Excercising social control
5. Facilitating goals

Nonverbal communication operates

as a silent language that influence
the process.
(Stephens and valentines) 10 specific
nonverbal behaviors: 1)smiles or
frowns, 2)eye contact, 3) head nods,
4) gestures, 5) dress, 6) interaction
distance, 7) touch, 8) body
movement, 9) postures, 10) seating

Silent behavior of space, time, and

body Charles Galloway
1. Space, s teachers use of space
conveys meaning to student
2. Time, How teacher utilized classroom
time is an indication of how they value
certain instructional activities.
3. Body Movement, used by teacher to
control students.

Teacher expectation
In many cases teacher expectations
become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Teacher communicate their
expectations of students through
verbal and nonverbal cues.
The teacher who understands that
differences exist and adapts realistic
methods and content accordingly will
have the most positive effect on

Teacher character
Such as teacher traits, teacher
personality, teacher performance, or
teacher methods
Many research feel that certain
teacher characteristics can be
defined, validated, and generalized
from one study to another.

Three patterns of successful versus

unsuccessful teacher:
1. Pattern X : understanding, friendly,
responsive, versus aloof, egocentric.
2. Pattern Y : responsible, businesslike,
systematic, versus evading,
unplanned, slipshod
3. Pattern Z : stimulating, imaginative,
original, versusdull, routine.

Teacher effect
1. Clarity : ability to organize classroom
2. Variability : media, materials, and
activities used by teachers.
3. Enthusiasm : defined in terms of the
teachers movements, voice inflection,
and the like.
4. Task orientation
5. Student opportunity

The gaga model

Nate Gage analyzed fourty-nine
process-product studies. he identified
four clusters of behaviors that show
a strong relationship to students
outcomes: 1) teachers indirectness,
2) teachers praise, 3) teacher
acceptance, 4) teacher criticism

The Good and Brophy Model

1. Clarity
2. Knowladge
3. Variety
4. With-it-ness
5. Overlapping
6. Smoothness
7. Seatwork
8. Accountable
9. Realistic expectations
10.Realistic praise
12.Task orientation

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