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The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

IBM Software Group

Enterprise Architecture and

TOGAF 9 Overview

Winton Huang

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Part I

Overview of Enterprise Architecture

Part II

TOGAF Overview

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Part I
Overview of Enterprise

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

The Concept of Enterprise Architecture - Defined

Enterprise Architecture:

The analysis and documentation of

an enterprise in its current and future states from a strategy,
business, and technology perspective.
EA = S + B + T

T e c h n o lo g y B u s in e s s S tr a te g y

S e c u r ity / S ta n d a r d s / W o r k fo r c e

An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture 2005

N e tL wi n eo s r ok f B u s i n e s s
NI n ef rt wa so t rr ku c t u r e
I n f r a s t r u c t uG r oe a l s &
I n Ni tei at wt iov rek s
NI n ef rt wa so t rr ku c t u r e
I n fPr ar so t dr uu c ct ut sr e &
S Ne er vt wi co er ks
N I en tf wr a os rt kr u c t u r e
I n f r a s t r uD c at ut ar e &
I n f o rNme tawt ioor nk
N I en tf wr a os rt kr u c t u r e
I n f rSa ys st r tuec mt u sr e &
A p p l i Nc ae tt wi o onr ks
N I en tf wr a os rt kr u c t u r e
I n Nf r ae st wt r uo cr tku sr e &

In fr a s tr u c tu r e


L i n e s No ef Bt wu s oi n re ks s

INn ef r taw s ot rr uk c t u r e

U p d Iant ef rda Ss t r au t ce tg ui cr e
G o a l s & I n i t i a t iNv ee st w o r k

INn ef r taw s ot rr uk c t u r e

A r c h ite c tu r e
M anagem ent &
T r a n s itio n P la n

I m p r o v e d I nB fur sa isn ter su s c t u r e

P r o d u c t s a n d S e r vNi ce et sw o r k

NI ne ftrwa so tr rku c t u r e

E n h a n c e dI nD f ar at as at rn ud c t u r e
I n f o r m a t i o n F l o wN se t w o r k

NI ne ftrwa so tr rku c t u r e

I n t e g r a t e dI nS f yr as tse tmr us c t u r e
a n d A p p l i c a t i o nN se t w o r k

NI ne ftrwa so tr rku c t u r e

O p t i m i z e dI nN f er at ws ot r uk sc t u r e
a n d In fr a s tr u c tu r e



The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

The Concept of Enterprise Architecture Overview

Enterprise Architecture helps to integrate and manage IT resources from a strategy
and business-driven viewpoint


L i n e Ns oe f t Bwu os i rn ke s s



Process 2
Initiative 2



S e c u r ity , S ta n d a r d s , W o r k fo rc e

Process 1

NI n ef rt wa so t rr ku c t u r e
I n f r a s t r u c St ut r ea t e g i c
I n Ni tei at wt iov rek s
NI n ef tr wa so t rr ku c t u r e
I n f r a Bs tur us ci nt ue r se s
S Ne er vt wi co er ks
N I en tf wr aos rtkr u c t u r e
I n If nr af so trr mu cat ut i roe n
N eF t lwo ow r ks
N I en tf wr aos rtkr u c t u r e
I n f rSa ys st rtue cmt u sr e &
A p p l i Nc ae tt wi o onr ks
N I en tf wr aos rtkr u c t u r e
I n Tf rea cs ht r nu oc tl uo rge y

In fr a s tr u c tu r e
E n te r p r is e A r c h ite c tu r e C u b e

Process 1


Process 3


E n te r p r is e A r c h ite c t u r e

Data Reuse






N o n - in t e g r a te d
p ro c e s s e s
a n d s y s te m s
in d iffe r e n t p a r t s
o f th e e n te r p r is e

Process 2



In te g ra te d p ro c e s s e s a n d s y s te m s
a c r o s s t h e e n t ir e e n t e r p r is e

EA = S+B+T

Initiative 1

Initiative 2

Technology Alignment


Initiative 1

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Enterprise Architecture Domain


Applications & Systems

Information & Data

Network & Infrastructure

Define the Enterprise Strategy, goals and

Objectives: What to do, and how to do it?

