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Ahmad Iqbal Hamami 3715100014
Hanif Fajrul Falah


Trinanda Rizqita R F



Magnetic Moment


Ordinarily, the north poles of nuclei point in random direction

First step is to align the nuclear magnet with a strong magnetic field. All the
magnets are in a uniform equilibrium state

Second step, is to apply another magnetic field at 90 degrees to the first, and
in resonance with the nuclear motion


Spinning nuclei behaves like a gyroscope. When a gyro pointing straight up it

just spins, but if it tips away from vertical axis, it goes into an orbital motion
called precession.

When Nuleus is tipped away from the direction of strong magnetic field, it
precesses. The precession speed depends on:

Properties of nucleus (rate of spin, etc.)

Strength of magnetic field

These properties never change, so all we need to know is the strength of

magnetic field to accurately predict the precession frequency (LARMOR

Thats the frequency we must apply to get the nucleus tipped away from the
main magnetic field and precesses

B0 and B1


In NMR, relaxation describes how signals change with time.

NMR signal, resulting from nuclear magnetization, arises from overpopulation

of an excited state.

Relaxation is the conversion of this non equilibrium population to normal


Relaxation describes how quickly spins forget the direction which they are

The deterioration of an NMR signal is analysed in 2 processes:



At equilibrium,Mis always aligned with theBofield. However, when a short

burst of RF energy (in the form of a transverse magnetic fieldB1rotating at
theLarmorfrequency) is applied to a sample,Mis disturbed from its
equilibrium position. It is tipped from its equilibrium position by an angle
known as theexcitation flip angleof the RF pulse. The transverse
magnetization thus generated is detected using an RF coil in NMR

T1 Relaxation

The Longitudinal Relaxation Time // Spin lattice

The decay constant for the recovery of Z component of the nuclear spin M z
towards its equilibrium value

In specific case, if M has been tilted to xy plane, then Mz (0) = 0,

T2 Relaxation

The transverse relaxation time // Spin-spin relaxation time

Decay constant for the component of M perpendicular to B0, designated Mxy,

Spin Echo

The refocusing of spin magnetization by a pulse of resonant electromagnetic


The NMR signal observed following an initial excitation pulse decays with time
due to both spin relaxation and any inhomogeneous effects which cause
different spins in the sample to precess at different rates

The inhomogeneous dephasing can be removed by appling a 180 o inversion

pulse that inverts the magnetization vectors

CPMG Steps

Hydrogen Nuclei Alignment

Tipping the aligned protons into transverse plane

Precessing and dephasing

Refocusing by (partial) reversible dephasing

Hydrogen Nuclei Alignment

Static field B0 aligns the elemental magnets in the direction of B0.

This polarization results in a net magnetization

Polarization DOES NOT occur immediately, it grows with a time constant T1

and can be described as an exponential law

Tipping the aligned protons into

transverse plane

By an oscillating magnetic field B1, perpendicular to the direction of B0, the

aligned protons are tipped from the longitudinal (direction of B 0)

This magnetic field is provided by an RF pulse with Larmor Frequency and a

given duration

The duration determines how far the protons are tipped relative to the B 0

The result is a precession with the Larmor Frequency in the plane

perpendicular to B0.

The Maximum NMR signal is received when the protons are tipped by an angle
of 90o

Precessing and Dephasing

In the beginning, all protons precess in unison with the same frequency

They generate a magnetic field that is measured with an antenna


Factors affecting the dephasing:


turned off, the protons begin to dephase

Diffusion in an inhomogeneous magnetic field (reversible dephasing effect // T2*)

Molecular interaction (irreversible dephasing effect)

Refocusing by (partial) Reversible


The application of a 180o pulse reverses the precession motion.

The rephrased protons generate a signal (Spin Echo)

The echo signal is smaller than the initial signal

Measured signal becomes smaller

A relaxation is observed

The time between two 180o pulses is the inter-echo time (TE)

After several refocusing, protons lost their coherence, CMPG pulse sequence
is finished


TE (Inter echo time) the time between the 180o pulses

TW (wait time) the time between the last CMPG 180o pulse and the first CMPG

TR // TX (experiment repetition time) the time for one sequence from the
beginning of one pulse sequence to the start of the next pulse sequence



Primary NMR information gives:


initial signal amplitude, which is proportional to

the number of hydrogen nuclei of the fluids in the
measurement volume. Therefore, the amplitude of the
received NMR signal can be scaled directly in porosity
units by calibration


exponential amplitude decay, expressed by the

relaxation time spectrum


Fluids and their interaction in rock pores control the relaxation process, by
three independent mechanisms:

Bulk Fluid processes (affects both T1 and T2 relaxation): this process is controlled
by type and properties of the fluid in the pores

Surface Relaxation (affects both T1 and T2 relaxation); this process is controlled

by pore size distribution and surface relaxivity

Diffusion in the presence of magnetic field gradients (affects T2 relaxation only);

this molecular diffusion process is controlled by type and properties of fluid in the

Bulk Relaxation

Intrinsic relaxation property of a fluid

Bulk relaxation time is controlled by :

Fluid composition




Bulk relaxation of water is dependent

on viscosity and temperature

Bulk relaxation of crude oil is

influenced by viscosity
(viscosity//relaxation time)

Bulk relaxation of gas (CN4) is a

function of composition, temperature,
and pressure (which controls density)

Surface Relaxation

Fluid-Solid interface effect

The bonding of fluid molecules at the surface originates a faster relaxation

Controlled by

SSA (Specific Surface Are/Specific internal Surface) (Spor)

Specific interface property (surf)

