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Vidya Bal Bhawan Sr.

FA.2 Activity (2015Sec.

2016) Resources
Forest and Wildlife
Group Number - 6
10th E

Group Members :-

Shubham Kala
Bharat Adhikari
Vikrant Katoch
Vishal Kumar Gautam
Sourabh Semwal

This is to certify that this project on Forest and
Wildlife resources is made by group number 6 and the
members are Shubham Kala, Bharat Adhikari, Vishal
Gautam, Vikrant Katoch, and Sourabh Semwal. We are
thankful to principal sir and to concerned teacher for
giving this opportunity.

Teachers signature

Principals signature

Marks obtained

Wewould like to express our special thanks of
gratitude to our teacher (Mrs. Navdeep) as well as
our principal (Dr. Shatvir Sharma)who gave us the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic (Forest and Wildlife resources), which
also helped us in doing a lot of Research and we
came to know about so many new things we are
really thankful to them.
Secondly we would also like to thank our parents
and friends who helped us a lot in finalizing this
project within the limited time frame.

Forest and Wildlife


Flora and Fauna
Fauna in India
Flora in India
Vanishing flora and fauna
Different categories of existing plants and
Factors responsible for depletion of flora and
Distribution of forests
Role of government in conserving flora and
Did you Know?

We human beings along with all
living organisms form a complex web
of ecological system called ecosystem
in which we are only a part and very
much dependent on this system for
our very existence.
Wildlife and Forest play a key role
in the ecological system as these are
also the primary procedures on which
all other living beings depend upon....


Flora: Flora is the plant life occurring in a
particular region or time, generally the naturally
occurring or indigenousnative plant life. Plants
are grouped into floras based on region (floristic
regions), period, special environment, or climate.
Regions can be geographically distinct habitats like
mountain vs. flatland.
Fauna: Fauna is all of the animal life of any
particular region or time. Fauna can be divided into
many subdivisions which include Cry fauna, Crypto
fauna, In fauna, Avifauna, Macro fauna, Mega
fauna, Meiofauna, Mesofauna, Micro fauna

India has some of the world's most biodiverse regions. The political
boundaries of India encompass a wide range of ecozonesdesert,
high mountains, highlands, tropical and temperate forests,
swamplands, plains, grasslands, areas surrounding rivers, as well as
island archipelago. It hosts 3 biodiversity hotspots: the Western
Ghats, the Himalayas and the Indo-Burma region. These hotspots
have numerous endemic species.
India, for the most part, lies within the Indomalaya ecozones, with
the upper reaches of the Himalayas forming part of the Pale arctic
ecozone; the contours of 2000 to 2500m are considered to be the
altitudinal boundary between the Indo-Malayan and Palearcti zones.
India displays significant biodiversity. One of eighteen mega diverse
countries, it is home to 7.6% of all mammalian, 12.6% of all avian,
6.2% of all reptilian, 4.4% of all amphibian, 11.7% of all fish, and
6.0% of all flowering plant species.

Flora in India
The flora of India is one of the richest in the world
due to the wide range of climate, topology and
habitat in the country. There are estimated to be
over 16,000 species of flowering plants in India,
which constitute some 6-7 percent of the total
plant species in the world. India is home to more
than 45,000 species of plants, including a variety
of endemics. The use of plants as a source of
medicines has been an integral part of life in India
from the earliest times. There are more than 3000
Indian plant species officially documented as
possessing great medicinal potential. India is
divided into eight main floristic regions: Western

These diverse flora and

fauna are so well integrated in
our daily life that we take
these for granted by us.
Lately, they have been under
great stress mainly due to our
insensitivity to our
environment .

At least 10% of Indias

recorded wild flora and fauna

Among the larger animals in India,

79 species of mammals, 44 species of
bird, 15 species of reptiles and 03
species of amphibians are threatened

Nearly 1,500 plant species are

considered endangered. Flowering
plant and vertebrate animals have
recently become extinct at a rate
estimated to be 50 to 100 times the
average expected natural

The forest cover
in the country is estimated

to be 637,293, which is 19.39% of the

total geographical area.
Dense forest : 11.48%
Open forest : 7.76%
: 0.15%.
According to the state Forest Report -1999,
the dense forest cover has increased by
10,098 since 1997. This increase is
due to the plantation by different agencies
and also Report does not differentiate
between natural forests and plantations,
therefore, these reports fail to deliver the
accurate information.

Different categories of
existing plant and animal
Normal Species
Endangered Species
Vulnerable species
Rare Species
Endemic Species
Extinct Species

Asiatic Cheetah
Worlds fastest land mammal is a unique and
specialized member of cat family and can
move at the speed of 112 km/hr.
Cheetah is often mistaken for leopard but has
distinguishing marks like the long tear
dropped shaped lines on each side of the
nose from corner of its eyes to its mouth.
Prior to 20th century Cheetahs were widely
distributed in Asia and Africa, i.e. today
nearly extinct due to decline in habitat and
The species were declared extinct in India
long back in 1952

Factors CAUSING depletion of

flora and fauna
The greatest damage inflicted on Indian
forests was by the colonial period due
to the expansion of the railways,
commercial and scientific forestry and
mining activities.
Agriculture expansion is one of the
major causes depletion of forest
resources. As per forest survey of India
between 1951-1980 over 26.200
of the forest area was converted into
agriculture land all over India.

Tribal belts especially in North-Eastern and

Central India, have been deforestation or
degraded by shifting cultivation (jhum), a
type of slash and burn agriculture.
Large scale development projects have
also contributed significantly to the loss of
Since 1951, over 5, of forests
have been cleared for river valley projects
and it is still being continued like the
Narmada Sagar project in MP, which would
inundate 40,000 hectares of forests.
Mining is another factor responsible for
forests depletion.




More than half of

the total forests have
been declared as
reserved forests. They
are regarded as the
most valuable as far
the conservation of
forest resources are

Almost one third of

the total forest area is
protected forest, as
declared by the forest
department. This
forests land is
protected from any
further depletion.

These are other forests and

wastelands belonging to both
government and private
individuals and communities.

Jammu and
Kashmir, Andhra
Kerala, Tamil
Nadu, West Bengal
and Maharashtra
have large
percentages of
reserved forests.

Bihar, Haryana,
Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Orissa and
Rajasthan have a bulk
of it under protected

All the North-Eastern

states and parts of Gujarat
have very high percentage
of their forests as
unclassed forests
managed by local

Governments role in
conservation of wildlife
Wildlife protection act 1972
Project Tiger 1972-73
Forest Protection Act 1980-88
Anti Poaching Agencies

State wildlife dept.

State forest dept.
Ministry of Environment and Forest
Army ( if applicable)
Border security Force and Coast guards
Wildlife Conservation Society.


Over 81,000 species of fauna and
47,000 species of flora are found
in India !!. Of the estimated
47,000 plant species, about
15,000 flowering species are
endemic (indigenous) to India.

Forests and wildlife are the
renewable natural resources
and if all the planned
programmes are effectively
executed, in a few decades the
flora and the fauna will start

Thank You

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