Business Processes: support the strategy,

Operational organization

The Applications support the Business,

implement the business functions in the IT systems

The Information is key for the organization:

It is the fuel that drives the architecture

Infrastructure that supports the IS:

-Technical components: servers, networks, etc.
-Technology: platforms, etc.

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

The Concept of Enterprise Architecture - Drivers

Executive input on strategic direction and priority

Business Manager input on process changes

Technology Manager input on supporting IT changes


(Leadership Team)


New Business Priorities

(Management Team)


of the

New Direction & Goals

Emerging Technologies
(IT Support Team)


of the

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Enterprise Architecture
A spectrum of goals, scopes, and entry points

What do we have?
What do we have?
Need all of it?
Need all of it?
Consolidate to
Consolidate to
Desire for impact
Desire for impact

Develop standards
Develop standards
best practices(e.g.
Encourage IT
Encourage IT
Focusing on IT
Focusing on IT

Meet business
Meet business
Increasing focus
Increasing focus

Develop business
Develop business
Value propositions,
Value propositions,
Refine into to-be
Refine into to-be
Compare to as-is
Compare to as-is
Create transition
Create transition

Enabling Organizations to Turn Change into a Competitive Advantage

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Value of Enterprise Architecture

Provides a clear view of how the business and technology resources will support and
achieve an organizations business goals and initiatives.
Understand the strategy, the business, the systems and the infrastructure and how
they interrelate.
Moving "need to know" information to those that "know they need" upstream and
down stream and in both directions.
Helps us prioritize and decide which things to do and in what order.
Doing the Right Things

Governs the change and building of things.

Doing the Things Right

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Result of Implementing Enterprise Architecture

Achieve strategic goals that depend on IT resources

Improve business performance by maximizing IT efficiency

Strategic priorities/business requirements drive IT solutions

Total visibility of multiple IT networks, systems, applications, services, and

databases across the entire enterprise

Share information between lines of business

Reduce duplicative IT resources across the enterprise

Protect data and IT assets that rely on enterprise-wide approaches

Maximize the effective use of limited budgets

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Part II

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Definition of TOGAF
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework and detailed
method for building, maintaining, and gaining value from an enterprise architecture
for an organization.
TOGAF 9 is the latest evolution of the framework, and its accompanying Architecture
Development Method (ADM)
The TOGAF specification is an open standard that has been created and is
maintained by The Open Group (

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Types of Architectures in TOGAF

Business Architecture -- addresses the needs of users, planners, and business
Data/Information Architecture -- addresses the needs of database designers,
database administrators, and system engineers,
Application (Systems) Architecture -- addresses the needs of system and software
engineers, and
Information Technology (IT) Architecture -- addresses the needs of acquirers,
operators, administrators, and managers.

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Architecture Deliverables

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Deliverable is a work product that is contractually specified and in turn formally

reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholders. Deliverables represent the
output of projects and those deliverables that are in documentation form will typically
be archived at completion of a project, or transitioned into an Architecture Repository
as a reference model, standard, or snapshot of the Architecture Landscape at a point
in time.
Artifact is a more granular architectural work product that describes an architecture
from a specific viewpoint. Examples include a network diagram, a server
specification, a use-case specification, a list of architectural requirements, and a
business interaction matrix. Artifacts are generally classified as catalogs (lists of
things), matrices (showing relationships between things), and diagrams (pictures of
things). An architectural deliverable may contain many artifacts and artifacts will form
the content of the Architecture Repository.
Building block represents a (potentially re-usable) component of business, IT, or
architectural capability that can be combined with other building blocks to deliver
architectures and solutions.

