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Spread of Islam and Muslim


The Spread of Islam

dies in 632
AD but
continues to
spread for
150 years.

The Spread of Islam

Why did it spread?
a. Muslim traders
traveled to Asia,
North Africa, and
around the
b. Arab armies

The Spread of Islam

Why were Muslim
Arabs successful?
Roman, Byzantine,
and Persian Empires
were either defeated
or weakened.
Islam united Arab
people into one
community that
fought together.

Spread of Muslim Civilization

by 733.

The Spread of Islam

Muslim Rule
After Muhammad, Muslims were ruled by a
leaders called caliphs.
Caliphs ruled in a government style called a theocracy.
This is when religion and government are closely linked.

Muslim rulers tolerated other faiths and allowed

them to practice their own religions.
Non-Muslim citizens had fewer rights and paid more
taxes though.

The Golden Age 800 to 1100

Islam Golden Age:
Islamic civilization combined
Arabic, Byzantine, Persian, and
Indian cultural traditions.
The Muslims preserved the
culture of the ancient world.

What about Europe?

In the period called the Dark

The Golden Age

Achievements in:
Literature (poetry)

The Ottoman Empire

The Ottomans were
a group of Muslim
Turks who gained
power in the 1300s.
One of the largest
and longest lasting
empires in history
1300 1922

The last Islamic


The Ottoman Empire

Replaced the Byzantine
Empire as the major
power in the Eastern
Mediterranean region.
For 200 years they
conquered Southeast Europe
North Africa
Middle East

Ottoman rulers were

called sultans.

The Ottoman Empire

Overtime the empire weakened.

The Ottomans lost some major battles but
also had problems within the Empire. Some
of these were:
Corrupt leaders
European kingdoms grew stronger
Failing economy
It was a long and slow decline that
eventually ended in 1922.

Last Man Standing

1. What year did Muhammad die?
a) 570 AD
b) 632 AD
c) 800 AD
d) 1922
2. What two things helped spread Islam?
a) Monks and missionaries
b) Soldiers and prophets
c) Trade and armies


How did Muslim rulers treat people of other faiths?

a) With tolerance
b) With cruelty
c) Made them slaves
d) The exact same as Muslims
4. What were Arab Muslim rulers called during the
Golden Age?
a) Kings
b) Emperors
c) Sultans
d) caliphs

5. What two technologies were based on Muslim

advances in science?
a) Camera and flight
b) Internet and electricity
c) Telephone and email
d) Shipbuilding and Computers
6. Ottoman empire rulers were called
a) Emperors
b) Sultans
c) Kings
d) Caliphs

7. The Ottoman Empire was the last


Christian Empire
European Empire
Islamic Empire
Medieval Empire

Review Questions
1. Identify 2 factors that contributed to
the spread and success of Muslim
civilizations in the Middle Ages.
2. Give 2 examples, from the lesson,
why the 800s - 1100 was a Golden
Age for Muslim Civilizations.

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