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Production Technology


Scientific Name:
Vigna unguiculata
Physical appearance
known as Rawan.
ovoid in shape.
Black spot is present on one side of the

Native to Africa.
Because Of Its High Feeding Value Its Cultivation
Has Spread To Other Countries Of The World
Including Pakistan.

Seedbed preparation:
One deep ploughing should be done
2 Cross ploughings are enough for the required seedbed.
Planking must follow to break clods & level the field.

Planting time:
Mid-March & July

Seed rate:
For fodder: 30 kg/ha
For grain: 20 kg/ha

Planting method:
Line sowing

45 cm apart for fodder
60 cm apart for grain

Fertilizer requirement:
Generally, no manuring is done to this crop,
But 2 & half bags of DAP may be applied at
sowing to improve yields.

2-3 irrigations are required for fodder
The 1st irrigation should be given 3
weeks after sowing.
The crop is sensitive to over irrigation.

Fodder crops are ready within 2 months of sowing
To avoid shattering losses, the crop should be harvested
when 50% of the pods have changed colour.

Crop Yield:
Green fodder yields about 30-40 tons/ha.
The seed yields is around 750-1000 kg/ha.

Insect pests & disease:

The fungal anthracnose often attacks the crop.
Sometimes sucking pests such as jassid & whitefly becomes
serious threat.

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