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Architecture Repository

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Architecture Repository
The Architecture Metamodel describes the organizationally tailored application of
an architecture framework, including a metamodel for architecture content.
The Architecture Capability defines the parameters, structures, and processes that
support governance of the Architecture Repository.
The Architecture Landscape shows an architectural view of the building blocks that
are in use within the organization today (e.g., a list of the live applications). The
landscape is likely to exist at multiple levels of abstraction to suit different
architecture objectives.
The Standards Information Base (SIB) captures the standards with which new
architectures must comply, which may include industry standards, selected products
and services from suppliers, or shared services already deployed within the
The Reference Library provides guidelines, templates, patterns, and other forms of
reference material that can be leveraged in order to accelerate the creation of new
architectures for the enterprise.
The Governance Log provides a record of governance activity across the enterprise

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

TOGAF Architecture Capability

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

The Framework of TOGAF 9

The TOGAF framework
provides the core phases of the
Architecture Development
Method (ADM), presented as
circles surrounding
Bidirectional lines are drawn
from each of the outer ADM
circles to the center
Requirements circle. This
represents how requirements
drive the creation of the
architecture, and how the
architecture is created to satisfy

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Overview of TOGAF Phases

A. Define Architectural Vision
B. Business Architecture
C. Information Systems Architecture
D. Technology Architecture

Start here

E. Assess Opportunity and Solution Alternatives


The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Architectural Vision
In Phase A of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) you establish the
scope of the architecture effort, get buy in from senior management and line
management, and develop the vision of the architecture effort.
The phase starts with a Request for Architecture Work, delivered from the sponsoring
organization to the architecture organization, and results in a Statement of
Architecture Work.

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Understand and learn how to define the
enterprises strategic context
La raison d'entre of the enterprise, it's
motivation and direction
Its scope and constraints
How it is going to achieve its goals

Value Statement
Guides the development and direction of the
enterprise and its architecture
Forms the basis and scope of all subsequent
work and usage of the architecture

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Define Architectural Vision

Enterprise Direction Diagram
provides the statements of
business motivation, business
goals, strategies, and tactic.
It shows the end we want to
achieve and the means of how to
get there.
G ro w t h T h ro u g h A c q u is it o n

J K E n te rp ris e s





V is io n

M u l t i - C h a n n e l In t e g r a t i o n
G ro w C o m p a n y S iz e

B u s i n e s s T r a n s fo r m a t i o n

G oal

G oal
G oal

C h a n n e l C o s t R e d u c tio n
T ra in P e rs o n n e l

O u t s o u r c e h i g h c o s t t a c t i c a l b u s i n e s s fu n c t i o n s

S tra te g y

R e t a in C o re B u s in e s s

O b je c t iv e
O b je c t iv e

D e liv e r y via C h a n n e l
O b je c t iv e

S h i ft fo c u s t o s t r a t e g i c fu n c t i o n s
G ro w T u rn o ve r b y 1 7 % p e r Y e a r
O b je c t iv e

In v e s t i n P e o p l e

S tra te g y

E x te n d R e a c h O ve rs e a s
O b je c t iv e

O b je c t iv e

In c r e a s e c r o s s - s e l l r a t i o
S tra te g y

S tra te g y

C e n tra liz e d s h a re d s e rvic e s

O b je c t iv e
O b je c t iv e

R e m o ve re d u n d a n c ie s

N e w C u s to m e rs

O b je c t iv e
O b je c t iv e

O rg a n iz a t io n a n d P r o c e s s e s

O b je c t iv e

O p tim iz e th e n g ro w

O b je c t iv e

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Define Architectural Vision

Strategy Map Diagram
Visual representation of the key Business Objectives aligned with balancing perspectives.
M a x im is e S h a r e P r ic e a n d D iv id e n d s

F in a n c ia l

G ro w T u rn o v e r b y
17% p er Year

Im p r o v e C o s t S t r u c t u r e

C ha nnel C ost
R e d u c tio n

In c r e a s e c r o s s - s e l l
ra tio

C u s to m e r R e la tio n s h ip E x p e r ie n c e
O p tim is e p ric e ,
a v a i la b i li t y ,
p ro d u c t
c h o ic e s

