Final Observation

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4K Observation



Does the teacher get down at the childs level while communicating?

On the carpet with animals

Catching fish with children

Playing with play dough at table

Does the teacher use guiding techniques when a problem arises?

What do you do with the toys? when the bell rings

Play dough at the table

Does the teacher have developmentally appropriate free play activities?

Play dough

Babies taking a bath

Fishing poles


Does a teacher show good relationships with each child?

What is the teachers discipline technique?

Interacts very well

Next time I will take these away

Is the teacher positive with the children in the classroom?

Water needs to stay at the table

Cody, please dont sit on the table

Please get off the teacher chair

Teacher Analysis


Suggestions to

Didnt Like

Interaction with children

No guiding technique

More guiding techniques

Warm personality

Monotone voice

Good role model

Telling them what to do

vs. asking permission

Acknowledged parents

Show children your

feelings more

Use proper sanitation

Safety/Health/General Condition

Classrooms have adequate natural lighting, windows at childs level

Classroom is provided with two exits

9 long narrow windows, view of playground and parking lot

Door leading to other classroom, door to enter class

Eating area is clean and well maintained

Crumbs on floor, chairs stocked when not in use

Environment Activities

Environment provides open space for large group/motor activities

Carpet area



Developmentally and age appropriate materials and toys are provided

Environment offers different textured materials (water, sand, finger paint, play
dough, markers)

Different areas

Sensory table babies, play dough, crayons, sensory bottles, bird nest

Books are easily accessible, well displayed, and appealing to childs interest


Personal Environment

Each child can personalize his/her own space for personal belongings

Cut out birthdays, artwork, friends and family area

Environment provides a quiet area where a child can be alone

No cozy area in books, small couch in kitchen area

Environment Analysis


Suggestions to

Didnt Like

Natural lighting

Book set up

Cozy area

Labels at every area

Enforce clean up times

Different areas

No limit to how many

children at an area

Display books on a
leveled shelf

Large open space

appropriate areas

Family & friends poster

Didnt have clean up


No quiet/cozy area

Messy floors


Social Play

Children can play by themselves with similar toys

Sensory table, parallel play

Cooperates well with other children

Emotional Development

Children eat, sleep, and wash hands without fuss

Children handle sudden changes with control

Children can express anger in words rather than actions

Play dough

Movement/Physical development

Child can pour and cut with supervision

Child can run and dance

Self Identity

Children make activity choices without teachers assistance

Prosocial Behavior

Children show concern for someone in distress

Children can tell how another feels during conflict

Child Analysis


Well behaved

Interactive with others


Children were talking to


Suggestions to

Didnt Like

Didnt explore different


I dont have any

Improvements really.

I thought that all the children

were great.

They played well together

and were at the right stages
they should be at.

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