Lecture During The Research Seminar: Dr. Vivina E. Villanueva

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Executive Assistant to the President &
Research Consultant
Held at Audio-Visual Room, NPCMST, Lingsat, San
Fernando City, La Union on December 3, 2016

Part I.


Marks of a Good and Strong

Faculty lie on:
Number of researches conducted
Quality of researches conducted
Number of researches published

Research as one of the Major

Functions of HEIs
Generate knowledge
Discover and investigate new or

alternative researches and

Improve the ways of life.

What is Research?
search- to look for, explore, investigate,
discover, study, inquire, examine,
experiment, probe, analyze and scrutinize
Research literally means, to look for again,
to explore anew, to investigate and study

Why Do We Research?
There is so much to be improved:
In our college
At home
In the community
In our relationships with family, friends,

relatives and loved ones.

World of work- business, health, educational
service,& governance.
To get a basic idea about the things we will

need about the projects.

Why Do We Research?
To substantiate the need to expand

Demand for change in producing changes
to life and improving the quality of life, &
Only through research can new inventions
and discoveries come into life.

What is a Problem?
Anything which disturbs, gives a feeling of

discomfort and which gives us worries,

They could be a state of affairs that need
to be stopped,
Anything that is not working as expected,
Condition that needs improvement, &
Difficulties that need to be eliminated.

What is a Problem?
Questions that need to be answered,
Information gaps one wishes to fill,
Theories one wants to validate,
An issue that should be settled , &
Questions about characteristics of

persons; about factors that explain the

presence or occurrence of a phenomenon.

Research Process


New skills/ behavior

New Tools/ Devices/


Characteristics of Good

Characteristics of Good
Critical and

Characteristics of Good
Scientific skills
Intellectual curiosity and creativity
Healthy criticism
Intellectual honesty

Characteristics of Good
Active in Data Gathering
Religious/God-fearing and

Ingredients for a Successful

Ones good attitude toward research
How he deals with research problems and
Influenced by performance and feedback.

Part II.

Benefits Derived from Research

Research-based teaching provides you

with the necessary information in your field

of work, study, or operation before you
begin working on it;
Creativity about other issues; and
New discoveries brought about after the

Factors that Influence

Research Experience Among
Faculty in NPCMST
Funding support
Availability of research adviser
Knowledge of research methods discussed
Schools policy and support to research &
Attitude towards conducting research.

Part III.

Quantitative Research
This is more on the HOW
Allaga and Gunderson(2008)

It is essentially about collecting numerical

data to explain a particular phenomenon.
The data gathered are not based on intuition
or gut feelings but rather on actual
observation based on measurable facts and a
large amount of data that can easily be
organized, analyzed and interpreted
Ex. Effectivity of antibiotics depends so
much on the number of bacteria it can kill

Kinds of Quantitative
Descriptive method
Correlational study
A combination of descriptive and

Experimental method
Market research
Feasibility study
Developmental and

Descriptive Method
It describes the phenomena being studied
It addresses the what question
Descriptive statistics are used to analyze

data gathered
Considers one variable at a time (i.e
univariate analysis)

Descriptive Method
The entry-level type of research in a new

area of inquiry
Describes what appears to be happening
and what the important variables seem to

Descriptive Method
Which is a better teaching strategy? Case
study method? Or Demonstration method?
If salaries and benefits contribute to job
If the marketing strategies of schools
contribute to the increase in the number of
If smoking affects the level of anxiety
SWOT of certain universities
Tracer study of graduates.

Correlational Research
It focuses on the systematic investigation of

relationships between or among two or more

Data are gathered from multiple variables and
correlational analysis is used; &
Correlation has been identified and relations
among those variables are investigated.

Correlational Research
The correlation between the academic
performance of students based on selected
variables to their licensure examination results
The relationship between the profile of the
respondents to their academic performance in
Relationship between the level of efficiency of
the graduating students to their job

Experimental Method
Researcher manipulates one or more

independent variable or groupings;

Attempts to establish cause and effect
relationship with the alleged cause
manipulated; &
Variables such as an intervention group vs.
a control group and then observe the
impact of that manipulation on
one or more dependent or outcome


Experimental Method
The cause which is manipulated is called

Treatment-Independent variable
The basic question to be posed in
experimental research concerns what extent
a particular intervention causes a particular
outcome. Thus, experimental studies are
those in which strong causal inferences are
most likely to be drawn.
Laboratory, field, quasi and true


Experimental Method
If makahiya leaf has an antibiotic effect
or none;
If turmeric ginger has a curative effect to
If garlic has a better antibiotic than
penicillin; and
Determine the safety of street foods.


Market Research
Any organized effort to gather information

about target markets or customers.

Market research provides important
information to identify and analyze customer
satisfaction, the market need, market size
and competition.
Ex. Putting up a Food House and a onestop house near a college/ university where
there are captured buyers.