C u s to m e r

D e li v e r y v i a C h a n n e l

In te r n a l O p e r a tio n s

In te r n a l P r o c e s s e s
O u ts o u r c e h ig h c o s t
ta c tic a l b u s in e s s
fu n c tio n s

P e rs o n n e l

In t e g r a t e d C R M
S y s te m s

P e r s o n n e l P r o fic ie n c y a n d M o r a le
T ra in P e rs o n n e l

In c r e a s e K n o w l e d g e
o f S a le s
P e rs o n n e l

E n h a n c e C u lt u r a l
W o rk in g
E n v iro n m e n t

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Define Architectural Vision

These define what capabilities the enterprise must
support or provide in its operations.
They are central to, define, and continuously drive the
enterprise's architecture.
Applicable to any and all phases of the lifecycle.

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Define Architectural Vision

These exist in many guises, ones that are explicitly defined and are clearly catered for include
Business Goals and Objectives
Business Constraint
Critical Success Factors
Customer Needs Summary
Customer Requirement

Generic Requirements
These are handled as a Requirement definition and related to the architecture through either
explicitly defined or loose relationships.

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Overview of TOGAF Phases

A. Define Architectural Vision
B. Business Architecture
C. Information Systems Architecture
D. Technology Architecture
E. Assess Opportunity and Solution Alternatives
Plus: Plan, Govern and Execute Solutions

Start here

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Definition of Business Architecture

In Phase B of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) you establish the
Business Architecture of the organization
The objectives of building the business architecture are to understand, describe, and
model the current (or baseline, or 'as is') business architecture, and then develop
target, or to-be business architectures. In System Architect, you may use
Workspaces to enable baseline and target architectures

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Objectives of Business
We intend to compare two businesses which:
Do similar things In different ways with different

We will produce a conceptual model that is common

to both businesses in terms of
Technology Infrastructure

Value Statement
Provide a framework in order to
compare similar resources

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Capturing Key Business Concepts
Conceptual Business Architecture
Conceptual Capability Model
Building the Business Activity Model

Conceptual Information Architecture

Conceptual Application Architecture
Conceptual Technology Architecture

Take order

We do it this way

We do it that way

JKE Enterprises

ABC Enterprises

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Capturing Key Business Concepts

Some loose concepts important to support our understanding

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Conceptual Business Architecture

Eventually we want to understand
Business Capabilities

At the Conceptual level we are only interested in high level

Business Capabilities

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Business Capability
What does the business do?

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Business Activities
How does the business do these things?

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Conceptual Information Architecture

What are the key pieces of information
the business needs?

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Conceptual Application Architecture

What are the key functions our
applications must provide?

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Conceptual Technology Architecture

What are the key technologies our
applications and business need?

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Detailing the Service Component

Specifying business unit that uses the Service

Specifying Services that the Service Component


The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Overview of TOGAF Phases

A. Define Architectural Vision
B. Business Architecture
C. Information Systems Architecture
D. Technology Architecture

Start here

E. Assess Opportunity and Solution Alternatives

Plus: Plan, Govern and Execute Solutions


The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Information Architecture
In Phase C of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) you model the
Information System Architectures of the organization.
This includes the Data Architecture and the Applications Architecture.

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Understand how to develop a high level
Information architecture
Define Subject Areas
Drill down to next specification level

Value Statement
Define the data reference architecture
Communicate the information within the

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Enterprise Data Model

Entity Relationship Diagram
Define the key information subject areas
based upon output from the business
architecture phase
Provide business descriptions for each

Forms an information reference


The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Refined Data Model

Drill Down from each subject area
into first level refinement
Create a child diagram for each EA
data entity to represent the next level
of abstraction
Provides the capability to navigate
the levels of abstraction

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Consolidate Reference Model

Consolidate refined model
Consolidate models belonging to the same
Provides comparative reference architecture
views for Baseline and Target models

