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Causes of Disasters

M Helridho Berbieman

Events / series of events that
threaten and disrupt the lives of the
people caused by natural factors or
human factors that lead to the onset
of loss of life, environmental
damage, loss of property, and the
psychological impact

Causes of Disasters
Natural hazards and dangers caused by man (manmade hazards), which according to the United
Nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UN ISDR) can be grouped into geological
hazards, hydrometeorological hazards, biological
hazards, technological hazards and environmental
High vulnerability of communities, infrastructure
and elements in the cities / regions at risk of
Low capacity of the various elements within the

Type of Disaster

Earthquake and Tsunami

Volcanic eruptions
Forest fires
Epidemic, Plague and Extraordinary Events
Failure of Technology
Social impairment

Earthquake and Tsunami

Caused by the interaction of tectonic plates and
volcanic eruptions.
The earthquake occurred in the sea can cause
tsunamis, especially those that occur in the deep
Causing losses of lives and assets on a large
scale, and it took a long time for rehabilitation.
Examples of the tsunami is a tsunami that hit
Aceh in 2004, and the example of the
earthquake was the earthquake that struck the
desert in 2009

Volcanic eruptions
In Indonesia there are 129 volcanoes are still active
and 500 inactive.
Volcanoes form a belt stretching from Sumatra, Java,
Bali and Nusa Tenggara in one series and continuous
to the north of the Banda Sea and the northern part
of the island of Sulawesi.
Besides the danger of explosion directly in the form
of vomit and falling materials or toxic gases, in the
rainy season can cause a volcano lava flow or
volcanic material movements are harmful.
Examples of the most active volcanoes in the world
is Mount Merapi

A disaster that always happens in Indonesia,
especially the rainy season
Due to the relief of Indonesia's landscape is
very varied and many rivers that flow
between them.
Particularly the case in western Indonesia
that receive more rainfall.
Other triggering factors is the population of
Indonesia is increasingly congested.
Can be caused by uncontrolled logging.

Many occur in areas with steep slopes.
Occurs during high rainfall.
Areas prone to landslides in Indonesia
is along the Bukit Barisan mountains of
Sumatra and the mountains of Java,
Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara.
Soil in tropical areas are prone to
landslides because of high degrees of
rock weathering.

During the dry season
Causing problems in the production
of food crops and problems on

Forest fires
Can be caused by natural factors and
human activities such as land
Compounded by the many logging
for industrial areas.

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