Anatomi Pedis

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How is the structure of Anatomy from the

scenario ?
About 26 bones in the human foot provide structural support. They can be
grouped into 3 parts, as follows:
The tarsal bones (7)
The metatarsal bones (5)
The phalanges (14)

The foot itself can be divided into 3 parts: the hindfoot, the midfoot, and the
forefoot. The hindfoot is composed of 2 of the 7 tarsal bones, the talus, and
the calcaneus; the midfoot contains the rest of the tarsal bones; and the
forefoot contains the metatarsals and the phalanges

The muscles of the dorsum of the foot are a group of two muscles
which together represent the dorsal foot musculature.
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle: originates at thecalcaneusand
divides into three muscle bellies whose tendons insert at the dorsal
aponeurosis and the middle phalanges of the second to fourth toes.
Extensor hallucis brevis muscle: also originates at the calcaneus and
inserts at the dorsal aponeurosis and proximal phalanx of the big toe.

1. Walking back
a. Talocruraljoint (ankle joint)
b. Subtalar (talocalcancan) joint
2. Walking the middle
Joints located on the foot of the central part collectively referred to
midtarsal joint, composed and talonavicular joint, joint cuneonavicular,
cuboideonavicular joint, joint intercuneiform, cuneocuboid joint and joint

3. Leg front
a. Tarsometatarsal joint
b. Joint IntermetatarsaI
c. Metatarsophalangeal (joint)
d. interphalangeal joint

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