Automatically updated when models are


The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Understand and learn how to describe the
major types of applications systems required
to support the enterprise
How to use the Technical Architecture diagram to
capture the required system capabilities
Describe high level information flows
How to elaborate and expand the Technical
Architecture model

Value Statement
Define and detail the major application
systems as capabilities independent of the
supporting technologies
Used to perform gap, migration, and
integration analyses

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Refine Application Architecture

Technical Architecture Diagram
System context
Participants engaged in
interacting with the business
Functional capabilities of the
applications as Architecture
Building Blocks
Major information flows
Detailed by decomposition

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Refine Application Architecture

Technical Architecture Diagram
decomposes to a System
Architecture model, elaborates
Application Systems
Participants defined that are
engaged in interacting with the
business systems
Architecture Building Blocks
decompose into Application
Information Flows elaborated as

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Overview of TOGAF Phases

A. Define Architectural Vision
B. Business Architecture
C. Information Systems Architecture
D. Technology Architecture

Start here

E. Assess Opportunity and Solution Alternatives

Plus: Plan, Govern and Execute Solutions


The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Technology Architecture
The Technology Architecture phase seeks to map application components defined in
the Application Architecture phase into a set of technology components, which
represent software and hardware components, available from the market or
configured within the organization into technology platforms.
As Technology Architecture defines the physical realization of an architectural
solution, it has strong links to implementation and migration planning.
Technology Architecture will define baseline (i.e., current) and target views of the
technology portfolio, detailing the roadmap towards the Target Architecture, and to
identify key work packages in the roadmap. Technology Architecture completes the
set of architectural information and therefore supports cost assessment for particular
migration scenarios

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Relevance and use of the Technical
Reference Model
Understand and learn how to refine
technical architecture

Value Statement
Provides a single taxonomy that defines
terminology and provides a coherent
description of the components and conceptual
structure of the technical architecture
Forms the basis and scope of all logical and
physical implementations

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Refine Technical Architecture

E n d U s e r A p p lic a t io n s
M e s s a g in g a n d
C o m m u n ic a t io n s

L O B A p p lic a tio n s

L a p to p & D e s k t o p
S y s te m s

C o lla b o ra t io n T o o ls

U ser M anagem ent

M e s s a g in g

C o re In fra s tru c tu re
N e t w o rk
M anagem ent

S h a re d IT

C a le n d a r a n d T im e
M anagem ent

A p p lic a tio n s
U s e r L o g g in g

A p p lic a t io n
D e p lo y m e n t

S e c u rit y & A u t h e n t ic a t io n
In t e rn a l
A u t h e n t ic a tio n

E x t e rn a l
A u t h e n t ic a tio n

C o m p lia n c e
M anagem ent

E n c y p tio n

D a t a S e rve rs
S e rve rs a n d
S t o ra g e

F ile S e rve rs

V irt u a l S e rve rs

Technical Reference Model

Modeled as a Technical Architecture diagram
Is an architecture of generic services and
functions that provides a foundation on which
more specific architectures and architectural
components are built and detailed in the
Business Architecture diagram

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Compare Architectures

Differences between
technical architectures of
the two enterprises
shown by comparing and
Differences highlighted
between the
architectures must be
Use in migration plans
and gap analyses

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Overview of TOGAF Phases

A. Define Architectural Vision
B. Business Architecture
C. Information Systems Architecture
D. Technology Architecture

Start here

E. Assess Opportunity and Solution Alternatives


The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

Enterprise Architecture used for
knowledge capture; learn how to apply
enterprise architecture to support
Analysis and decision making
Gap analysis and migration planning
Risk evaluation and mitigation

Value Statement
Understand impact of changes
Application portfolios

Plan scope of integrations

Plan changes and prioritize actions
Understand Business Products, Services, and
Ensure IT and Business decisions aligned with
strategic business intent and delivered

The Paradise Architect's Lounge Bali, Indonesia

The end --- thank you and questions welcome or email me at

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