Market Research
Market research, which includes social and

opinion research, is the systematic gathering

and interpretation of information about
individuals or organizations using statistical and
analytical methods and techniques of the applied
Social sciences to gain insight or support
decision making.
Ex. Who will be the buyers? The users? The uses
of the products;where and howdo they buy?

Feasibility Study
It is undertaken to establish the viability of

product, service or any business undertaking

before it is launched
It is an analysis of the ability to complete a
project successfully, taking into account
legal, economic, technical, scheduling,
marketing, environmental, social soundness,
social impact and other factors.Ex. Consider
the product & market aspects before
investing too much efforts & finances.

Feasibility Study
A feasibility study allows project managers

to investigate the possible negative and

positive outcomes of a project before
investing too much time and money

Feasibility Study
Infrastructure Building Annex or Extension
for NPCMST Curricular Offerings Expansion
in Brgy. Biday.
Feasibility Study of a Restaurant Project at
the Frontage of NPCMST Building.
A Gasoline Station Project at NPCMST
Handled and Managed by Faculty and

Investigates patterns and sequence of

growth as a function of time

The study focuses on the effects of music in
regulating anxiety of patients before a
breast surgery.

Develops new skills or new approaches to

solve problems.
Consider people who are experiencing
discomforts due to fractured hips
(Qualitative) ( Quantitative research would
deal with the level of discomforts that these
people are experiencing or the level of
dissatisfaction or satisfaction of their work.

Qualitative Research
This is more on the WHY
Qualitative Research does not simply count

things, but is a way of recording peoples

attitudes, feelings and behaviors in greater
This method allows for much more detailed
investigation of issues--- answering questions
of meaning, who is affected (by the issue)
why, what factors are involved, why do
individuals react, or respond differently from
each other.

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research seeks to deal with

human experience, and as such, is more

concerned with transferability as a way of
validating findings and
Qualitative research occurs in natural setting
where human behavior and events happen
and based on assumptions.

Qualitative Research
Data are particularly useful when you wish to

find out why people engage in such behavior

and are descriptive in nature;
Research projects using qualitative measures
have smaller sample sizes than quantitative
studies. The core of qualitative analysis is

Types of Qualitative Research

Case study
Grounded theory
Historical research
Action research

These are studies how individuals

experience a phenomenon. The question in

phenomenology is: What is the meaning,
structure and essence of the lived
experiences of this phenomenon?

What is the essence of peoples
experiences when they found out their
loved one has a terminal cancer?
What coping mechanisms do patients
employ before a major surgery?
What is the essence of students
experiences on uncaring teachers?


A Phenomenological Study of the Levels of

Pain Experienced by Children Aged 3-5 Years
Undergoing an Intravenous Injection in the
Presence of their Mothers.(How do the
children describe the levels of pain they
experienced while undergoing intravenous
injection while their mother was with them
and their mother was not with them?

This is the discovery and description of the

culture of a group of people. And

originates in the discipline of anthropology.
The final report should provide a rich and
holistic description of the culture of the
group under study.

The Aetas Way of Life
PhilippinesTourism Spots and their
Influences to a Brighter Life
The Training of Aeta Teachers from
Zambales for the past 10 years into the
formulation of a Teacher Education Model

Case Study
A case is a bounded system (e.g. a person,

group, activity, process) because it explains

the case
It is an in depth examination of people or
groups of people. It applies to
anthropology, law, medicine, sociology, etc.
Multiple methods of data collection may be
interviews, observations, documents, and

Case Study
A Case History of a Mental Retarded College
Student at NPCMST, his family background,
causes and effects to her studies
A Case Study on the Prospects of Offering
Graduate School at the NPCMST:
Requirements, Governance and

Biographical Study
It is an exhaustive account of life

A collection and analysis of an intensive
account of a whole life or portion of a life,
usually by an in-depth unstructured
interview; &
It is the life history of a person.

Biographical Study
The Life History of the former President
Ferdinand E. Marcos
The Biographical Sketch of the newly
elected President Rodrigo Duterte
Your Own Biographical Sketch.

Grounded Theory
These are studies in which data are collected

and analyzed and then a theory is developed

that is grounded in the data.
Grounded theory method uses both an
inductive and a deductive approach to theory
development. According to Field and Morse
(1985), constructs and concepts are
grounded in the data and hypotheses are
tested as they arise from the research

Grounded Theory
Data are gathered in naturalistic settings

(field settings). Data collection primarily

consists of participant observation and
interviews, and data are recorded through
handwritten notes and tape recordings. Data
collection and data analysis occur
The grounded theory approach presumes it is
possible to discover fundamental patterns in
all social life (called basic social processes).

Grounded Theory
Grounded theory is more concerned with the

generation rather than the testing of

hypotheses. The theory that is generated is
self-correcting, which means that as data are
gathered, adjustments are made to the theory
to allow for the interpretation of new data
that are obtained.

Historical Research
It concerns the identification, location,

evaluation, and synthesis of data from the

past. It seeks not only to discover the
events of the past but to relate these past
happenings to the present and to the
The data for historical research are usually
found in documents or in relics and
artifacts. Documents may include a wide
range of printed material. Relics and
artifacts are items of physical evidence.