Surface Relaxivity, measure of a surface ability to cause proton to relax,

losing their phase coherence due to magnetic interaction at the fluid-solid

Following rules are derived:

Short T2 = Small pores, large SSA, Low Permeability

Long T2 = Large pores, small SSA, High Permeability

Diffusion-Induced Relaxation

Significant gradient exists in the static magnetic field, molecular diffusion

causes additional dephasing, increase the T2 Relaxation Rate (has NO

Different Magnetic field strength = Different Precession rate

Gas, Gas condensate, Light Oil, Water, Medium viscosity oils show diffusion
induced relaxation in a gradient magnetic field

The longer the TE spacing, the more pronounced the diffusion effect

Gradient in magnetic field have two possible sources:

Magnetic configuration of the tool

Magnetic susceptibility contrast between different grains, the grain material, and
pore-filling fluids in porous rocks

Diffusion-Induced Relaxation Rate

The diffusion induced relaxation rate is:

Rules for D:

Oil D < Water D ; Water D < Gas D

Gas, oil, water D // temperature

Gas D \\ pressure

Oil D varies, depending on molecular compositions, which influences viscosity

D of liquid-phase reservoir fluid depends on temperature and viscosity, C is approximately

1.2 for oil and 3 for water

Description of Relaxation as a MultiExponential Decay-Data Inversion

The Observed T2 decay is the sum of T2 signals from independently relaxing

protons under different conditions in the pores:

Shortest T2

= Clay Bound Water (CBW)

Medium T2

= Capillary Bound Water (BVI)

Long T2

= Free movable, producible fluids (BVM)

Description of Relaxation as a MultiExponential Decay-Data Inversion

An alternative model to the multi-exponential decay model was proposed,

their formulation is based on gamma function which form an orthogonal basis
for the inversion of the T2 decay data.

The process is a partitioning of the relaxation curve into the individual relaxation
contributions from different fluid types and pore size distributions.

The amplitude of the received NMR signal is scaled directly in porosity units

T2 Spectrum is the primary result for following petrophysical interpretation:

Porosity, proportional to the strength of NMR echo train at t = 0. This value corresponds to
the area under T2

T2 distribution, composed by the individual constituent and related to tthree main effect:
Bulk relaxation, surface relaxation, and diffusion relaxation. Inversion allows the separate
interpretation of the 3 effects

BVI vs BVM; both can be estimated by partitioning the T2 distribution (can also be
interpreted as pore-size distribution

Permeability, not directly with NMR, but estimated on the basis of T1 and/or T2, porosity
and Pore size (BVM,BVI)

The regions between CBW, BVI, and BVM are separated by cutoffs which
depend on the specific internal surface and surface relaxation

Recommended values are:

Cutoff CBW/BVI: 3ms (1 5ms, depends on clay minerals).

Cutoff BVI/BVM: for faster decaying clastics about 33 ms, for slower decaying
carbonates about 90 ms


Analysis of NMR measurements delivers information about:


Porefilling fluids

Petrophysical properties

NMR data can be controlled using acquisition parameters (TE and TW)

Porosity and Pore Volume Partitioning

With inversion, relaxation curve is transformed into a porosity distribution

with respect to the individual relaxation times.

Relaxation times with different pore sizes and water volumes allows
determination of:

Total Porosity (Total area under the cuve) = PHI

Volume of CBW

Volume of BVI

Volume of BVM

Normalization for mixed fluids uses Hydrogen Index

Permeability, Pore Size, and Capillary

Pressure Estimate

Surface relaxation term of T2 directly depends on the SSA of the pore.

NMR derived pore geometric properties and the properties like permeability and capillary
pressure are controlled by two different pore size measures:

NMR derived properties are referred to SSA, which is controlled by the pore body size

Permeability is controlled by pore-throat size and connectivity of the pores

Two permeability models used to derive permeability from NMR:

Coates Model

Schlumberger-Doll Research Model

SDR model were modified based on experimental data by introducing an

empirical vug cutoff, T2cutoff, such that any porosity corresponding to
T2>750ms is regarded as an isolated vug, and is excluded frm the porosity and
geometric mean Tgm calculation in the process of estimating permeability:

Chen, proposed an approach that generalizes the coates equation by

introducing a coefficient p to account for poorly to well connected vugs:

p = 1, corresponds to the pore system containing all connected pores

p = 0, states that all BVM is immobile

From measured NMR relaxation curves, pore size can be derived, which
primarily is controlled by the pore-body sie

Kenyon and Marshall compared the relaxation time distribution with thinsection images and results of mercury injection measurements and discusses
the differences:

Mercury pressure is controlled by pore-throat or constriction size

NMR relaxation is controlled by pore-body size (which controls SSA)

Optical microscopy cannot resolve micropores

Fundamental equation for capillary pressure with the pore throat r t as

controlling pore geometrical parameter:

The equation for surface relaxation with SSA as controlling pore geometric

Equation can be written as:

Fluid (Hydrocarbon) Typing

NMR-based fluid typing techniques are based on

differences of:

T1 and T2 relaxation time

Diffusion coefficient (Do)

Hydrogen index (HI) for different fluids

Two fundamental methods of hydrocarbon typing have

been developed:

The dual-wait-time (dual-TW)

The dual-interecho-tme (dual-TE) methods

Dual TW technique, Dual wait time: uses the T1 contrast between the
nonwetting light hydrocarbons and the wetting phase (water).

Dual-TE technique, Dual-interecho-time, responds to viscosity contrast, and

therefore diffusivity, between reservoir fluids. It separates especially based
on the diffusity difference between water and medium viscosity oil or
between liquid and gas

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