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SolidWorks for Designers

Learning Objectives
Add geometric relations to the sketch.
Dimension the sketches.
Modify the dimensions of the sketch.
Understand the concept of fully defined sketch.
View and examine the relations applied to the sketches.
Open an existing file.

Chapter 3

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Adding Geometric Relations to the Sketch

The geometric relations constrain the degree of freedom of the sketched entities.
There are two methods to apply the relations to the sketch. These two methods are:

Add Relations Using the Add Relations PropertyManager

Invoke the Add Relations PropertyManager, see
Figure A using the Add Relation button from the
Sketch CommandManager. The confirmation corner
is also displayed at the top right corner of the drawing
The various options available in this dialog box are:

Selected Entities Rollout

Existing Relations Rollout

The Add
Relations PropertyManager

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Add Relations Rollout

The Add Relations rollout is used to apply the relations to the selected
entity. The relations that can be applied to the sketches using the Add
Relations rollout are:

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

The figures below show examples of when Perpendicular, Parallel and Tangent relations
are applied on sketched entities.

Figure A Entities before and

after applying Perpendicular

Figure B Entities before and

after applying Parallel relation

Figure C Applying Tangent

relation to a line and a circle

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Automatic Relations

The automatic relations are applied automatically to the sketch while

drawing. Invoke the System Options - Sketch dialog box by choosing
Tools > Options > System Options > Sketch incase automatic relation
option is not available. Select the Automatic Relations check box from the
System Options - Sketch dialog box and choose the OK button. The
relations that are applied automatically are:








SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Dimensioning The Sketch

After drawing the sketches and adding the relations, dimensioning is the most
important step in creating a design. The parametric nature of SolidWorks ensures
that irrespective of the original size, the selected entity is driven by the dimension
value that you specify. In SolidWorks, you can use the Smart Dimension tool to
dimension any kind of entity. You can also select the individual type of dimensioning
tool from the Dimension/Relations CommandManager. Figure A shows the default
dimension types available in the Dimension/Relations CommandManager. as soon
as you place the dimension, the Modify dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

Figure A The Dimension/Relations


Figure B The Modify dialog box

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

The types of dimensions that can be applied to the sketches in the sketching
environment are:

Horizontal/Vertical Dimensioning
Choose the Horizontal/Vertical Dimension button from
the Dimension/Relations CommandManager to define
the horizontal or vertical dimension. Figure A shows
horizontal and vertical dimensioning of lines. If the
dimension is selected in the drawing area, the
Dimension PropertyManager is displayed at the left of
the drawing area as shown in Figure B.

Figure B The Dimension

Figure A The Linear dimensioning of lines

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

The various areas in Dimension PropertyManager dialog box are:

Dimension Favorite

The Dimension Favorite rollout shown in Figure A is used to create, save,

delete, and retrieve the dimension style in the current document.
The options available with Dimension Favorite
rollout are:
Apply the default attributes to selected
Add or Update a Favorite
Delete a Favorite

Save a Favorite

Load Favorite
Figure A The Dimension Favorite rollout

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Tolerance/Precision Rollout

The Tolerance/Precision rollout shown

Figure A is used to specify the tolerance
and precision in the dimensions.
Tolerance/Precision rollout are discussed

Tolerance Type

The Tolerance Type drop-down list is

used to apply the tolerance to the
dimension. Various tolerance methods
available in this list are shown next .

Figure A The Tolerance/Precision rollout

SolidWorks for Designers


Symmetric tolerance

Bilateral tolerance


Chapter 3

Limit tolerance


SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3


The Fit option is used to apply the fit according to the Hole Fit and the Shaft Fit
system. The Tolerance/Precision rollout with the Fit option selected is shown in
Figure C. Figure D shows hole fit and the shaft fit dimensions.

Figure C The Tolerance/Precision rollout

with the Fit option selected from the
Tolerance Type drop-down list

Figure D Hole fit and shaft fit

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Fit With Tolerance

Figure E shows the effect on dimensions when

Fit with tolerance option is selected from the
Tolerance Type drop-down list.

