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Future challenges in the

upcoming environment and

how to handle so as not effect
working organization
By Kuldeep Bengani
Pooja Sharma
Shivaang Sanghal
Vankish khosla

Four Major Challenges to


Globalizing the firms operations

Cultural differences

Workforce diversity

Ethical dilemmas facing modern organization

Changing Business
From International which implies an
individuals or organizations
held nationality is strongly
in consciousness

To Globalization which
implies the world is free
from national boundaries and
that it is really a borderless world

Changing Business
From Multinational organizations
(in which the organization was
recognized as doing business
in several countries)
To Transnational
(in which the global viewpoint
supersedes national issues)

Cultural Differences (Hofstede)

High power distance
High uncertainty avoidance
Long-term orientation

Low power distance
Low uncertainty avoidance
Short-term orientation

Power distance :This dimension expresses the

degree to which the less powerful members of a
society accept and expect that power is
distributed unequally.

Individualism versus Collectivism:The high

side of this dimension, called individualism, can
be defined as a preference for a loosely-knit
social framework in which individuals are
expected to take care of only themselves and
their immediate families. Its opposite,

Masculinity versus Femininity: The Masculinity

side of this dimension represents a preference in
society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness
and material rewards for success. Society at large
is more competitive. Its opposite, femininity,
stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty,
caring for the weak and quality of life. Society at
large is more consensus-oriented. In the business
context Masculinity versus Femininity is
sometimes also related to as "tough versus
tender" cultures.

Uncertainty Avoidance Index:The Uncertainty

Avoidance dimension expresses the degree to
which the members of a society feel
uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity.

Long Term Orientation versus Short Term

Normative Orientation: Every society has to
maintain some links with its own past while
dealing with the challenges of the present and
the future. Societies prioritize these two
existential goals differently.

Societies who score low on this dimension, for

example, prefer to maintain time-honored
traditions and norms while viewing societal
change with suspicion. Those with a culture
which scores high, on the other hand, take a
more pragmatic approach: they encourage thrift
and efforts in modern education as a way to
prepare for the future.

Work Force

Workforce diversity is a
workforce consisting of a broad
mix of workers from different
racial and ethnic background of
different ages and genders, and
of different domestic and
national cultures.

Goals of the workforce


To identify, attract, and retain,the best people of

each group.

To create a workplace where that talent can

perform at its best to maximize shareholders

To assess and understand the diversity of the


Dimensions of
workforce diversity
workforce diversity

Primary Dimension

Secondary Dimension

Primary Dimension
Mainly includes inborn differences such as
age,race,ethnicity,gender,physical ability and sexual

Secondary Dimension
Mainly includes education, religion, believes,marital
status,family backgrond and work culture


What is ethics?
Ethics is the discipline that
examines the moral
standardspracticed by an
individual or a corporate or a
society. It is afunction of ones
consciousness. It is therefore
beyond theboundaries of law.
Some activities may be legal but
may notbe ethical

Health and Safety

One area of ethical
consideration for employers
is how to balance expense
control with the health and
safety interests of


Prominent business and accounting scandals

have made it imperative that companies
operate with openness and transparency. For
public corporations, this includes honest,
accurate and complete reporting on mandated
financial accounting reports.

Fair Working Conditions

Companies are generally
expected to provide fair working
conditions for their employees in
the business environment, but
being responsible with employee
treatment typically means higher
labor costs and resource
utilization. Fair pay and benefits
for work are more obvious
elements of a fair workplace

Developing Cross-Cultural

of mentor/protg relationships


sensitivity training


task forces/teams


view of human resource



Recruitment and Selection


Training and Development

Solutions to the
challenges of global

Alternative Work
Telecommuting - transmitting work from a
home computer to the office using a modem

Additional Alternative Work

Hoteling - employees have mobile file
cabinets/lockers for personal storage;
work spaces are reserved, not assigned
Satellite Offices - large facilities broken
into smaller workplaces near
employees homes
Virtual Office - people work
anytime, anywhere, with
Photos courtesy of Clips Online, 2008 Microsoft Corporation

Cultural diversity

The patterns of behavior in the organization are influenced by the

nature of interactions and degree of diversity within the
organization. The business, therefore, should seek to create an
organizational culture that not only enhances the diversity of its
workforce composition but also boosts individual performance. The
positive influences of cultural diversity not only enable the
organization to increase the scope of its reach --- the business also
receives favorable exposure from every sector of the population.

Cultural diversity is geared toward having a deep respect and

understanding of the various people in the organization. This aspect
of the organization is strengthened by having feedback, teamwork,
team-building activities and interpersonal communication. During
such engagements, individuals are able to interact and appreciate
each other's culture; consequently, an accommodating culture and
organizational behavior is established within the organization

Work force Diversity

Ward off change resistance with inclusion.- Involve every employee possible
in formulating and executing diversity initiatives in your workplace.

Foster an attitude of openness in your organization.- Encourage employees

to express their ideas and opinions and attribute a sense of equal value to

Promote diversity in leadership positions.- This practice provides visibility

and realizes the benefits of diversity in the workplace.

Utilize diversity training.- Use it as a tool to shape your diversity policy.

Launch a customizable employee satisfaction survey that provides

comprehensive reporting.- Use the results to build and implement
successful diversity in the workplace policies.

As the economy becomes increasingly global, our

workforce becomes increasingly diverse.
Organizational success and competitiveness will
depend on the ability to manage diversity in the
workplace effectively.

Help Employees Adjust by


them in decision
making regarding
technological change


technology that
increases workers skill
Providing effective
Establishing support groups
Encouraging reinvention (creative
application of new technology)
Photos courtesy of Clips Online, 2008 Microsoft Corporation

Ethical dilemmas facing

modern organisation

Training in resolving ethical dilemmas should

therefore apply to all individuals throughout an
organisation. It should also be done in a uniform,
clear and relevant way through complaint
committee and employee initiatives

The BELIEVE IT strategy for resolving ethical

problems is a step by step process so that others
will be able to BELIEVE and understand your

It is based on assessing the principles and values

relevant to a particular problem and results in a
decision which is believable and defendable.


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