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Living outside the Box

Hope Restoration Ministries

Luke 19:2-9

• 2 A man was there by the

name of Zacchaeus; he
was a chief tax collector
and was wealthy. 3 He
wanted to see who Jesus
was, but being a short
man he could not, because
of the crowd.
Hope Restoration Ministries
• 4 So he ran ahead and
climbed a sycamore-fig tree
to see him, since Jesus was
coming that way. 5 When
Jesus reached the spot, he
looked up and said to him,
“Zacchaeus, come down
immediately. I must stay at
your house today.”
Hope Restoration Ministries
• 6 So he came down at
once and welcomed him
gladly. 7 All the people
saw this and began to
mutter, “He has gone to
be the guest of a

Hope Restoration Ministries

• 8 But Zacchaeus stood up
and said to the Lord, “Look,
Lord! Here and now I give
half of my possessions to
the poor, and if I have
cheated anybody out of
anything, I will pay back four
times the amount.”
Hope Restoration Ministries
• 9 Jesus said to him,
“Today salvation
has come to this
house, because this
man, too, is a son
of Abraham.

Hope Restoration Ministries

• Have you ever stopped to
think about how much of your
life is just a matter of
following predetermined
rules, which you have learned
from your upbringing, your
culture and your
Hope Restoration Ministries
• Have you ever desired to
step outside of that "box"
and become a free

• What’s holding you back?

Hope Restoration Ministries
Living outside the Box defined:

• Refusing to accept the status

• It’s about constantly breaking
through barriers.
• Redefining social and cultural
• Stepping beyond the
impossible borders.
Hope Restoration Ministries
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Hope Restoration Ministries

Living Inside the box
• Bondage
• Addiction
• Shortsighted
• Judgmental
• Fear of failure
• Always negative
• Self- centered
• People pleaser
• Unforgiveness
Hope Restoration Ministries
5 qualities of
Living Outside
the Box

Hope Restoration Ministries

1. Desire
• Desire means taking a
serious look at oneself
present situation…have
strong longing for
something new.
• “Zacchaeus wanted to see
who Jesus was…” Luke 19:3

Hope Restoration Ministries

2. Desperation
• Desperation is willingness and hunger
that propel one to do whatever it takes
to have a better life…
• “…So he ran ahead and climbed a
sycamore-fig tree to see him”
• Luke 19:4
• Desperation leads to Transformation.

Hope Restoration Ministries

3. Dissolve Description
• Dissolve Description means to
counterattack and break down
what you are known to be…
• “Zacchaeus…being a short man
(tax collector, rich man,) he could
not see Jesus… So he ran ahead
and climbed a sycamore-fig tree
to see him” Luke 19:3-4

Hope Restoration Ministries

4. Determination
• Determination is to push past
your limitation…move
forward despite the obstacles
and never give up easily.
• Luke 19:3 He wanted to see
who Jesus was, but being a
short man he could not,
because of the crowd…

Hope Restoration Ministries

5. Decision Taking
• Decision Taking means
getting out of your comfort
zone and reaching out to a
new world.
• “Look, Lord! Here and now I
give half of my possessions
to the poor…” Luke 19:8

Hope Restoration Ministries

'Some people would
rather die than change'.
Bertrand Russell

Hope Restoration Ministries

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