Primary Unit Precision

The Primary Unit Precision drop-down list is

used to specify the precision of the number of
places after the decimal for dimensions.

Tolerance Precision

The Tolerance Precision drop-down list is

used to specify the precision of the number
of places after the decimal for tolerance.




SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Dimension Text

The Dimension Text rollout displayed in Figure A is used

to add the text and symbols to the dimension. The first text
box in this rollout is used to enter the text or symbols in the
first line, which is above the dimension value. The second
text box is used to enter the text or symbols in the second
line, in which the dimension is also displayed. The third text
box is used to enter the text or symbols in the third line,
which is below the dimension value.
In this rollout various buttons are provided to add the
symbols such as Diameter, Degree, Plus/Minus,
Centerline, and so on to the dimension text.When you
choose More Symbols button, the Symbols dialog box is
displayed as shown in Figure B.

Figure A The Dimension

Text rollout

Figure B The Symbols dialog box

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Witness/Leader Display

The Witness/Leader Display rollout shown in

Figure A is used to specify the arrow style in
the dimensions.
The options available with Arrows rollout are:





The Witness/Leader
Display rollout

The More Properties button is used to invoke the Dimension Properties dialog
box to modify the properties of the dimension. All the options available in the
Dimension PropertyManager are available in the Dimension Properties
dialog box with some additional options. You can modify the dimension
properties from the Dimension PropertyManager or from the Dimension
Properties dialog box.

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Horizontal/Vertical Dimensioning Between Points

To add horizontal or vertical dimension between two points, choose the required
button from the Dimension/Relations CommandManager. Select the first point,
and then select the second point. Specify a point to place the dimension. The
Modify dialog box will be displayed. Enter a new dimension value in this dialog
box and press ENTER. Figures A and B show the horizontal and vertical linear
dimensioning between points.

Figure A Applying horizontal

and vertical dimensions to two

Figure B Applying horizontal and

vertical dimensions to inclined

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

To apply horizontal or vertical (linear)

dimensioning type of dimension to the circle,
choose the Smart Dimension button and
select the circle. Using the left mouse button,
place the dimension and enter a new value in
the Modify dialog box. The linear dimensioning
of the circle is shown in Figure C.

Aligned Dimensioning
Aligned dimensions are used to
dimension lines that are at an angle
with respect to the X axis and the Y
axis. To apply an aligned dimension
to an inclined line, choose the Smart
Dimension button from the Sketch
CommandManager and select the
line. Figure D shows aligned
dimensioning of a line and an aligned
dimension between two points.

dimensioning of a circle

Figure D Aligned dimensioning

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Angular Dimensioning
Angular dimensions are used to dimension angles. You can select two line
segments to apply the angular dimensions or use three points to apply the
angular dimensions. You can also use angular dimensioning to dimension
an arc. The options of angular dimensioning are discussed next.

Angular Dimensioning Using Two Line Segments

To apply angular dimensions to two lines, choose the Smart Dimension

button from the Sketch CommandManager and select the first line
segment. A dimension will be attached to the cursor. Now, select the
second line segment and place the angular dimension and enter the new
value of angular dimension in the Modify dialog box. You have to be very
careful while placing the angular dimension. This is because depending
on the location of the dimension placement, the interior angle, exterior
angle, major angle, or minor angles are displayed.

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Following Figures illustrate various angular dimensions depending upon the

dimension placement point.

Figure A


Figure B

Figure D

SolidWorks for Designers

Angular Dimensioning Using

Three Points

Figure A shows angular dimension

displayed according to the dimension
placement point

Figure A Angular dimension

Chapter 3

Angular Dimensioning of an

Figure B shows angular dimension

displayed according to the dimension
placement point

Figure B Angular dimension

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Diameter Dimensioning
Choose the Smart Dimension button from
the Sketch CommandManager. Select the
circle or the arc and place the dimension.
Figure A shows a circle and an arc with the
diameter dimension.

