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304LON - International HRM - C07

Developing as an HR Business

Muhammad Tanvir
Student ID: 4325352

Table of Content
1. Role of IHR Business Partner
2. Changed role of HR
3. Challenges facing IHR Business
4. External stakeholders influence
5. Strategic contribution to the
6. References

1. Role of IHR Business

The role of International HR Business Partner is to
work closely with business leaders and/or line
managers to achieve shared organisational
objectives, in particular designing and
implementing HR systems and processes that
support strategic business aims(CIPD).
Ulrichs Matrix

Source: My HRM

Strategic Partner help to successfully execute business strategy and

meet customer needs
Account management
Vendor management
Tax equalization policies
International equity joint venture
Administrative Expert constantly improve organizational efficiency by
reengineering the HR function and other work process
IT skills
Planning and development
Employee Champion maximise employee commitment and
Leadership skills
Change Agents deliver organizational transformation and culture
Communication skills

2. Changed role of HR
Historically, a number of intrinsic factors
that have influenced the way in which
HR professionals as an occupational
status group have sought to cope with
the exigencies of role change, defined
as a change in the shared conceptions
and execution of typical role
performance and role boundaries
(Turner, 1990:88).

The Role has been changed because of:

1. Issues of powerlessness or marginality in management
decision-making processes, especially at a strategic level
2. An inability to maintain or defend the boundaries of their
specialist expertise from encroachment or control by
managerial intervention
3. Lack of clarity or accountability in specifying the goals,
business outcomes, or the contribution of the personnel
function; and
4. Tensions in sustaining an ethos of mutuality in the face of
the opposing interests between management and employees
(Legge, 1978; Tyson and Fell, 1986; Watson, 1977).

The HR Value Proposition


Expected change in
The roles and responsibilities will be
for IHRM Business Partner in future in
balancing the economic imperatives
Cost control
Global standardization
Development of labour sourcing
Talent strategies and skill gap analysis
Traditional marketing for Employer

Ulrich Model

Source: HR Business

3. Challenges facing IHR Business

Managing equality and diversity

Source: Beardwell &

Organizational Culture
Ethical issues
Language barrier
Safety and security
In-facility emergency and disaster
In-facility security
Industrial espionage, theft and
Cyber terrorism
Our-of-facility fire and travel risks

Recruitment and Selection

Language standards
Reward systems

Training and Development

4. External stakeholders influence

Social groups
Green peace

Source: The Stakeholder Model

5. Strategic contribution to the

Current skills:
Planning and development skills
IT skills
Communication skills

Skills I required:

Leadership skills
Account management
Tax equalization policies
International equity joint venture skills


6. References
Abbott, A. (1988). The System of Professions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Beardwell, J. and Claydon, T., (2010). Human Resource Management: A Contemporary
Approach. 5thEd. Harlow. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
Birkberk College, University of London. [Online] available from
<> [2012]
Bordia, P. and Blau, G. (1998) 'Pay referent comparison and pay level satisfaction in private
versus public sector
organisations in India', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9, 1: 155-67
Bratton, J. and Gold, J. (2008) 4th Edition Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice,
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Ceridian Freedom. [Online] available from
<> [2012]
Dowling, J. P., Festing, M. and Engle D. Allen (2010). Fifth Edn. South-Western Cengage Learning.
Freidson, E. (1994). How dominant are the professions? In Professionalism Reborn. Cambridge:
Polity Press.

Grin. [Online] available from <> [2012]

Legge, K. (1978). Power, Innovation and Problem Solving in Personnel Management. London:
My HRM. [Online] available from <> [2012]
Strategic Partner framework, HR People. [Online] available from
<> [02.09.12]
Source Leadership Connections. [Online] available from
<> [20.05.2010]
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. [Online] available from
<> [05.01.12]
Turner, R. (1990). Role change. Annual Review of Sociology, 16, 87110.
Ulrich Model. [Online] available from
<> [20.08.12]
Ulrich, D. (1998). A new mandate for human resources. Harvard Business Review, 76, January
February, 12434.

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