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Advertisement and consumer

 Advertising is any
paid form of non
through the mass
media about a product
or idea by an
identified sponsor.
 It is a powerful
promotional tool
Main ideas and elements of
 (a) Paid form  (d) Non-personal
 (b) ideas, goods or presentation
services  (e) An identified
 (c) inform and sponsor
Consumer Behavior
 "The study of
individuals, groups,
or organizations and
the processes they use
to select, secure, use,
and dispose of
products, services,
experiences, or ideas
to satisfy needs and
the impacts that these
processes have on the
consumer and society
Objectives of an ad. programme
 To increase support
 To stimulate sales
 To retain the loyalty
 To project an image
 To communicate with customers
Advertising as a translation of product
concept into consumer benefits
 The basic assumption is that consumers do
not buy products; they buy satisfactions or
 Product becomes desirable to consumers
only when they are perceived in terms of
the benefits they provide
Classification of advertisement
 Product advertisement
 Institutional advertisement
Advertising management
 Setting advertising objectives
 Setting advertising Budget
 Media decisions
 Message decisions
Advertising promotion strategies
& attitude change
 Attitude change is determined by the
individual and the situation as well as the
activities of the firm
 Attitudes that are strongly held are more
difficult to change than are those that are
weakly held.
 Marketers by its ad. Appeal try to change or
modify the attitudes
 Different types of appeals work
effectively in different situations.
 Emotional appeal
 Fear appeal
 Comparative ad.
 Humor appeal
What do consumers like and
dislike about advertising ?
 The most liked aspects:
 Information that ad. Provides
 Economic reasons
 Entertainment
 The most disliked aspects:
 Intrusiveness
 Falsity
 Silliness
Preference of advertisement &
 An effective ad. Adds to mktg. Efforts in
the following way:
 (a) ensuring trials
 (b) creating the brand image
 (c ) educating the market
 (d) improving the sales
 (e) providing information
 There is no market without income and the
youth segment qualifies on the important
 For example
 There has been an significant increase in the
no. of youngsters staying in hostels . They
have to purchase the things they require in
daily life.
Advertising liked due to
Brand Reasons of liking
Coca- cola Concept of rural
Airtel Jingle
Hutch Cute presentation
Pepsi Humor
Asian paints Slogan “bariya hai “
Fevicol Intellect with humour
Impact of celebrity in advertisement
on consumer behaviour
 Celebrity ad. Has become a significant tool
for creating awareness of the product
 The mktrs utilize celebrities for improving
the effectiveness of their ad.
 The use of celebrities in ad. Brings faster
awareness in the first stage
 In the second stage interest/knowledge
celebrity ads interest very quickly as it is
endorsed by the celebrity
 Use of celebrity reinforces the
confidence of consumers which is called
reinforcement advertisement
 Celebrity advertising is ineffective when there
is no reasonable relationship between the
celebrity and advertised products or services.
E.g in case of ‘Maruti Versa’ advertisement
endorsed by Amitabh Bacchan and Abhishek
 A new brand can benefit greatly if a celebrity
 Finally, the use of celebrity is like a double
edged weapon. It is to be carefully planned,
thoroughly analyzed and properly
executed .
 It may not influence the consumers and it
may not be always effective, as it depends
on the celebrity. The product, the message,
the execution and the media

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