Radius Dimensioning

Figure A Diameter dimension

By default the dimension applied to a circle is

in the diameter form and the dimension
applied to an arc is a radius dimension. To
apply radius dimension, choose the Smart
Dimension button from the
CommandManager and select the arc.
Figure B illustrates the radial dimensioning of
a circle and an arc.
Figure B Radius dimension

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Linear Diameter Dimensioning

Linear diameter dimensioning is used to dimension the sketch of a revolved
component. An example of a revolved component is shown in Figure A. The
sketch for a revolved component is drawn using simple sketcher entities as
shown in Figure B.

Figure A A revolved component

Figure B Sketch for the revolved

feature and linear diameter dimension

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Ordinate Dimensioning
The ordinate dimensions are used to dimension the sketch with respect to a specified
datum. Depending on the requirement of the design, the datum can be an entity in the
sketch or can be the origin. The ordinate dimensions are of two types, horizontal and

Horizontal Ordinate Dimensioning

Horizontal ordinate dimensions are used to
dimension the horizontal distances of the selected
entities from the specified datum, see Figure A. To
add horizontal ordinate dimension, choose the
Horizontal Ordinate Dimension button from the
Dimension/Relations CommandManager. You are
prompted to select an edge or a vertex. Note that the
first entity that you select is taken as the datum entity
from which the remaining entities will be measured.
Select the first entity and place the dimension above
or below it.

Figure A Horizontal
ordinate dimensions

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Vertical Ordinate Dimensioning

Vertical ordinate dimensions are used to dimension the vertical distances
of the selected entities from the specified datum, see Figure B. To add
vertical ordinate dimension, choose the Vertical Ordinate Dimension
button from the Dimension/Relations CommandManager. You are
prompted to select an edge or a vertex. Select the first entity and place the
dimension on the right or left of it. You will notice that the dimension shows
a value of 0, refer to the dimension of the left vertical line in Figure B.

Figure B Vertical ordinate dimensions

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Additional Dimensioning Options

The main additional dimensioning options are:

Dimensions Between Arcs or Circles

Figures shows dimension with various combinations of first and second arc
condition from the Dimensions PropertyManager.




Dimension with first and

second arc condition as Min

Dimension with first and

second arc condition as


SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Concept Of Fully Defined Sketch

After creating the sketches, add the required relations and dimensions to constrain the
sketch with respect to the surrounding environment. After creating the sketch and
adding the required relations and dimensions, the sketch may exist in one of the six
states. The six states of the sketch are:

Fully Defined

A fully defined sketch is a sketch in which all the entities of the sketch and their
positions are fully defined by the relations or dimensions, or both. A fully defined
sketch is displayed in black.

Over Defined

An over defined sketch is a sketch in which some of the dimensions, relations, or

both are conflicting or the dimension or relations in the sketch have exceeded the
required number. The over defined sketch is displayed in red.

Under Defined

An under defined sketch is a sketch in which some of the dimensions or relations

are not defined and the degree of freedom of the sketch is not fully constrained.

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Under Defined

An under defined sketch is a sketch in which some of the dimensions or relations

are not defined and the degree of freedom of the sketch is not fully constrained.

In the dangling sketch, the dimensions or relations lose their reference because of
the deletion of an entity which was used for reference.

No Solution Found

In the no solution found state, the sketch is not solved with the current constraints.
The sketched entity, dimension, or relation will be displayed in pink.

Invalid Solution Found

In the invalid solution found state, the sketch is solved but the sketch will result in
invalid geometry such as a zero length line, zero radius arc, or self-intersecting
spline. The sketch entities for this state are displayed in yellow.

