Climate Change & Sustainability

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Consistent with the Bruntland Commission (WCED,
1987), sustainable development is defined as
development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
The essence of sustainable development throughout
is meeting fundamental human needs in ways that
preserve the life support systems of the planet.
Its strength lies in reconciling real and perceived
conflicts between the economy and the environment
and between the present and the future .

Authors have emphasised the economic, ecological
and human/social dimensions that are the pillars of
sustainable development.
The economic dimension aims at improving human
welfare (such as real income).
The ecological dimension seeks to protect the
integrity and resilience of ecological systems, and
The social dimension focuses on enriching human
relationships and attaining individual and group
aspirations , as well as addressing concerns related
to social justice and promotion of greater societal
awareness of environmental issues.

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