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Capt. Kevin F Quinn

Friday Oct 26th ,
Dublin Ireland

What is a pilot?
A qualified individual possessing local

knowledge of the harbour or waters in which

he/she pilots who is usually licensed by a
public authority who is taken onboard at a
particular place ( pilot station) to conduct a
ship through a river road or channel or from
or into a port. Pilots are usually established
through legislation in the major seaports of
that country.
British Merchant Shipping Act refers to a pilot
as a person not belonging to a ship but who
has the conduct thereof

Where does the word come

The original meaning of the word

pilot was steersmen. I.e. steering the


River Pilots- Canada

St. Lawrence Pilotage 261 miles.
Join at Les Escoumins approx. 14 miles

from the entrance of the Saguenay River

Take ship up to Quebec station 122 miles
Then Quebec Pilot takes ship up to Three
Rivers station. 68 miles.
Then onwards to Montreal. 71 miles
All pilots belong to LPA

Harbour Pilots/Docking
Pilot station is within harbour limits
Usually relatively short passage less

than 10 miles
Pilot is very experienced at ship
Takes con of vessel throughout passage
including docking the vessel.
Usually with tugs

Types of Pilots
Deep Sea
Ice Advisor/Pilot

Job description
odd hours for days on end
Usually shift work- ie 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off on call 24/7.
Must be physically fit to climb up pilot ladders then climb up several

flights of stairs to bridge usually done in a hurry.

Must be mentally sharp , able to quickly disseminate information and
react in seconds.
Want to go out in the middle of the night when its blowing a gale,
raining or snowing , visibility near or 0 , jump on the pilot boat, thrash
around for 30-45 minutes to get to your ship, go out on deck, time it
just right to jump from the deck of the pilot boat which is moving up
and down 2-3 meters at times, the ship is also rolling, jump for the pilot
ladder, full death grip, scurry up the ladder, so that you dont get
caught in between the boat and the ship, land on deck, walk up to the
bridge sometimes several flights of stairs ,shake hands with the OLD
MAN and take over the conduct of the vessel after a very brief
exchange of information between you and the Old Man who then says
Shes all yours Pilot
when most people are home in bed.

Most Pilotage groups and or Authorities are regulated by the

country such as in Canada by the Minister of Transport and have

very strict guidelines for qualifications-legislated.
In Canada minimum standard for most compulsory ports is ON1
Master Home Trade
Some of the secondary ports have lower standards such as 3 rd
Mates or 2nd Mates depending on the pilotage risk as viewed by the
local authority. I know of one port in particular that handles large
handi size ships on a regular basis where the pilot has no
All have the same high standard of local knowledge when it comes
to familiarity with the ports. Candidates must have a min number
of years working in/out of the port while serving in that above
Most who go on to become pilots unusually are senior ranking
members of the crew such as the Master or C/O serving onboard
regular trading vessels of the port they wish to be a pilot.

Hazards of the job

As previously stated embarking/disembarking
Irregular hours sleeping during the day
when most people are working.
Studies have been completed by Australian
organization showing various stress levels.
Can be times of boredom , when the job is
becoming routine dangerous.

Pilotage in Canada

Comes under the Pilotage Act 1972 (R.S.C 1985) of Canada.

Pilotage is Regulated by 4 Regional Authorities.
Atlantic Pilotage Authority
Laurentien Pilotage Authority
Great lakes Pilotage Authority
Pacific Pilotage Authority
All the Authorities are directly responsible to the Minister of
Transport through and by the Act.
Mandate of the Authorities is to establish, operate,
maintain and administer in the interest of safety an efficient
pilotage service within the waters of the authority.


Pilots Liability
Pilots are liable for their negligence

resulting in loss of or damage thereof.

This liability is limited to $ 1000.00
As well the association of Pilots is
limited to $ 1000.00 as a result of
negligence or wrong doing by one of
their employed licensed pilots.