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Sketch Dimension or Relation Status

The sketch dimensions or relations may have any of the following states:



Over Defining

Not Solved


SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Deleting The Overdefining Dimensions

When you add a dimension that overdefines a sketch, the sketch and dimension
turns red. Also, the Make Dimension Driven? dialog box is displayed as shown in
Figure A.
If you select the Make This Dimension Driven radio button from this dialog box
and choose OK, then that dimension will become a driven dimension. If you select
the Leave This Dimension Driving radio button and choose OK, then some of the
entities and dimensions in the sketch will be displayed in red. When the sketch is
not over defined any more, the SolidWorks information dialog box will be
displayed as shown in Figure B.

Figure A The Make Dimension

Driven? dialog box

The SolidWorks
information dialog box

SolidWorks for Designers

The Over Defined option is displayed in the status bar, as
shown in Figure C. Click on the Over Defined option
displayed in the status bar; the Resolve Conflicts
PropertyManager is displayed, as shown in Figure D.
Relations or dimensions those are responsible for over
defining the sketch are displayed in the Conflicting
Relations/Dimensions rollout. Select any of the relation or
dimension that is responsible for over defining the sketch
and choose the DELETE key.

Figure C The Over Defined button in

the status bar

Figure D The Resolve Conflicts


SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Displaying and Deleting Relations

You can view and delete the relations applied to
the sketch using the Display/Delete Relations
PropertyManager, choose the Display/Delete
CommandManager. Figure A shows the
Display/Delete Relations PropertyManager. The
options available in the Display/Delete Relations
PropertyManager are discussed next.

Figure A The Display/Delete

Relations PropertyManager

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3


The Relations rollout is used to check, delete, and suppress the unwanted and
conflicting relations. Various options of the Relations rollout are:

The various options available in the Filter drop-down list are:


All in this sketch



Overdefining/Not Solved

Delete All

Design In Context



Undo last relation change


Selected Entities

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3


The Entities rollout is used to display the entities that

are referred to in the selected relation. The Entities
rollout is shown in Figure A.
The various options in the Entities rollout are
discussed next.

Entities used in the selected relation


External Model



Defined In


Current Sketch



Same Model

Figure A The Entities rollout

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Opening An Existing File

Choose the Open button from the
Standard toolbar, or press CTRL+O keys
to invoke the Open dialog box. The Open
dialog box is shown in Figure A.

Various options available in this dialog box are:

Figure A The Open dialog box

Look in drop down list


File name


File type


Open as read-only


SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Tutorial 1
In this tutorial, you will draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. This is the same
sketch that was drawn in Tutorial 1 of Chapter 1. In this tutorial you will draw the sketch
using the mirror line and then add the required relations and dimensions. The sketch is
shown in Figure B. The solid model is given only for reference. (Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 1

Figure B Sketch of the model

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3


Start SolidWorks and then start a new part document. Select the Front plane to invoke
the sketcher environment.


Draw the mirror line using the Centerline button from the Sketch CommandManager.
Choose the Mirror Entities button and convert the vertical centerline into mirror line.


Draw the sketch on the right side of the

mirror line using Line tool. The entities will
be mirrored about the mirror line, see
Figure C.

Figure C Sketch after

creating a horizontal line


upward. Figure D shows the
sketch after drawing the vertical

Figure D Sketch after mirroring

the lines

SolidWorks for Designers


Move the line cursor at an angle close

to 135-degree and specify the endpoint
of the line. Figure E shows the sketch
after drawing this inclined line.

Figure E Drawing the inner cavity

Chapter 3

Move the line cursor horizontally

toward the left. Specify the endpoint
when the cursor snaps to the mirror
line. The sketch after completing
the outer loop is shown in Figure F.

Figure F Sketch after completing

the outer profile of the sketch

SolidWorks for Designers


Draw the sketch of the inner cavity

as shown in Figure G.

Figure G Sketch after drawing the

inner cavity


Chapter 3

Draw the two inner circles. The

sketch after drawing circles is
shown in Figure H

Figure H Sketch after drawing the


Add the relations using the Add Relations PropertyManager.

