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Topic: Applications of lanthanides


Applications of lanthanides

Introduction to lanthanide series

Applications in glass polishing and ceramics
Applications of lanthanides in nuclear industry
Catalytic application of lanthanides
Applications in electronic industry
Applications in medical field
Applications in developing technology
Magnetic applications
In life science


1...Introduction to lanthanides

The lanthanide or lanthanoid series of chemical elements comprises the

fifteen metallic chemical
elements with atomic
numbers 57
from lanthanum through lutetium. These fifteen lanthanide elements, along with
the chemically similar elements scandium and yttrium, are often collectively
known as the rare earth elements.
The informal chemical symbol Ln is used in general discussions of lanthanide
chemistry to refer to any lanthanide. All but one of the lanthanides are f-block
elements, corresponding to the filling of the 4f electron shell; lutetium, a dblock element, is also generally considered to be a lanthanide due to its chemical
similarities with the other fourteen. All lanthanide elements form trivalent cations,
Ln3+, whose chemistry is largely determined by the ionic radius, which decreases
steadily from lanthanum to lutetium.


2...Applications in glass polishing and ceramics

Used to impart hardness, strength and inertness

Used to color ceramics and glass
Use in the production of red color on TV screens
Used to reduce glare
Used in the production of UV resistance glass
Used in the production of optical lenses


3 Radio active behavior of lanthanides and applications

Used as beta source

Nuclear powered battery
In the production of electricity
Used as traces
In the treatment of cancer
In tomography
In radiotherapy


4Catalytic applications on lanthanides

To alter the electrophilicity of compounds

Use as bio fuel catalysts.
In fluidized-bed catalytic cracking
In automobile-exhaust emission control.
In oil refining industry
Automotive catalytic converters.


5Applications in electronic industry

In the production of TV screens
Used to form silicon chips
long-life rechargeable batteries
light emitting diodes (LEDs)
compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)
Used to producebaggage scanner


6Applications of lanthanides in medical field

Magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) contrast agents
Portable x-ray machines
Nuclear medicine imaging
For genetic screening tests
Medical and dental lasers
Cancer treatment applications


7Applications of lanthanides in developing technology

In the production of high temperature superconductors
Used to prepare highly reflective glass
Mercury-vapor lamps
Nuclear fuel rods
Radar detection devices
In the production of Lasers, optical glass, fiber optics and masers


8Magnetic applications of lanthanides

Radar in military applications
Used in hybrid cars

Used as educational toys

propulsion systems
In the production of head phons and speakers



9Applications of lanthanides in life science

Used as traditional fluorophores

Minimizes prompt fluorescence interference

Time-resolved fluorometry (TRF)

fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)





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