Relationship of Master and

TMO & PA -usually a very good relationship but there are times when strained.
Nothing supersedes the Masters command position onboard, however the pilot

has the legislative powers to have the conduct of the vessel to safely navigate.
In Canada should the Master disagree with the conduct of the Pilot and decide to
relieve the pilot of his duties he must make a written statement to the Minister of
his reasons why within 72 hrs of his actions and is subject to a fine if they are
found to be unreasonable.
Case of the near collision of the Diamond Star ( Tanker) with one of the piers of
the Laviolette bridge near Quebec downbound in the seaway with pilot onboard.
Master on the bridge and notices pier of bridge straight ahead. Master orders
hard-a-port, pilot immediately counter acts with hard a- stbd. Master re-ordered
hard-a port and they just miss the pier and bridge.
After clearing bridge Master goes over to pilot and smells alcohol on his breath
and immediately orders him to take him to anchour, relieved him of his duties
and had to order another pilot which results in delays to the vessel.
Recovery of lost time =0
The best way to avoid above situations is to have good communications right
from the very beginning when the Pilot boards the vessel with an exchange of
Any suspicions at all ask questions.


Bridge Resource
Bridge Team
Master, OOW, wheelsman
All to be attentive to the pilot helm and

engine orders.
Pilot could be in error and Bridge Team must
pick up on it right away.
Once Master and Pilot have exchanged info ,
Master should go over with OOW again to
make sure he understands passage.
Proactive approach

Ice Advisor

Technical name is Advisor however known

onboard the vessel as the Ice Pilot.
Experienced Mariner usually with Master
Mariners qualification and or experience. Min
experience in Ice as senior officer.
Local Knowledge of Area such as Gulf of St.
Lawrence with particular emphasis to effects
of wind and currents on ice.
Join vessel inbound at Port aux Basque or
Sydney. If ice conditions too much then St.
Pierre to the East or Halifax to the SW.
Pilot vessel to Escoumin pilot station where
Licensed pilot of the LPA takes the con.
Distance is approx. 450 miles depending on
Usual trip is 2 days can be as many as 3-4
depending on ice conditions.
Outbound usually the load port or discharge
port is the easiest as the St. Lawrence pilots
do not like Ice pilots.
Start to Ice Pilot once LPA pilot is away at
Ecoumin Pilot station.
Ice Chart Jan 15, 2007, open water.


Aids for the Master and Ice

Ice Chart- every 6

hours from Ice Halifax.

Weather Forecast
Good radar and search
light is essential !!!
Chart is for Feb 15,
2007, open water up
to Sept Iles- 7 Islands


Canadian Ice Classes of


No Class
Ice Class D- Marginal
Ice Class C- Not bad
Ice Class B- Good
Ice Class A- Bullet
Chart is March 1,
2007, essentially open
water up through to


Season in Gulf
Use to start( meaning

ice ) in late Dec early

Jan now end of Jan until
about end of March,
first week of April.
Approx. 8 -10 weeks
Chart is March 15
Global Warming has
had an effect!!


Ice Routing
Stick to it , make sure Ice

advisor does not go off on his

own passage.
If you get stuck and Coast
guard Ice Breaker finds that
you are well outside the route
trying to take shortcut, you
will wait a long time.
Ice routing is generally good
and is based on a lot of hard
data-such as air
reconnaissance and ice
observations from ships
transiting the Gulf region.
March 22, 2007 and open
almost all the way.


Regulations governing the use

of Ice Advisors in the Gulf
Voluntary JIG-Joint Industry Guild
lines- Canadian Coast Guard.
Oil Tankers and Liquid Chemical
carriers should carry Ice Advisor
when zones are declared in force.
Voluntary for all other ships.
99.9% of all tankers plying the Gulf
have advisors onboard.


Defining the insured peril in a

Whose fault Master or Pilot or

percentage thereof.
Generally recovery not possible from
pilotage organization due to pilot error,
if for example contact with berth.
Best course of action is proactive
Loss prevention

Loss Prevention
Good Master/Pilot Exchange of info
Master asking pilot about all his

Asking for hard copy ( Chartlet ) of
passage planning
Where he is going to pick up tugs
Berth going to
Currents, shoals all the hazards etc..


Loss Prevention continued

Pilot to inform Master of his passage

planning- total plan

If he has a Chartlet prepared good ; if not
go to chart table and show him passage
plan. Master to insist on this.
Master must tell Pilot of any deficiencies or
problems before they start in/out as it
might be too late once they reach a point
of no return- ie turning around or stopping.

Loss Prevention for UW

Underwriting issues such as ship management
Crewing agency
Do they hire good experienced Masters C/E,
and C/O.
Your ship is only as good as the people that
run it.
Like a computer- garbage in- garbage out
resulting in losses.
Are the shipowners using Ice Pilots


The End
Thank you for your time and

attention on this important matter.


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