SolidWorks for Designers

10. The entities to be selected to apply the
Equal relation are shown in Figure I.
Choose the Equal button from the Add
Relations rollout of the Add Relations

Figure I Entities to be selected to apply

Equal relation

Chapter 3
11. The fully defined sketch, after applying
all the required relations and
dimensions, is shown in Figure J.

Figure J Fully defined sketch after

applying all the required relations and

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

12. Choose the Save button from the Standard toolbar to display the Save As dialog
box. Browse to SolidWorks folder inside the /My Documents folder and then create
c03 folder inside the SolidWorks folder. Save the document with the name
c03tut1.sldprt in this folder. The path for restoring this document at a later stage
is /My Documents/SolidWorks/c03/c03tut1.sldprt. Close the file by choosing
File > Close from the menu bar.

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Tutorial 2
In this tutorial you will draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. You will draw the
sketch using the mirror line and then add the required relations and dimensions. The sketch
is shown in Figure B. The solid model is given only for reference. (Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A Solid model for Tutorial 2

Figure B Sketch of the solid model

SolidWorks for Designers


Chapter 3

Start SolidWorks and start a new part document. Select the Front plane to invoke the
sketcher environment.
Draw the mirror line using the Centerline button. Convert the centerline to mirror line
and enable the automatic mirror option.
Draw the sketch on the upper side of the
mirror line and the same sketch will be
automatically drawn on the other side of
the mirror line, see Figure C.

Sketch after drawing arcs,
circles and lines across the mirror line


Trim the unwanted lines using the

Trim Entities tool, see Figure D.

Figure D Sketched entities to be trimmed

SolidWorks for Designers


Select the entities shown in Figure E

to apply the fillet.



Entities to be selected to apply

Chapter 3

Sketch after creating fillets is shown in

Figure E.

Figure F Sketch after creating the fillets

Add the required relations and the required dimensions to fully define the sketch.

SolidWorks for Designers


Final sketch for Tutorial 2 after adding the

required relation and dimension is shown in
Figure G.


Choose the Save button from the Standard

toolbar to display the Save As dialog box. Save
Close the file by choosing File > Close from the
menu bar.

Chapter 3

Figure G
Sketch after applying all
relations and dimensions

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Tutorial 3
In this tutorial you will draw the sketch of a revolved model shown in Figure A. The sketch
is shown in Figure B. The solid model is given only for your reference.
(Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A Solid model of the piston

Figure B The Sketch of the

base feature

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3


Start a new part document. Select the Front plane to invoke the sketcher environment.


Draw the centerline using the Centerline button.


Draw the sketch using Line and Offset

Entities as basic tools. Figure C shows
the sketch after creating various entities.

Figure C Sketch after creating various



Trim the unwanted entities using

the Trim Entities tool, see Figure

Figure D Sketch after trimming

unwanted entities

SolidWorks for Designers


The fully defined sketch for Tutorial 3 after adding the

all required relations and dimensions is shown in
Figure E.


Choose the Save button from the Standard toolbar to

display the Save As dialog box. Save the document
as /My Documents/SolidWorks/c03/c03tut3.sldprt.
Close the file by choosing File > Close from the menu

Chapter 3

Figure E Fully defined sketch after

applying all the relations and

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Exercise 1
Create the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. Create the sketch and apply the
required relations and dimensions and fully define the sketch. The sketch is shown in
Figure B. The solid model is given only for reference.
(Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A
Exercise 1

Solid Model for

Figure B Sketch for Exercise


SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Exercise 2
Create the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. Create the sketch and apply the
required relations and dimensions and fully define the sketch. The sketch is shown in
Figure B. The solid model is given only for reference.
(Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A
Exercise 2

Solid Model for

Figure B Sketch for Exercise 2

SolidWorks for Designers

Chapter 3

Exercise 3
Create the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. Create the sketch and apply the
required relations and dimensions and fully define the sketch. The sketch is shown in
Figure B. The solid model is given only for reference.
(Expected time: 30 min)

Figure A
Exercise 3

Solid Model for

Figure B Sketch for Exercise 3

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