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Anatomi Jantung

Dr.Carmonthy H.SpJP

Struktur & Fungsi Sistem Kardiovaskuler

Jantung terletak dlm Rongga dada & antara
ke 2 paru
Dibungkus Perikardium ( 2 lapisan)
Ada Cairan perikard sebagai pelumas

Size, Shape, Location

of the Heart
Size of a closed fist
Apex: Blunt rounded
point of cone
Base: Flat part at
opposite of end of cone

Located in thoracic
cavity in mediastinum


Heart Wall
Three layers of tissue
Epicardium: This serous membrane of smooth
outer surface of heart
Myocardium: Middle layer composed of
cardiac muscle cell and responsibility for heart
Endocardium: Smooth inner surface of heart

Heart Wall

What it does
The heart has four chambers
The upper two are the right and left atria
The lower two are the right and left ventricles
Blood is pumped through the chambers, aided
by four heart valves
The valves open and close to let the blood
flow in only one direction

The four heart valves

The tricuspid valve
The pulmonary or pulmonic valve
The mitral valve
The aortic valve

Coronary Circulation

External Anatomy
Four chambers
2 atria
2 ventricles

Major veins
Superior vena cava
Pulmonary veins

Major arteries
Pulmonary trunk

heart is made up of four chambers
two chambers on each side of the heart, one on
the bottom and one on the top
two chambers on top are called the atria
left atrium and a right atrium.
atria fill with blood returning to the heart from
the body and lungs.

The two chambers on the bottom are the
The heart has a left ventricle and a right
ventricle. Their job is to return blood to the
body and lungs.
Left ventricle distributes blood to the body.
Right ventricle distributes blood to the lungs.

Blood Flow Through Heart

Systemic and Pulmonary


Conducting System of Heart

The Electrical System

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