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The Stamp Act/ Townshend Act

Who did it happen to?

The Stamp Act was passed by the British
The Townshend Act was the English parliament.


The Stamp Act was the new tax was imposed on all
American colonist and required them to pay a tax on every
piece of printed paper.
The Townshend Act imposed duties on glass, lead, paints,
paper, and tea imported into the colonies.

When did it happen?

Stamp Act March 22,1756
Townshend Act June, 1767

Where did it happen?

The Stamp Act happened at the parliament of Great Britain.
The Townshend Act happened in Great Britain.

Why did it happen and

what was the outcome?
The Stamp Act came at a time when the British Empire was
deep in debt from the seven years war (1756-63).
The Townshend Act happened because the British didnt
have enough money to supply their own people from the
other war that had just happened.

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