Historical Research
The sources of historical data are

frequently referred to as primary and

secondary sources. Primary sources are
those that provide firsthand information or
direct evidence. Secondary sources are
secondhand information (or sometimes
third or fourth hand).
The data for historical research should be
subjected to two types of evaluation.

Historical Research
External criticism
It is concerned with the authenticity or
genuineness of the data and should be
considered first
Establishes the validity of the data
Internal criticism
It examines the accuracy of the data and
is considered after the data are considered
to be genuine
Establishes the reliability of the data

Historical Research
If Mother tongue will work best in
teaching Grades 1-3 as an approach
The historical background of the City of
San Fernando: Its impact to the life
students in the city

Action Research
Qualitative research that seeks action to

improve practice and study the effects of

the action that was taken (Streubert &
Carpenter, 202)
There is no goal of trying to generalize the
findings of the study, as is the case in
quantitative research studies. In action
research, the implementation of solutions
occurs as an actual part of the research

Qualitative Researches Across The

Different Fields of Inquiry
Common belief in understanding human

action is through systematic study and

The use of quantitative research
approaches, others opt for qualitative
research methods, and some use a
combination on of both

Part IV.
How to choose/formulate titles,
objectives and problems

On Titles
You may choose your title depending on
Preferences and interests
Abilities and intellectual capability
Suitability of your particular approaches to
your topic

On Titles
The need of our institution as mandated

Financial capability
Availability of books and references and
Administrative support

On Titles
It should reflect the problem, contents and

variables of the study

It must inform adequately with the least
possible words. Titles should not be more
than 14 words.
Avoid such unnecessary words as studies
on, investigation on, assessment on and
evaluation on

On Statement of the Problem

and Objectives
The most important part of a proposal

from where all the other parts emanate

The research problem can be either in a
statement or question form
The objectives are the particulars or
details of the problem

On Statement of the Problem

and Objectives
The statements of what researchers want

to find out
The objectives must be within the scope of
the problem and must be stated in
declarative form.
There are 2 types of objectives: General
and Specific

Aims of Research Objectives

Criteria to measure/ outcome of study are

Relevant variable to be studied are
Choice of research design to be used are
Pointers on data collection are provided
Tool for research analysis are determined

Criteria of a Good Research

Researchable-able to answer question and

solve problem
Sustains the interest of researcher
Within the research capabilities(needed skills,
Manageable in scope and depth
Has the potentials to contribute something
Be significant/important

Characteristics of Research



Characteristics of Research

S- Specific
Clearly specify the variable to be studied or


M- Measurable
Outcomes of the study need to be


Characteristics of Research

A- Attainable
Results of the study should be known

within the researchers time, effort and


R- Result- oriented
Yield results either in conformity or non

conformity of the hypothesis

Characteristics of Research

T- Time Bound
Done within a certain length of time

P- Precise
The visibility and clarity of the expected

outcomes or results are observable

A- Adequate
Objective should help researcher to accomplish

the objective/goal of the research project

Acceptable Ways of Stating the

General Objective
Transform the problem statement from an

interr form to a declarative form. Infinitive

form of the verb can be used to introduce
the problem statement, i.e., to determine,
to identify, to specify, etc.
Transform problem statement from an
interrogative to a declarative form by using
the gerund form of the verb, i.e.,
determining, identifying, specifying

Organizational Effectiveness and
Management Functions of Administrators
and Faculty Members of DMMMSU, La
Union: Input to a One-Year Service Plan

General Statement of the

The study seeks to determine the level of

organizational effectiveness and management

functions of administrators and the faculty
members, as assessed by non-teaching staff
and student leaders of DMMMSU, La Union,
City of San Fernando, La Union, and SY 20142015. Anchored on this problem, a one-year
service plan was formulated to enhance and
improve the organizational effectiveness and
management functions of DMMMSU, La Union
administrators and faculty members.

Specific Objectives
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following
1. What is the demographic profile of the
administrators and faculty members from
the different colleges in terms of: age,
gender, position, rank, no. of years of
experience as administrators or teachers,
no. of seminars and trainings attended,
and their highest educational attainment?

Specific Objectives
2. What is the level of effectiveness of the
administrators and faculty members
along the ff. areas of concern:
a. Responsiveness of the schools welfare
b. Management innovation
c. Decision-making
d. Leadership behavior and
e. Accountability?

Specific Objectives
3. What is the level of effectiveness of the 5
management functions of administrators
and faculty members in terms of the ff:
a. Planning
b. Leading
c. Organizing
d. Coordinating and
e. Evaluating

Specific Objectives
4. Is there a significant relationship between
the level of effectiveness of the
administrators and faculty members along
the 5 mentioned areas of concern and to
their level of effectiveness along the 5
mentioned management functions?

Specific Objectives
5. Based on the problem, what one-year
service plan can be formulated to help
enhance the organizational effectiveness
and Management functions of the

End of Presentation
Thank you for

Have a Good Day!

Lets Do Research

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