Semir Emini MAN - Measurement and Scaling

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Measurement and scaling

Mentor: Asst.Prof.Dr
Gordana Petrusevska

Student: Semir Emini

International Marketing
According to American Marketing

Association, marketing research involves

the systematic gathering, recording, and
analyzing of data about problems related to
the marketing of goods and services.
When done at international level is termed
as International Marketing Research.

Types of equivalence
Construct equivalence
Conceptual equivalence
Functional equivalence
Category equivalence
Operational equivalence
Item equivalence
Scalar equivalence
Linguistic equivalence

Construct equivalence
Construct equivalence deals with the question of whether the
marketing constructs(e.g opinion leadership, variety seeking and
brand loyalty) have the same meaning and significance in different
Conceptual equivalence it is concerned with whether a particular
concept of interest is interpreted and understood in the same
manner by people in various cultures.(e.g Hunger and family
welfare are universally understood so it poses little problem,
Demographic variable such as gender is universal but age isnt,
Educational level has different meaning for different countries.
Functional equivalence - A particular object may perform varying
functions or may satisfy different needs in different countries.(e.g.
Antifreeze is used to prevent freezing of engine coolant in cold
countries but prevents overheating in warm countries.)
Category (definitional) equivalence The way in which an object
is defined or categorized either by consumers or officially by law or
government agencies. (e.g. Age groupings cant be a criteria for
comparison in two or more countries.)

Operational equivalence
Operational equivalence concerns how
theoretical constructs are operationalised
to make measurements. In Europ, leisure
may be operationalised as playing golf,
tennis or other sports, or watching TV etc.
But this behavior is not normal in countries
who are not developed and dont have the
chance to play golf, tennis or even watch
Item equivalence, which is closely
connected to operational equivalence,
presupposes both construct and
operational equivalence. To establish item

Scalar equivalence
Scalar equivalence is also called metric
equivalence, is established if the other
types of equivalence have been attained.
This involves demonstrating that two
individuals from different countries with the
same value on some variable, such as
brand loyalty, will score at the same level
on the same test.

Linguistic equivalence
It must be ensured when cross-cultural
studies are conducted in different
languages. The potential translation
problems should be taken care of.
According to Sekaran, translators should
pay attention to idiomatic vocabulary,
grammatical and syntactical differences in

Thank you for your attention!


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