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evolution of

Instructional TV


Educational Television (Meaning

and Singificance)
Educational television or ETV is the use of
television programmes in the field of education.
For a country like India which has vast and
inaccessible areas, different climatic conditions,
large and ever growing population, T.V. can be an
important central media in providing functional,
formal and non formal education to the masses.
It is through television that stimulating and
thought provoking views of renowned statesmen,
scientists, educationalists, artists and teachers
can be shared by all.

History of Evolution of ETV

Direct television instructions started four decades

back in progressive countries like U.K. and U.S.A.
For the first time television for instructional
purpose was used in U.S.A.
In 1958, a project entitled continental classroom
started instructional television for the whole of
U.S.A. It telecasted a programme Physical of
Atomic Age for science teachers.
Later on several programmes such as modern
chemistry, contemporary mathematics and new
biology were also telecast by the above project.

In 1961, a project called mid west airborne
instructional television started instructional
About 13,000 schools received the
programmes benefitting about five million
students, at a cost of 7.5 million dollars or
at an expenditure of 1.5 dollar per student.
At present there are hundreds of
instructional television programmes being
telecast in U.S.A. and other countries.

History (Indian Context)

On 2nd October, 1961, the Delhi School T.V. Project was

launched by the All India Radio, in collaboration with the
Directorate of Education, Delhi and the Ford Foundation.
The project was taken up in 140 schools with 300 T.V. sets.
It covered nearly 29,000 students.
Satellite Instruction Television Education (SITE) :
The SITE experiment was launched in 2400 villages in 6
states in August 1975 for a period of one year.
It helped to train 23090 inservice teachers for teaching
It was the result of MOU signed by India and NASA which
made available communication satellite ATS-6 to India.


After the success of SITE in 1975-76, India decided to have

a multi-purpose national satellite of her own.
The Indian National Satellite System (INSAT-I) was
intended for telecommunications forecast of weather, data
transmission and T.V. broadcasting.
There was a significant shift in interactive television with
the lunch of EDUSAT (a dedicated satellite to meet the
educational needs of the nation.)
The satellite offered 72 channels in all. Out of which 28
channels offered education each for school and higher
education, so that educational programs could be delivered
through regional languages.
The remaining channels where allocated for woman health,
youth, toddlers and senior citizens.

Kinds of Educational T.V


Circuit Television:- It is the usual

type of telecast by commercial or non
commercial stations.
CCTV:- Close Circuit Television
IPTV:- Internet Protocol Television

Closed circuit television

It is the selective telecast which can be
used only by specially equipped receivers.
Its range is limited to the length of cable.
CCTV system is very promising compared to
other media because it includes control of
content and quality along with cost factor
which has been found to be minimum.

It increases the range of instruction to one
or more locations.
It enables institutions to present televised
instruction in accordance with the specific
needs and schedules.
It provides opportunities for exchange of
professors and courses between institutes.
In teacher training institutions CCTV with
video tape recorders are used to record the
performance of the trainee teachers.

Basic procedure in programming

Selection of

Listing objective
of programmes

Listing teacher
points and

fixing lighting

Preparation of
auxillary aids

Method of



when facilities

Internet protocol television

IPTV delivers educational television (ETV)
contents using signals based on logical
internet protocol (IP).
IPTV offers the ability to stream the media
in smaller batches directly from the source.
Educational institutions can begin playing
the data before transmitting the entire file
similarly as movies.

Classification of IPTV

Live educational televisions

Pre-recorded televisions
Educational videos on demand

Potential in education

Most recently IPTVs potential is explored in

Students of all ages and types can fit their
learning around other commitments such as
job, family etc.
The major driver for increasing interest in IPTV
is that it can provide 24/7 access via multiple
screen devices such as tablets, smart phones
as well as domestic TVs.
It results in blended learning (that is mix of
face to face and e-learning) experience.

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